The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness


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The newly rebirthed Ye Jian doesn’t need love! What she wants is to stand high up above other people and to look down on them in disdain!

To those who have bullied me; who have disgraced me: I will return all your favors one by one.

Ever since her rebirth, she used her reputation to eat, yet she became an extraordinary military soldier.

He was born into wealth and could obviously use his family to eat, yet he had to use his own skills to become the youngest general.

He took a fancy to her; she tried to avoid him.

“You need to have a taste of romance.” He said.

“Leave! What I need are bullets!” she angrily replied.

The strong and strong fight; the strong and strong compete. This is the story of a strong military couple.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don't Mess Around!
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Read again and again
  2. Novels I couldn't wait for and MTLd the rest
  3. Incomplete maybe read when complete
  4. Female lead military
  5. favorite novels

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October 23, 2021
Status: c5707
ohh my goddess.. the both is my babyyyy

Its already long ago, I try to review the novel that I read.. But this novel get me back into review page..

I love reading military novel so, I don’t give even a little sh*t to others who said XJH is pe*opile what ever it calls.. Because he is not..

He wait for a long time for YJ becoming adult ok.!! And when other guys start to give love letter, that’s the time that XJH tell his feeling’s to YJ... at that time YJ is... more>> seventeen. For god sake, are you not ever being love and do the monkey love?? Im 27. and till this age, I do not try to fell in love because I afraid its gonna make my life plan mess up.. But XJH is doing the best for YJ. What do you expect more??

I really respect the author.. And I love this novel very badly..I’m crying whenever J5 codename mention.. after he died especially.. I was so sad.. And really afraid whenever all of them go to mission..

I really hope there is future chapter for this novel..I hope it no longer in hiatus. I really want to read until the last, until they tell this story to their grandchildren.. Please author.. If it this novel become banned just bcuz it put to much truth about china military so don’t put to much in the future.. Just give us the rest of the storyyyy pleaseee.. <<less
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Hanokaayumi rated it
January 24, 2019
Status: c5452
The story plot is very well-written with lots of action and twists. It follows the journey of Ye Jian who started off as an orphan and slowly to a highly capable and respected member of the military. The first arc is slow but necessary for the future build-ups. The author left plenty of little hints sprinkled around the story's overarching plot. A 100/100 for me.
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Yazzyreads rated it
July 27, 2022
Status: c714
Jfc. No wonder this is so long. The pacing slows to an absolute CRAWL. I've started skipping chapters when there's no plot or character progression.

I liked it quite a lot at first but I'm thinking of dropping it now.
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sushimomo rated it
April 12, 2022
Status: c5707
I really like the story line as well as the main characters

The MC is cool, strong and smart and really likeable.I don’t feel that she is over powered or anything like the other stories because she genuinely works hard all the time.
The ML is blackbellied but loveable and I’ve read other reviews calling him a pe*ophile and whatnot but this isn’t true at all. He knew her when she was 14 but he didn’t want her as a gf but just admired her. Slowly that admiration turned to adoration but he didn’t pull any advances towards her until she was of legal age

Also for your information the romance is really slow and steady but still I ship them a lot.
The story is incomplete and not completely translated into English even on mtl raws.
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N.Celeste rated it
February 15, 2021
Status: c5707
The novel that made me fall in love with the military category novels, and made the patriotic soul in me wake up. We get a extremely hardworking protagonist who doesn't lose to the ML and doesn't eats anyone shit. It's a highly detailed novel where every chapter is counted like gold as you don't wanna miss a single sentence as in fear you might miss some awesome info. This book made me see china in a different way, well basically their military system in a different way that I basically... more>> dig up all the past wars and info I could find on the country, I was that hooked on it. Yes, to some extent it basically showcase some other countries as villains but for that I can't comment because obviously she's a citizen of china and she'll see through colored glasses in terms of writing bout other countries china had a conflict with. But I just pass it as- 'it's just a book'. But it's a really great book, bout a female soldier and how she overcomes the literal stereotype and is ready to give away her life for her country, her love for country surpasses everything. It makes me see the job of soldier in a holy light, it really send a good message to us readers. And it definitely deserves more attention then it gets- and please update again, it's so long. I'm really anxious the author just vanished in between. *Really sad uwu* <<less
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Rutabaga rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: c3458
I read this about a year ago? So I might have trouble remembering some of the stuff. I read the Chinese version (not using mtl) so I can't provide a review of the translation.

I liked this novel a lot before, but now that I think back on it, there are some rather weird parts. I'll go through the pro and cons so it might be a bit long.


... more>>
    1. Its not your typical romance. The ML and MC are both very supportive and understanding of each other, they don't really argue much like in those drama ones. They have a many-sided relationship, unlike those boring ones, as student and mentor, subordinate and boss, friends to each other... You get the picture. A lot more nice things about their romance but it's too long so I'll cut it short.
    2. The action. It's not meant to be real or depicted correctly as military action should probably not be written like this, but the author's idea of how a "top-secret military group that protects the country" works is pretty good. Of course, there are loopholes, (it's not like only one person can create a working military system entirely by themselves.) but the action is overly good. Its realistic, people actually die since its a dangerous job, unlike some (Chinese) novels who try to make every character live even in a impossible situation.
    3. The characters. They are all very dynamic (besides her cousin+ her family. They are straight up idiots who don't have a personality besides mean) even side characters get romance, overall no entirely useless characters who serve as nothing in the plot, but of course there are characters don't appear after a while (it's how life works. At least they don't suddenly appear after 1000 chapters only to poison the MC). MC isn't entirely Mary Sue, makes mistakes, ML also thinks back on his past actions and feel bad about doing it.

    1. Its on hiatus, the last chapter ended quite abruptly. Even without the hiatus, it'll probably take a very long time to translate.
    2. The ML had his eyes on the MC when she was quite young, didn't like her, just had a interest in her, but there are some flirty parts. He's not a pe*o though.
    3. They depict foreigner soldiers quite badly. I'm Chinese myself, but I felt pretty bad for them. It's for the drama effect, but there is a lot of foreigners in the story is depicted as bad people and it does get on my nerves sometimes. There are of course, good ones, but a lot of them are "bad guys".
    4. Too much face slapping. They face slapped her cousin (?) and her family quite a lot of times. It's like they get defeated and revive again as zombies. She gets kicked out of school but joins the army to compete with MC. She gets kicked out of the army but she has a court session with the MC again (and quite a lot more of that which I don't remember clearly). At least the face slapping makes more sense than other drama novels?
There are definitely more pro and cons like plot holes but mostly these are the main points. Sorry for making you read this long review and please excuse my bad English. <<less
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qinqin34 rated it
August 24, 2020
Status: c309
⭐⭐⭐ Stars for this one

I was skeptical to read this at some point cause there were some conflicting reviews but decided to go read it cause I ran out of good stories to read.

Expectations: I was hoping that the MC would be similar to the Empress' Livestream or Its Not Easy to be a Man After travelling into the Future, but I was mistaken. It was below the level of those two.

... more>>

I was getting creeped out of the ML cause he was obviously g*ooming her when she was in her teens. I get that he didnt outright harrass her or what not, but seriously, touches that are longer than necessary and all those flirty lines and teasing? If he was ugly, it'll be harassment!


The plot was okay, there's the occassional face slapping but it wasnt over the top. I like how the author placed some importance on the MCs school life, training as a soldier and development. Overpowered MC and ML which was as expected. There's a lot of chapters but they weren't too lengthy. There's the nationalistic spirit in the novel, typical for some Chinese works. Also, every few chapters, we're reminded of the ML's and MC's dripping goodlooks.

I think this'll be better if there was a second male lead and readers were left guessing who she'll end up with. It'll atleast give the MC a sense of choice and not end up looking like a prey for the typical "CEO elites" ML. It kinda removed the selling point of this novel for me, which was the strong, independent and proud MC. <<less
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nanamireina rated it
January 13, 2020
Status: c415
To answer everyone's question as to what happened to the author.

Her story has been locked as it was said that it was overly realistic and hence she was asked to amend.

Based on recent comments on Weibo, her story has already been released which means she should have finished with her edits. Now we'll just need to wait for her to write her next update :)
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ramenchan rated it
April 25, 2023
Status: c133
i honestly re started reading it because I had a lot of school work but now that I'm older I see some veeery concerning factors in the novel that makes me want to drop it.

... more>>

The ML is 20 smthn years and coming onto the 14-year-old MC like f*ckin weirdo. The author tries to wave it off saying that the MC is mentally 28. But the ML doesn't know that!! He's just targeting her because she looks "too beautiful for her age". Like srsly??? There is this one scene where she spars with him in the forest and she pins him down and says "It feels good to be on top of him" clearly meaning that being able to pin someone of a higher position gave her a power rush. But the guy pinned her down and was all like oh yeah this is what happens when u entice a man???? And wouldn't let her go even after her slamming her fists against his chest. That scene felt particularly alarming to me.

not to mention that scene after the fight with the foreigner who has a metal wire he looks at her feet??? And gets excited? And the proceeds to think to himself not to look at her enticing feet and then looks at her thigh???? Ayyo how is that any better????

then there's also a scene soon after in the car where he tries to convince her that he is the only man she should be near while she repeatedly says all men are the same so she will stay away from them all???? Like isn't that g*ooming?? She clearly expresses that she has no interest in him romantically or sexually unlike ml.


also the fact that the MC wins against everyone except the ML every single time without a chance of her even considering the idea of losing is kinda bland but that's pretty common in these type of novels.

and that concludes my ted talk (lol) <<less
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December 6, 2022
Status: --
Couldn’t get past the ML, who is tr*sh. As a fully adult human man, why are you clinging so hard to an underage girl? It’s lame because it’s a gross relationship (not to mention he’s her superior in the military, bleh). Take away his looks and everybody else would have a problem with this novel. Sorry Gary Sue — YOU BE CREEPIN’!

1/10 just because I respect the authors hard work and consistently in writing so many chapters. Unfortunately though, this just perpetuates bad gender role stereotypes. Was hoping for an... more>> independent female lead who doesn’t let fish po*p ml’s cling to her. This is not what this novel is, unfortunately. <<less
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October 18, 2021
Status: c1531
The novel develops pretty slowly, but despite that it rarely feels like things are being drug out. Ye Jian is an excellent character, and the story is rather well written.
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Janloovl rated it
May 17, 2021
Status: c1262
  1. Absolutely love this novel... The hard training life of female soldier accompanied by her sweet love live of another awesome captain.
  2. Story of rebirth yet different to see how she changed her life to be stronger by turning into a soldier relying on her own strength, wits and endless pursuit
  3. Sweet love cos she has been love target since young and finally become the strongest couple
  4. Most disgusting is her "family"... The worst evil bunch of people
  5. Love every chapters esp how the detailed expressive descriptions of actions and surrounding. Wonderfully done by the author
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KristinaMariaSara rated it
May 16, 2021
Status: v2
I absolutely reccomend this novel!! It's sad that there are not many military chinese novel... I really like the military novel. I read the novel until 5707 but is mtl, so I thank the translator who is translating this novel otherwise I would never had the chance to read it completely.

I really love this novel, I like the way Ye Jian grow up and develop her love for Xia Jinyuan. It isn't a novel where the MC is dumb and need the help of ML to solve her problem,... more>> she has the strenght to fight her enemies. I love the way Xia Jinyuan take care of her little fox without appearing too dominering and tyrannical like a lot of ML I read.

The story is well written, not too slow nor too fast. The ambientation is well described and I can see that the author is a chinese patriot since I read compliments about the chinese army; sometimes it annoy me to read a patriotic phrase every two line but is okay. I want to praise the author about describing well the china situation during 1996 and 2002.
The character are well designed, sure they have a lot of chinese novel character clichès but is okay, the author didn't abuse of clichè and the characters aren't too far from real people.

I really like novels where the MC faceslap her enemies. Ye Ying is a schemer but she is young and she doesn't know the world like Ye jian does, this is also why she always fail in defeating her cousin. Ye ying is a well build villain, not too intelligent nor too s*upid. Another enemy is Du Jiayi who is an upgraded version of Ye ying, more cunning and nasty.

I was a little surprised to found out that Li Jinniang is Ye Jian's cousin (Demon king, we love you for taking your little sister back home), I suspected that Ye xinfan wasn't Ye Jian's biological father but I never expected a blood relationship between Ye Jian and Jinniang, at first I thought he would become A-yuan's love rival but author-san deceived me haahahah. To have a brother in-law like a demon king... wow Xia Jinyuan work hard because it will be quite hard to snatch the demon king's meimei haahahh. I loved the moment where Ye jian meet her grandpa and her father. Her father become soon a daughter s*ave like Jinniang become a siscon and work together to bully the rascal who stole their little princess. I loved the moment Father Fu found out about her daughter being in a relationship with colonel Xia haahahah.

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Njtrisha rated it
May 13, 2021
Status: c250
After a long time I've liked an novel about military and revenge, I really like this story mainly the relationship of ML and FL their bond, trust for each other I really like this kind of healthy relationship rather than cold and abusive/irritating ml. As a person who doesn't like to read long novels I didn't complete this one but still it's the best I've read since a really long time
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FumikoBonheur rated it
January 21, 2021
Status: --
I like this novel very much. From details of events and it's almost realistic (The military elements like Al-Qaeda and Extremists). I like how this story made me alive in many ways: from crying to laughing. The way the characters were written are interesting as they have flaws and ain't perfect.

Like Ye Jian, she's a strong female special soldier and low-key. It she's realistic since she can get emotional at times (there's a time where it almost messed up) and she's impulsive for revenge. She can't just solve everything since... more>> the antagonists involves a lot in the country and outside the country.

I also like how she didn't do everything herself and let others helped her solved stuff (it makes the story realistic and even more plausible).

I like how Xia Jinyuan was written as he's different male lead than others where they always spoiled the female lead. The male lead scolds the female lead when she makes mistakes and to grow more. I like how this male lead expresses his emotions like when he's sad, he cries. He also respects the female lead greatly. He knows where to stop and go.

Also the romance between Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan! They are different and interesting! They have this kind of relationship that is chill and respects each other. If it's work, it's work. They know when to stop and do stuff. They worry for each other but they will always believe they'll come back (there were times they are scared but they still conquer that).

And for those people who says that this has a lot of face slapping, please! The face slapping events ain't that worse than other stories with almost a million face slapping events! It was lesser than other stories I have read.

I like this very much! I'm waiting for the author to write and finish this again! I'm always waiting and I'm still looking forward to the ending of this story. I wish they didn't banned this for being realistic. This is so good and well-written. I hope they let her finish this book this year! I want to see the ending as soon as possible! I want to read their wedding this year! <<less
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November 23, 2020
Status: c905
Indeed, other reviewers have read more than me, but I am reading the English translated versions because I cannot deal with MTL versions. Lol.

This novel sure look long but chapters are relatively shorter than regular chapter compare to other novels. Give it a shot. I think that is what I wanted to say the least. This novel is fine; not the best but worth the time to read. The story revolves around Ye Jian, who was reborn and was able to turn over her life. The main antagonist is her... more>> cousin, Ye Ying, who is undoubtedly a brat, but what is more, she is quite a character you should pay attention to. I can compare her to other protagonists in other novels that have the same plot of reborn.

The novel started well. The flow is excellent. The story is building every chapter. The only thing that I have something to complain about would be the sudden change of the protagonist. I still cannot accept the way the author suddenly change her into a super God who doesn't give up easily, doesn't even suffer from some depression from everything, and suddenly knows everything about the military and be able to do anything so good suddenly when in fact in her previous life, she cannot even do something about her cousin who always haunts her for the "seducing issue".

The author gave an excuse to this that she once had this work, etc., but that cannot excuse the protagonist halo the author put on to Ye Jian.



I am also not a big fan of how Ye Jian suddenly entered a whole new world of the battlefield at the age of 14? Is that even reasonable? And they made it legal? No way. I would love to see a more realistic person who would work hard to be a great soldier than to see someone suddenly being great at everything. I wish the author did try to solve everything in her junior and senior years of studying than making her part of something serious like the military and politics at a young age with the excuse that she is the protagonist.


This novel has a lot of loopholes. The author made Ye Jian into a super God to the point that you know whatever will happen, she will succeed. The antagonist has a destiny of doom from the moment the author did this, which is uncreative.

The love story part is also quite questionable, but I will let it go as I kind of like the male lead. His character is not always present, but I think it is alright.

I don't know why I am still reading this; I think it is because I am curious about the jade thing. I don't know if it was revealed by for now, I don't think it was. I am also trying to see if author will include something about Ye Jian's father or what because it is more focused on her mother's side.
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iiiiirrrrriiiii rated it
October 21, 2020
Status: --
I honestly love this novel! Though it really took quite a long time for the ML and MC to get together, the moment they did was so sweet!!! I love the character development of the MC and how the MC carried out her revenge in a very legal and dignified manner. I don't get it that some are actually disappointed with her revenge? I mean if you take in to consideration that she is a SOLDIER then you will understand that the reason why she took her revenge in a... more>> very legal.

I hope the author comes back from hiatus. I really love to see the end of this story. <<less
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Joldino rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: c5707
This... this is amazingly beautiful. I've re-read it a few times now. At first I read the reviews and was a little concerned about the age when they meet, she 14 I believe and he's 20, however there is no s*xual interactions or relationship until she is older. Xia Jinyuan (the ML) is not a pe*o. He even says that at one point.

The story is so beautiful, she is building herself up from her last life of being held down and she grows into an amazing person. The romance is... more>> slow building but its beautiful. Utter trust and faith between lovers is something thats rare in a lot of these novels but this one nails it.

Its the first time I've been able to read such a long web novel and it took me 4/5 days to read, only stopping for food, bathroom and sleep. I got to impatient and read from the MTL, which is not amazing, but not horrible; can still understand whats going on.

No regrets at reading this at all. only wish it would come off Hiatus. <<less
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Immortal_Meow rated it
May 4, 2023
Status: c250
I quite liked the novel for the most part as long as I ignored the plot hole

... more>>

The main character is super ridiculously talented with strong family connections and everything, so it doesn't make sense at all that she ended up as a no-one in her previous life before she regressed.


and the incredible amount of military and chinese propaganda in this one. Chinese being better than everyone else is pretty much basic for every Chinese novel, but this one seems to take it a bit further than the others. Everyone who isn't Chinese is either a criminal or a loser, or both. I liked the fact that Ye Jian was such a girl boss, but a lot of things were super exaggerated; she was running at 60 miles per hour at some point (and the author had the nerve to say that she would be doing The Great Nation of China a favour by joining the military instead of doing something useless like winning a couple of gold medals at the Olympics. Honestly, which Chinese soldier can't win those medals amirite? Just ridiculous)

I can't say too much about the interactions between the male lead and main character since she was still underage at the chapter I dropped and the author didn't want to make things too weird, but if you think the MC is talented and accomplished... well, he's done all of those things as well! And earlier than she did! And he's just generally slightly better in everything than she is! I honestly don't mind that but everything about this novel seemed to have potential but turned out to be such a disappointment...

The author keeps praising the Chinese military and mentioning how important it is and underrated... and the soldiers have to be able to learn a new language within eight days on average but our MC can of course do it in three because she's just that amazing!!! For some time I was getting more enjoyment than unhappiness out of reading the story, but after a while, it became repetitive and predictive with the severity of the patriotism increasing and I dropped it. Perhaps the novel becomes better after 300 chapters, but I won't be there to see it.

tl;dr if you don't mind extreme patriotism and extremely talented protagonists then this might be something nice for you, don't use your brains too much and there are lots of chapters so you can satisfy your desires for a while.

ps. I might've given it 2 or 3 stars but I felt like I had a moral obligation to lower the ratings because of the amount of propaganda (while reading I even checked to make sure this wasn't some sort of weird Chinese textbook they were using to get more girls to join the army or something...) <<less
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Arrizu rated it
February 3, 2023
Status: c315
The biggest problem that I have with this novel is that the male lead is a child predator. The author tries to justify this, but I just find it contradictory with his actions.

I continued reading in hopes that the MC turns 18 quickly and stops being so weird.

After reading some reviews (i regret not reading some before starting) it seems it keeps getting weirder, so I dropped it.

I find the male lead to be very manipulative (I don't really mind if not for the underage part), and repeteadly... more>> harasess the underage MC.

If you dont care about the pe*o part, it seems like a decent read. <<less
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