The Reincarnator Is Reborn Into a Former Famous Aristocratic Family on the Frontier. Born Into a Family Where Muscles and Power Are Considered the Embodiment of Justice, He Is a Good-Natured Maverick. He Is Thrown Into the Academy for the First Time


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Jin Onijima is a high school student who was reincarnated in another world after dying in an unexpected accident.

The family he was born into was an aristocratic family.

However, the residents of that house have been imbued with the image of being some of the most rowdy people in the country.

That kind of image in the world… is definitely not wrong.

Even in such a family, Jin…Ishud is a crazy person in a sense.

Then, Ishud is noticed by the previous head of the family, a man who is considered to be Ishud’s great-grandfather, and he begins to walk the path of becoming a fine tyrannical warrior.

“Ishud, will you please attend the school?’


One day, his father, Alba, asked him an unexpected request.

Associated Names
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Reincarnated person, reincarnated to a famous frontier aristocrat. A well-meaning maverick born into a family where muscles and power are justice... He is thrown into the school for the first time in three generations.
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Japanese novel
  2. Atrocious names

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2 Reviews sorted by

boltpl rated it
February 12, 2024
Status: 40c
To generic, MC lived in the world for 14 years and has no acquaintances.

World building don t exists.

Writing lacks any details.

Author quickly abandoned “muscle theme”.

There is magic in the world, but somehow that fact is often forgotten by author.

Battles are poorly written.

Classic school life boring genre – battles outside school are completely skipped.

I was surprised that so little real content was in this novel, just generic standard interactions with no background, I totaly wasted my money on this one.
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Songokusu rated it
June 7, 2024
Status: c30
It's not terribly written, and the premise of a berserker soldier entering school and getting bored is executed fine... But, it's boring, or dry at best. The battles aren't given much detail, there's no rivals in the school, no romance, no plot. If you look at the tags you'll realize it's as barebones as they say.

Another thing... This translator absolutely needs a competent editor but doesn't have one. The subjects are all over the place, commonly getting who's being refered to, talked to, or is talking incorrect. They choose words... more>> incongruous with the context or meaning sometimes as well which makes the read uncomfortable on top of being bland.

TLDR; do not recommend. 3*s might actually be too lenient <<less
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