The Nine Cauldrons


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Emperor Zi Yu used 5 strikes of his axe to split mountains and unify everyone underneath the heavens. He partitioned the land into 9 areas, thus establishing the Nine Cauldrons which eventually became known as the 9 prefectures.

When Emperor Zi Yu died, disputes unceasingly arose

One thousand years later, a once in a generation genius, Heavenly Emperor of Qin Mountains was born. Able to split a one hundred meter river, equipped with his peerless martial prowess, he finally united the land under the heavens. However, when Heavenly Emperor of Qin Mountains died, chaos once again shrouded the land. Another one thousand years passed and no one was able to consolidate the nation.

From contemporary society, great Chinese Martial Artist Teng Qingshan, unexpectedly arrived into this world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jiuding Ji
Related Series
The Desolate Era (9)
Coiling Dragon (5)
Swallowed Star (4)
Pivot of the Sky (3)
Martial World (3)
True Martial World (3)
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  5. Novels i like (No Harem)

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56 Reviews sorted by

Merogin rated it
January 1, 2017
Status: c238
This is probably the point where I'm not going to pick back up the story. Overall a decent story with interesting cultivation, although some of the plot arcs are meh. Essentially the author ticked me off and so I lost interest in continuing to read the remainder of this novel. I still very much enjoy his other works this one he just dropped the ball on.

While author did drop hints about this I don't care for him just killing off and maiming people left and right. Especially when its the main characters love interest. I understand why he did it from a plot perspective as he needs to keep the MC driven to reach the top power level (or he'd have to stop the story here) but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Especially when he's shown himself capable of writing stories without indiscriminate slaughter to get a knee jerk reaction out of people

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ziki rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: c493
Out of all IET novels I read (CD, DE, Swallowed star) this one is without the doubt the least impressive and has the most lazy writing.

It was still enjoyable read overall but there are many aspects that are really pitiful and author doesn't care about changing the already well established fact. Like MC is the mad overpowered reincarnated hitman with extreme power of disguise and impossible to track... still there are many occasions in the story where for the sake of the plot, all those abilities suddenally mean nothing. As... more>> usual there are many people wanting to kill MC... so MC uses his godly skills and when the story needs them, they are impossible to see through, when IET remembers that there hasn't been a proper battle in the while, any random guy can now see through this disguise with a single look. This is just one of few examples. Speaking of MC though, with him being reincarnated grandmaster martial artist, he is MAD overpowered and while the previous world had different cultivation methods, it doesn't take MC any time to learn and understand new one. Basically MC is absolute master from the get go and with it the best aspect of IET novels with is MC's improvement and grow is absolutely taken away. In DE, MC was reincarnated cripple so fighting and all that stuff was new to him and him growing in power was interesting sight. Here however MC is established as absolute master from a toddler standpoint so it's really boring this way. Like this, without the doubt this MC is the worst MC I read in IET novels and overall he is below average all novels. It's not like MC is bad but he doesn't really have any interesting qualities that would make him stand out in any way in form.

Generally this novel is for IET fans that already read the other translated series and wish for more... if you didn't read the other ones, it's much better to start there and after reading those deciding whatever you wish more. <<less
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sal880612m rated it
June 8, 2016
Status: c137
This is a fairly typical IET story, if you like his other works there is a good chance you will like this one too. The one thing I do have to say is more in reply to riida's review. CoCayn seems to share a similar sentiment with me, but the position of riida's review has moved since then.

The entire first book was not wasted, and the MC in no way betrayed himself after he reincarnated. The entire first book wasn't about how badass of an assassin the MC was, it... more>> was about how strongly he valued his family. Going so far as to die in obscurity to protect the only family he had left. <<less
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Llamia rated it
March 20, 2016
Status: --
The first book was so sad I cried. Just finished the 1st book and I had to review immediately. What I find different about this one is the amount of time the author spends on the before-reincarnation (a whole book 1 on it). At first, I was like “hurry up and freakin die man, ” but that was just my eagerness. I thoroughly enjoyed book one. It gave us a look into why he’s so powerful, who he is/was, and his personality. I’m moving on to book 2, and will... more>> update when I have time.

I also have to say to people who are discouraged to read this because of SC (2/5) rating. I have read all releases to date and it is an inaccurate review. I will explain in a spoiler.


The MC’s wife dies way before the beginning of book 1. Its not like we done spent time with the woman and got to know her. She died before the period where we start reading, so to me, it doesn’t qualify as killing off. Also, so far the MC doesn’t have another love interest. Though one girl did like him and pursued him, he only entertained her as a friend. This is all before reincarnation

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Zari rated it
October 3, 2016
Status: --
It was going great, that is, until I read chapter 238 today. I'm the type of person who absolutely loathes it when my OP MC is clearly meant to be a "dragon amongst men" but gets caught up in romance with a girl.. ESPECIALLY when he wasn't interested in her in the first place. ESPECIALLY when the hoe isn't even as OP as he is. She just stuck herself by his side. Other aspects of the story are cool though. I guess. Reincarnated person who had skills in his previous... more>> life is OP in present life because of said skills and more. MC is not the overbearing/arrogant/jerk type.

I normally love IET novels so the content of the story shouldn't really surprise me (female who forced herself into being mc's woman, easygoing but strong mc) but this time it's too much. Maybe I can't take it because by this point I've read so many CN and it's a recurring theme for the mc's woman to be useless and I'm tired of it. If you have no problem with the aforementioned points that grind my gears then I encourage you to read it! This story isn't tr*sh. I'm just an annoyed person who's ranting. <<less
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DeathStroke96 rated it
May 18, 2016
Status: c118
I like the story overall, tbh I only read CD, ST & DE from IET and I liked all three but my favourite of the three is CD but that is not important. This is a very good novel and I can proudly say that I enjoy it. Like with most or at least with CD and DE the build of power takes a while for the MC and the story around it is quite nice, the only negative that I would say is that IET keeps reminding the readers... more>> that the MC was a grandmaster in his previous life and in this new one he is still this grandmaster because he achieved it in his past life, which at first didnt really get me to think much about these reminders but if you see this in almost every chapter since book 2 until the present it can get pretty annoying however other than that the different arcs and the slow power up with little knowledge regarding anything currently is what is keeping me to check back each day to see what else I can see from the story <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
March 1, 2017
Status: c368
It's not good but its not bad either. I'm somehow satisfied. I love the way things started.. but as always the Author has a bad habit of discarding characters and forcing things. The romance is terrible and misleading! I love the fact its not Harem but it feels like he's doing bad written romance on purpose... Please read my spoiler. I don't blame you for dropping this.

At first the Author makes you think he reincarnated with his Wife to this world. I love how she's mentioned in this story time to time. It makes you feel as if its foreshadowing for her appearance. Not only does the Author gives good details about her but she gave the Cauldron to the MC which made him reincarnate. The MC pretty much ends with the "Im just beautiful" type of girl. If it weren't for her Father being sect Master she would just be an ordinary girl. She's overly sheltered who doesn't know the difficulties of life. Im deeply infuriated how Wu Man or Li Guan who have such crazy amazing characters are discarded and not the main heroine! Wtf those characters are gold and have only few appearance. Wu man talks like a drunken old man its hilarious and Li Guan is a stone cold tsundere. Im just flushing red now with anger.. By the time the MC 100 he would still look 20! And she an ordinary girl wouldn't love that long.. Everything is forced... The author is a son of bit*h with this. I love Teng Qinhu. Despite being a cousin he had never held greed to MC. He fell in love with her first and MC said he would not interfere and this Princess wasnt his type. Teng Qinhu comforts her all the time and is with her. Who does she end with? MC! She was told not to go to battlefield. What happens? She gets stabbed!


Despite it. I love the little sister and I love this more then Desolate Era. Desolate Era is a lot more forced with badly written deaths. I find this a lot more heartwarming which is rare in CNs. I recommend 'Invincible Conqueror." That writer took a lot of ideas from this Novel. I actually prefer this Novel more though since-

The romance for the little sister was not rushed and her romance was satisfying to a degree.. but invincible conqueror its marriage right off the bat.


Thank you for reading the Novel starts at chapter 18.

The Author is just so half ass about every character and every Arc. I want to rate this 3 stars and I've dropped this Novel plenty of times... Its just of curiosity that Im still reading. I want to be a loyal fan but.. If lord yue xing and dragon coiling is as bad as this and not have improvement... then ill be truly be disappointed. The author has such good ideas and isn't generic harem. But if he keeps doing this ill start rating this badly.

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Stark3 rated it
June 13, 2016
Status: --
A pretty good IET novel. Giving it a good basis first on modern martial arts, and then afterwards giving it that xianxia twist makes for a fun read. My only complaint would be, it feels like the novel was cut short. Am at the next to the last volume, and from my standpoint there's enough material for the story to go on for a couple more arcs, 3-4 more volumes at the least. I think it's a complement to the novel though that I want to keep reading more of... more>> it. (As opposed to other novels that you just have to drop because things have gotten too repetitive, weird, or too drawn out) <<less
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ZhaWarudo rated it
March 26, 2016
Status: --
Too early to really tell (v2c36), seems slightly worse than ST, CD, SS... or it could be me getting used to xianxia (though this one is wuxia) but I can tell you this : read from the beginning at Gravity Tales, otherwise prepare for grammar ruining the story so much you may drop it like I once did
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doggo rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Although not the best, this novel doesn't deserve harsh comments either. Especially the top review with almost 200 likes.

The first book wasn't worthless, as it shows the calm and rational assassin's personality. It tells the reader what to expect. So that you won't be confused in the next chapters like that reviewer did.

If you want to read an MC who has no brain and saves every person he meets with the plot armor, don't bother reading this novel.

Again, you should understand what the MC is about in the first book,... more>> a calm, mature and rational assassin. Nothing more, nothing less.

To answer in-depth:


MC knows the pain of losing a wife, a partner he shared everything with. In contrast, a youngster's first sight love is meaningless, MC is aware of this fact.

Not only MC but IET is aware of this and tries to explain this through his novels.

Although romance is not that the strong part of IET novels, it is much better/valuable than most other novels. 2 of his novels, MC fell in love with a girl only to notice there is much more to look for other than physical beauty... Although not appreciated by the majority of readers here, I know IET is doing a great job when it comes to showing the true meaning of love.

This novel is not different, MC knows who is worth to die for. A teenager's first love doesn't have the same value as his sister or his wife. It simply is not. That doesn't make MC a cold-hearted bastard. No, MC would still save his cousin's love if it was really possible.

Actually this is written in the novel as well, MC's inner thought explains he a middle-aged man will help a teenager mature. As 1- the girl was practically dead at this point and 2- his town would be killed if he chose to save the lady. That is also why he didn't bother going with full speed, his first objective was to teach the youngster and made him more mature.

Apart from that, the two situations were not the same either. For the cousin's situation, there were hundreds of enemies and the girl was with them. The only one to save the girl would obviously be MC, everyone was aware of this fact.

For MC's sister, there were a hundred enemy and the girl was not with them.

More importantly, in first situation everyone knew the bandit's location, while on the second, bandits were scattered after a huge battle. No one knew what others did.

I don't even know why someone has to explain all this but I couldn't stand it. Even the calmness of MC was criticized while that was the only reason the town managed to live another day... I think most readers are too used to read OP MC's that walk everywhere with heavy plot armor. This is not that kind of novel, in a world full of experts, you HAVE TO think about your mortal family and friends And this novel is mostly about this very fact.

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February 28, 2019
Status: c500
Great novel written really well. To say what I dislike is that it really is a mystery how strong the MC is. I mean he acts very timid because he is afraid he is not strong enough. Yet the next chapter he destroys the enemy single handedly. It really is a wonder. The power levels are really a disappointment. Someone two minor realms higher than the MC can't even catch him despite the novel repeatedly saying that the speed is the same in that realm. I really wonder what the... more>> point of ranking up is.


one plot hole I discovered is that the blind swordmaster seemingly is portrayed as a very smart fellow who knows when to retreat and to advance. Yet he always overlooks the threat of Teng Qingshan. Like the blind swordman killed the elder of MC sect and he could have easily captured the MC family and brought them back to his place to threaten the MC. Since the MC was advancing too quickly he could have easily done this. Instead he runs back home and orders his armies to attack the sect. This ticked me off because I know that the blind swordman could have captured the MC parents and then easily took care of MC when he came to rescue them. But unfortunately the plot armor kicked in.

Other than that the MC is pretty whack when it comes to love but his a decent character. His not the smartest tbh but his character is also not bad. I'd say his one of the best characters in a Chinese wuxia but the story should have continued tbh

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MothEmperor07 rated it
December 29, 2016
Status: c292
This novel is one of those hidden gems which simply stands out from the rest of the bunch. Yes, being an IET novel, it contains his usual tropes but boy does it execute it well. Since the story is one of the shortest of IET novels the plot, which while being generic moves at a steady pace which always keeps you interested.

It follows the usual weak to strong trope common in xianxia novels due to mind blowing talent as a result of reincarnation. But the subplots serve the story well... more>> and unlike the other IET novels there aren't many minor characters which are like use and throw pens, although that could be because of the short length of the novel. The MC gets OP pretty quick but that doesn't take away from the novel. The only cons I would say are the first volume and the translation speed. The first volume is important as it foreshadows the talent of MC in next life but if you skip it, you wont miss much. The translation speed seems a bit slow, although that could be just me as I cant wait for further chapters, and it kinda takes away from the flow of the novel. But the translation quality is pretty awesome being a gravity tales project and it makes the wait worth it. I recommend it to anyone who loves xianxia. Even readers who don't particularly like IET's novels will find it interesting as its different from the rest of his bunch.

All in all, a pretty well deserved 5/5 from me. <<less
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tallrice rated it
August 18, 2016
Status: Completed

I quite enjoyed nine cauldrons. I was not able to get into other of IET's novels, but I should try again, perhaps.

The story itself is quite generic, so I can't give a stunning review in terms of a gripping plot or deep personalities or even original setting. It suffers of a common xianxia fault, which is a kind divorce of the MC from the world. The first arc (about 200 chapters) sticks to his hometown and local forces, but ever since the Da Yan Mountain arc, or even before that with the short arc on the fire fruit, the author starts going on these quests around the world, and there is neither proper description of his trials and daily life, or the sights he sees, nor is there a social context - enemies and allies, objectives to accomplish. So it grows harder and harder to turn the pages.

He does go back to his hometown, but it feels like the author lots touch with it a bit. He is so focused on getting to the point, setting up his Xing Yi Men and showing that he lives happily ever after (with a few intense battle sequences here and there) that he just resorts to time skips (both big and small) and informing the reader of stuff the MC apparently did that prepared him for stuff, but that the author was too lazy to write about. The biggest regret I have here is that his children become really shallow characters. They both seem lovely and interesting, but there's just not enough time given to them, the author was impatient by the end.

That being said, his cultivation system is good. I like that the MC focuses on his spear technique, and develops his own moves, slowly throughout the story. The author later in the novel reveals a lot about the 2 predominant schools and sets the MC on course to create another, and I quite like how he describes the process and the differences between these 3 daos.

I also quite like certain impressions the author here and there leaves on me. Sometimes this is a quick description of the weather to set the mood, sometimes the way he describes the MC's insight into a technique, sometimes in the unexpected decision one of his character's arrives at, or the introduction of music or art or other details that add to some of his arcs and ambiences.

I also enjoyed the romance.



The MC actually fails at protecting his first love in the new world. This is significant in Chinese literature considering most just end up with a girl and remain faithful for evermore. There was room here for the author to explore some other emotions, like the regrets and will to avenge, as well as the happier side of getting together with another girl. The plot with Li Jun is slightly insipid though. Our MC is so concerned about his previous life's lover that he denies he has any feelings for her for too long. Fortunately, he changes his mind and they have a sweet, if not all that exciting, marriage and family life. I do quite enjoy the scenes with his family when he returns to Jiang Ning Jun.


Be it the close parallels between names of historical characters and the geography with actual Chinese history, the close resemblance of the cultivation style with other xianxias, there is a lot of standard xianxia fare. But the execution is smooth and overall, this has been quite enjoyable.
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Love4NovelGuy rated it
February 10, 2017
Status: c300
Some reviews say that the first book was useless and wasn't needed for the overall plot, but I disagree with that assumption entirely. This novel really showed a good portrayal of the main characters overall personality before thrusting us into a parallel world with Martial Cultivators.

The action is good, the characters are good, and the MC is a lot more believable than any other MC who does stuff cause it's cool.

There are many interesting things being used in the plot of this story and the MC has his own unique... more>> type of cultivation. <<less
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Rase rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: c508
It was a great novel until I read the ending. It made me so angry. It's like "I'm too lazy to think of an ending, I'll just let the readers think whatever they want to think".
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Afm rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: Completed
I like how 'a- transmigrate- soul' STAY TRUE with his character/personality.

Unlike those 'typical- tr*shy-transmigrated-retared-ML novel'..

He, ORIGINALLY a dead man-> got a 'golden' chance to 'be alive AGAIN'-> and got chance to became a cultivator...

... more>> he, who ORIGINALLY a cold-blood killer in his previous world,

WHY should he give any sh*t to run around mindlessly trying to save every single passer-by (keep in mind! He's ORIGINALLY a FOREIGN SOUL with no ORIGINAL-kins here), SO.. WITHOUT strategy.. Why should he throw-away his own "2nd-life" for others???

To be an immortal cultivator, by mean he himself are going against the heaven will/fate, with his own cultivation... Doesn't mean he have to sacrifice himself just to save 'Passer-By-Character'??!!

I wouldn't care for some comment calling the MC hypocrite... It's their personal opinion.. lol

But to me... This novel are great! <<less
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MoonEmperor000 rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: --
Ive almost read the comments. So far I was a bit disappointed where the MC saids that he let the bride got abducted and r*ped. He had a love one before that died but let this happen. It only means this MC is hypocrite and am not gonna waste my time reading this novel. Sigh..
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landon9560 rated it
January 15, 2020
Status: c621
Unless I am mistaken, I have finished the novel when I have written this review.

Overall it is a good novel, but the ending is as unsatisfying as the dark tower series by Stephan King, though if you have read another of IET's novels, you can probably guess what will happen next.

If you read the beginning of the novel, you will undoubtedly come to the conclusion that he is, in fact, an assassin. Basically as soon as he is old enough to stand though, he abandons everything that he knows about... more>> assassinating, and the general rules that everyone thinks of when they think of assassins (don't be seen, only kill someone when you have 100% confidence, try to kill them in one hit, etc. Etc.). Besides knowing how to hide himself in sh*t situations, he is 100% in the camp of "if I hit harder I win, " and only uses anything that isn't "look how smart and strong I am" when facing opponents he could literally sneeze on and kill them.

Overall another IET novel, something that's fun to read, but follows the same general outline. Live for the family, get stronger, get revenge for the family, get stronger, do something to heal close relative/make them more powerful, hit max level, get ready to create new world/universe, with some "living as a normal person" sprinkled in here and there. Overall, a good time waster. Especially if you like other IET novels. <<less
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Ginko rated it
February 6, 2018
Status: c500
Entertaining - Generic but interesting cultivation and progression.

A few super minor plot holes such as:

Meeting your ex-wife's reincarnation in another world - the odds?
Kingdom politics - You have minor domains and armies in a world, you later find out it's possible that a single person can wipe out an entire army with ease... if that's the case, how did your sect even manage to hold your entire region for so long?
Subpar romance

Worth a read if you have time or bored.
All in all, the ride you ride just because you don't feel like waiting in line at an amus**ent park.
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Daoist LastWish
Daoist LastWish rated it
December 1, 2017
Status: Completed
This is the best IET novel so far. It is perhaps better then even Coiling Dragon. Coiling Dragon has great world building but in terms of story telling, it cannot compare to The Nine Cauldrons.

The Nine Cauldrons is reasonably well written, has all the hallmarks of a good Xianxia and has none of the time wasting fillers. Simple, well written, direct. If you read novels like True Marital World, Immortal Mortal, SOTR, or any of IET's other novels, then give do The Nine Cauldrons a try.

... more>>

Teng Qingshan, is, like the heroes of all Xianxia novels, a hardworking genius. Like all the IET's heroes, he is a cultivation machine with superhuman strength and great dao comprehension. He is also a completely bland generic hero character, but that's how it is with IET.

There is a full supporting cast, including the Master whom the genius MC quickly outshines, parents, and a love interest. Different from other Xianxia novels, this one actually has reasonably well written tender scenes between the MC and his love interest.

Compared to the ret*rded enemies of the most Xianxia, the enemies here are much smarter. The generic spoiled young master makes more than one appearance (and gets killed quite quickly).

All in all, a relatively well written Xianxia. I would rate it a 4, but a lot of low quality crap (such as ATG, ED etc) have scores above 4 in novelupdates, so I am rating it higher to give this a little push.

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