The Reason Why She Can’t Get Married


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On the day of her wedding, Selena’s husband killed her. When she reopened her eyes, she found herself back before her marriage; however, the problem was that she couldn’t remember her husband’s face.

There were only two things she remembered:

“If we happen to meet again and get married, I’ll kill you once more.”

She received such a threat from her husband, and before her marriage, she had received marriage proposals from three different men. Selena vowed to live as a single woman again to avoid being killed by her husband’s hands once more…

“Can’t I come to visit you because I’m interested in you?”

“Does it make sense that you don’t like me? I’m the Crown Prince, after all.”

“If you marry me, I’ll give all the money I earn to you, Selena.”

The three men who had proposed to her before were starting to approach her again.

Despite Selena’s efforts to avoid them as much as possible, she finds herself in a desperate situation where she has to choose one of them, including her husband…

‘Who among them is the madman who killed me?’

* * *

Candidate 1: Duke Ratliffe, famous as a war hero.

“Duke, have you ever killed someone?”

“Yes, I have.”

Candidate 2: The arrogant Crown Prince with flawed personality.

“What if the other parties don’t listen to Your Highness’s words and act on their own?”

“If they have no manners, I might just kill them.”

Candidate 3: The mysterious and powerful Tower Lord, with everything shrouded in secrecy.

“Sir Raymond, have you ever lost control of your magic and gone on a rampage?”


… Can I really survive this time without being killed?

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