The Maid No Longer Desires her Master


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Lynn has never had an easy life. A beautiful girl with pale silver hair resembling that of the Empire’s princess, she is sold to work in the Dukedom of Ereuputh. Elizabeth, the duke’s daughter, harbors jealousy towards the princess and takes pleasure in causing Lynn to suffer. Despite enduring in silence, Lynn’s life takes a turn when Martin, the young master of the dukedom, returns. He shows her kindness and she falls for him, knowing that it will only lead to heartbreak. Unable to resist, Lynn shares a passionate night with him, unaware that Martin is not the kind boy she used to know. For he’s had a taste of her, and he will never let her go…

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The Maid No Longer Desires her Master (Official Manhwa)
하녀는 더 이상 그를 원하지 않는다
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