The Shapeshifter Academy


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The Shapeshifter Academy, where only carnivore shapeshifters attend.

If there is only one exception in that place,

“…I don’t taste good.”

It was me, the herbivore deer, Bendy Reppy.

I planned to quietly endure until graduation by hiding the fact that I’m a deer, pretending to be a fox, but.

“This year’s student council president is, Bendy Reppy.”


No matter how I see it, I think it’s hopeless to graduate quietly.


Hiding my identity, avoiding the carnivore shapeshifters’ fangs, and even doing the Student Council President’s work, I’m so busy to death, but,

“Now, I think it would be a bit of a bummer if the President dies.”

I ended up getting involved with the fool white tiger, who’s crazy,

“It wasn’t long ago when I act annoyingly, saying that I’ll prey on you.”

The troublemaker wolf who feeds off of his own pride,

“Touch me.”

And even a real lion who abruptly asks me to touch him.

The Shapeshifter Academy in which they say that herbivore shapeshifters can’t survive.

“President, you look exactly like that.”


“A deer.”

I, surely should be able to graduate without getting caught, right?

Associated Names
One entry per line
수인 아카데미
Related Series
The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther (Same Franchise)
If You’re Being Held Hostage, Wiggle the Carrot! (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. [Demibeast~shapeshifter] (KR)
  2. with a bunch of men cuz why the hell not
  3. Stories with Animal Shifters
  4. Reverse Harem
  5. Non-humans and their meng pt.3

Latest Release

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chimichimi rated it
April 20, 2023
Status: c6
This is reaaaaaaalllllly good. (If you like Symbiotic relationship between a Rabbit and a Black panther I hear it's the same author.) In a place with hot animal shifters, uniforms and magic, one little herbivore is ready to risk it all to protect her secret and remain safe from the forces conniving against her :D

The only downside on this series so far is the many frustration-bourne gnaw marks now adorning on my laptop from checking this and not seeing any new chapters. The translation is SO BEAUTIFUL that even if... more>> I knew how to mtl Korean, if that's a thing, or access raws, I would just be dropping a rock on my foot if I did so. After reading this, and coming to the end of the posted chaps, I feel roughly how I did when I realized that I would have to wait two years for the second part of the Breath of the Wild game to come out: really bad at waiting.

Hopefully for anyone else who thinks life is too short to read light novels that don't have any reviews yet my two cents can help.

BTW for thise with a soft spot for school animal drama, the hilarious manga Herbivore High is highly recommended in that category as well. <<less
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profesional miser
profesional miser rated it
September 3, 2024
Status: c10?
The book itself is entertaining but this review is more about the current latest translator, gravity novels, as they have just used something like chat gpt to translate, didn't check the output and posted the ai's summary of the chapter instead of the actual chapter, not to mentioned the parts they did that arent ai summary arent full chapter lengths, making it hard to tell what chapter you are actually on, overall a frustrating experience
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