The Princess’s Guard is the Assassin Aiming for Her Life


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“If you don’t kill me, then you can do what you want with my body!”

“If you can get me in the mood within a month, then sure.”

A princess who makes a bet with an assassin… Is the only way to save her life to seduce him? But…

“I tend to want to kill the people I like.”

It seems that she’s screwed either way!?

This is the romantic comedy between a princess trying to save her skin and an assassin who has fun watching her struggle!

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Date Group Release
12/13/23 Merry Bad End... bonus part3
12/13/23 Merry Bad End... bonus part2
12/13/23 Merry Bad End... bonus part1
12/12/23 Merry Bad End... v1 epilogue part2
12/12/23 Merry Bad End... v1 epilogue part1
12/07/23 Merry Bad End... v1c20
12/07/23 Merry Bad End... v1c19
12/06/23 Merry Bad End... v1c18
12/06/23 Merry Bad End... v1c17
12/05/23 Merry Bad End... v1c16
12/05/23 Merry Bad End... v1c15
11/30/23 Merry Bad End... v1c14
11/28/23 Merry Bad End... v1c13
11/27/23 Merry Bad End... v1c12
11/23/23 Merry Bad End... v1c11
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