The Male Lead’s Nephew Like Me So Much


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Charlize Lienta’s return to the capital with the young boy, Sasha, in tow is shrouded in mystery. Initially mistaken for her own child, Sasha’s true identity is known only to Charlize: he is the long-lost imperial prince.

With memories of a past life guiding her, Charlize is determined to rectify old mistakes by reconnecting Sasha with his uncle, the formidable Archduke Calix Elluiden—the man she once loved.

Navigating the treacherous waters of court politics, however, proves more challenging than anticipated. Charlize finds herself allied with Irian LaFrance, the destined heroine of this tale, while confronting a web of shifting alliances and avoiding deadly threats lurking in the shadows.

As Charlize struggles to keep Sasha and Irian safe, the unraveling secrets and shifting loyalties force her to question her choices. Will her efforts stabilize the empire or hasten its collapse?

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Beloved by the Male Lead's Nephew
남주의 조카가 나를 너무 좋아한다
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/01/24 Novellatte c5
02/01/24 Novellatte c4
01/16/24 Novellatte c2
01/16/24 Novellatte c1
01/08/24 Novellatte c3
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