The Lion and the Royal Princess


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The princess of the millennium Empire Marma,
Adelaine Vita, who was sent to the enemy country for the end of the war, returns.
But even though she was the one who prevented the war, the Empire did not welcome her.

“Father, who am I?”

A s*ave-turned-princess. An enemy king’s concubine. Or a hostage.
A nuisance that should have been sacrificed for the Empire but couldn’t.

But that was a good thing.
Adelaine was determined to take down the Empire that completely destroyed her life
and the Lion King Lachie El Baltika approached her to achieve his goal.

“I will propose to you.”
“Do you even know who I am?”
“The woman who tries to put a dagger in the heart of Marma.”

He said so.

“I don’t need anything else. I want you.”

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사자와 왕녀
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J Doe
J Doe rated it
May 30, 2024
Status: c27
Rage fuel, but in a good way. An adopted princess sold to an enemy kingdom finally returns home ready for revenge! Looking forward to more of her and her tentative partner in crime- the King of the Desert. He knows he's in for a tough time trying to woo her but I'm only at chapter 27 and it looks like he's falling hard.
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