The Scion of the Labyrinth City


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I became the Scion of the Labyrinth City from the Gacha game I play—the character who’s fated for downfall in the main story. “I’ll crush the heads of those who oppose my policies with my war hammer.”

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미궁도시의 독재 영주
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Western Names Part 2
  2. Korean (Male Protagonist) #1

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/19/24 Omega Translations c105
12/16/24 Omega Translations c104
12/13/24 Omega Translations c103
12/12/24 Omega Translations c102
12/09/24 Omega Translations c101
12/06/24 Omega Translations c100
12/05/24 Omega Translations c99
12/03/24 Omega Translations c98
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11/20/24 Omega Translations c95
11/16/24 Omega Translations c94
11/12/24 Omega Translations c93
11/11/24 Omega Translations c92
11/06/24 Omega Translations c91
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2 Reviews

Apr 25, 2024
Status: c58
This reborn-in-a-game WN has a heavy load of intrigue, lots of fornication and a MC both cunning, h**ny and desperate enough to cover any readers need for a survive-no-matter-what story!

The female lead is both dedicated, devoted AND a smoking hot one-man-sl*t...

While the premise of the MC being 'trapped in a dungeon city until he beats the final boss' might not be completely original, the political intrigues tying him to the neighboring Country+Empire is bound to spice things up in the following chapters!

All-in-all, a good read and I hope the Author... more>> will take it all the way to the finish line! <<less
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Novel Casanova
Novel Casano
Oct 06, 2024
Status: c7
Just a quick first impressions for this- Because reading this even past just the starting is really hard. This is one of those novels where every single character is unlikeable.

The novel has barely begun and the MC has mentioned his d*ck at least twice or thrice in every single chapter. Maybe there is some actual story past this, some political intrigue idfk what I can see for certain is that the MC is an insufferable prick who thinks about his own prick at least for 4 hours a day which... more>> in fact makes him gay.

Even the other women the two of which were introduced despite 7 chapters having passed, are so incredibly shallow that they're only thinking about gaining power through association with the MC who is in control of the labyrinth city via birthright. Because his bloodline is literally cursed to be tied to the labyrinth itself.

And then the MC goes on and on about finding this girl who would give him 'true love' and be unconditionally loyal. Just an overall bad experience to torture yourself to read through this.

How is this the same author as "Academy Kibitz villain" I dont know, but this just goes on to show that not every novel can be up to quality. <<less
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