The Legend of Sun Knight


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I am a knight. To be precise, I am the Church of the God of Light’s Sun Knight.

The Church of the God of Light worships and serves the God of Light, and theirs’ one of the three largest religions on this continent.

As the whole continent knows, the Church of the God of Light has the Twelve Holy Knights, and each one has his own unique personality and features.

To be the Sun Knight is to have shining golden hair, sky blue eyes, a compassionate nature, and a brilliant smile.

“The benevolent God of Light will forgive your sins.”

I must have said that line at least a million times in my time as the Sun Knight.

However, the greatest wish in my life is to be able to stand before the entire continent and roar, “Damn your ‘the whole continent knows’! This Sun Knight just doesn’t feel like smiling! I just don’t want to forgive these human tr*shes! I just want to pepper my sentences with ‘f***’!”

Unfortunately, even to this day, I continue to wear a smile as I say, “The benevolent God of Light will forgive your sins.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mệnh Kỵ Sĩ
The Legend of the Sun Knight
Wu Ming Qi Shi
Related Series
Female Warrior (Prequel)
39 – The Legend of Sun Knight (Sequel)
Big and Little Sun Go Go (Spin-Off)
Dominion’s End (7)
The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich (5)
39 – The Legend of Sun Knight (3)
Chen Yue Zhi Yao (3)
The Founder of Diabolism (2)
Unique Legend (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my reads
  2. male protagonists
  3. ALLCN+
  4. G. O. A. T
  5. Gems collection

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/24/12 Prince Revolution! v3c8
04/09/12 Prince Revolution! v3c7
03/23/12 Prince Revolution! v3c6
03/11/12 Prince Revolution! v3c5
02/29/12 Prince Revolution! v3c4
02/29/12 Prince Revolution! v3c3
12/31/11 Prince Revolution! v3c2
12/31/11 Prince Revolution! v3c1
12/13/11 Prince Revolution! v3 prologue
11/22/11 Prince Revolution! v2 epilogue
11/22/11 Prince Revolution! v2 extra
11/19/11 Prince Revolution! v2c10
10/24/11 Prince Revolution! v2c9
10/22/11 Prince Revolution! v2c8
09/11/11 Prince Revolution! v2c7
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Yuki_Ringo rated it
September 3, 2021
Status: Completed
This is my first n only chinese light novel I read in high-school cause my friend bought it n read w me

Man I hate reading in chinese but I love this novel n the character enough to finish all the volume in chinese then in English

Enough rambling. Been long time since I read this (9yrs) so maybe wonkers in summary

1st off the MC of this novel is such a 2 faced bastard that acts like he doesn't care but does. So so deeply for his brothers. {recommend: count of the... more>> tr*sh family, similar MC type}


eg. MC records beautiful women from the corner of his eye to enjoy later in his room cause the sun knight is only supposed to love God. For every sentence he said must include God, giving people other than his bro judgement knight, headaches trying to understand him or just plain confuse

He tossed his subordinates off the cliff when they refuse to listen to him, MULTIPLE times after healing them so now paperwork done by his 2nd in command

He sucks so badly at sword but pro at magic but since he's a Knight, gotta swing that stick around, without hitting his comrades... Again

As holy Knight conspire w a Necromancer so he can kill undead safely to advertise the church (cause the church broke)


He cares bout his brothers, brining a stool n napkin n some cookies into the toilet to wait for judgement knight to finish vomiting after a trail, not prejudice on his bro even though judgement knight supposed to be the emo hardcore cold face type (not our judgement knight he's precious)

Sun n jusgement Knight are supposed to be resentfull of each other w how their work contradicts w sun Knight forgiving and judgement Knight punishing sinners but they r best couple bro

lil sun is so precious that he wanted to become a sun Knight just cause then he'll have more brothers and was very happy to become support Roland (another sun Knight candidate) and become his priest so he can help Roland heal his wounds

Somehow found out Roland died then revive? As undead maid by loli Necromancer that sun bribe w sweets then proceed to recruit said maid undead as hell Knight

Then sun Knight inexplicably become new demon king candidate (white hair blind waifu part of the novel I think) alongside roland n he just accepts it so Roland won't die and he will try to kill himself after absorbing all the dark energy to ascend as demon king so he won't harm his friends


Anyway MC is a 2 faced broke drunkard that lie w a straight face even bout his health (think he got blind after saving leaf Knight n told NOBODY) so he won't worry his friends n I love him for it

Also almost every knight act opposite of their trope that makes it so hilarious

    • Earth night supposed to be innocent neighood boy type but had slept w so many women
    • Wind Knight supposed to be carefree like the wind... He does most of the paperwork and is overwork n sleep deprive if not for sun Knight 2nd in command
    • Ice Knight cool non talkative type that a single stare will chill your bone... Love baking sweet and know everyone sweet preference
    • Judgement knight cold unforgiving and punish all sinner... Vomits at sight of blood and is the motherhen of the group
    • High priest is a old man w the face of a lil boy whose age shall never be mention n is a cheapstake

So yes, best comedy novel w 3d characters that act w reason or emotion n own motive and interesting world dynamics

The interaction between the people is Comedic gold <<less
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Efu-sama rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: Completed
If this was a webnovel, then I would be more generous to give this a 5 stars, but because it is a published novel, the most I could give is only 4 stars. How come, you say? Of course because for the level of published novel, this novel has quite a lot of issues to be given more than 4 stars. Means, this novel is definitely a top tier among the other web novels, but among the other genuine published or printed novels, it's still fall short.

This novel came accross... more>> me when I was searching for COMEDY, and Goodness, it indeed has given me a good laugh to last for a while. The beginning of this novel was FRESH, funny, engaging, new (despite it was published in 2010), and amusing.

The entirety of this novel premise is marvelous, and logical. The author able to flesh out and give the more realistic approach for the infamous Knights of the God of Light's churches legends, and also quite realistic reasoning for the infamous Demon King and all the legends concerning it.

I was immensely satisfied by how the author created her characters, and make a background for the characters, to be more unique, understandable, logical, and realistic.

Yet, how come I said this novel has issues when I am actually satisfied with its characters?

Well you see, the issues first came at the 4th volume of this novel published.

The plot regarding the MC having amnesia, then let loose of his initial personality, then hastily become an adventurer, snatching a unicorn, even later confront the other 11 holy knights!

That volume was.... sadly disappointing.

Disappointing, in what the hell this volume was supposed to give us? It felt like a forced up filler episodes.

If the volumes was supposed to show the readers over how MC would act originally if he had no memories to be a Sun Knight, then this purpose is a failure, because I myself couldn't see much of the changes.

If the volumes was supposed to show the readers to the reason why MC is the Revered Sun Knight despite his swordmanship is lousy, to show how despite his weak physical ability MC is still the strongest between the 12 Holy Knights, then this purpose also failed spectacularly. Because other than acting like a "smart bad guy" but actually is bland, the MC didn't give much a "WOW" feeling to the readers, making us to exclaim, "Ah! So, this was why Sun Knight is still the strongest!"

If the volumes was supposed to give us more scenes in the world outside, then it still fail tremendously. Because aside from the running and running, aside from the drama from the small adventurer team MC was in, and the short journey MC had with his Teacher, this volume had nothing. It didn't even give a detail introduction on the world's order, or the world's setting. It didn't even tell us the world of adventurer. It didn't even introduce the other kingdom, nations, races, or anyhting, despite it has a huge opportunity with the way MC had finally went out from being holed up in his church.

So, the chance to give a proper world building was wasted spectacularly in this 4th volume.

Insufficient World building, and the wasted chance to actually insert a world building event. This is the first issue of the novel.

The second issue with this novel was : The lack of favorable Female Character.

Oh, I'm not going to lie that I love boys, I love a heavily inclined Male characters novel, and I couldn't care less about romance with other female characters.

What I mean is, I would rather the novel didn't include any important female characters at all, rather than making them up only to make them as a bland, lacklustre, and even something that was seen as "nuisance", a character that if they don't exist it didn't change anything, or worse it even make everything better instead.

What about the eloping princess? What about the lying princess supporting her eloped older sister? What about the female adventurers? All of them are bland. I couldn't make myself like them, either in their actions or personality.

Another issue of this novel was, the Ending.

It is quite... absurd, hastily made up (perhaps?), and unsatisfying.

It even used a plot that was already used in the 4th volume, that is MC suddenly rebel, and defying, suddenly was drown in the temptation of power, refuse to be the Sun Knight, and then Judgement Knigth and others are in the journey to "spank" the MC and make him go back to be a Sun Knight.

This kind of trajectory was already used like...2 or 3 times even before the ending? That when it used at the Ending it make the novel bland and boring. When actually if only the author didn't use this kind of plot at the beginning, it would make this ending quite grand, alas, the author had already used it at the earlier volumes in quite a few times at that, ergo when it was used as the ending as well, it makes the readers felt dissatisfied instead.

Next issue to wrap up this novel is, there was a lot of plot holes (understandable since it's written from first person perspective). Besides, The novel was hovering between comedy and serious plot, so after the 3rd volumes, this novel was struggling to support the banner of comedy while also treading on the land of serious plot. The result of it was, half-hearted serious plot, and bland over-used comedies in the later volumes. I have to drag myself to complete this novel since I don't want my one week times of binge-reading this novel to be wasted.

This novel is like a series of webnovel before it was edited and changed when it was published as a long serialized published novel.

Unfortunately, it's a finished product of published novel, so this was what made me give out a 4 stars at most. <<less
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SilverCyanide rated it
November 10, 2019
Status: side story 19
One of the first novels that led my foray into the world of cnovels.

What can I say? The characters are lively and the worldbuilding is intricate and the plot is super engaging.

The characters are the crown jewel of this series and they just carry the whole plot excellently. In fact, you could throw them into a different series altogether and have it be excellent on virtue of their character relations alone. The main character, Grisia, at first impression seems to be a shallow, sarcastic and selfish man hiding it all... more>> under a gentleman's veneer of holiness and righteousness. Not usually a character that you would root for, but as you read further on, you begin to realise just how false the impression the readers and even Grisia himself have of him are. He's the type of person to scheme and trick you but be the first to sacrifice his life for you if ever you're in danger. He's a ball of contradictions but a good person at heart and he really cares for his 11 Holy Knight brothers. In fact, one of the suppprting characters put it excellently, he's a "despicable good guy".

(Also Lesus is top big brother material and I absolutely love him.)

My only complaint is the ending

how Yu Wo suddenly threw a love interest at Grisia without much interaction or chemistry between them. The first Charlotte was a much better character than the second Charlotte which Grisia ended up with. The second was just plain annoying and they didn't even like each other for 90% of the entire time they interacted. Did I mention she was only around for the final book of the series? Honestly, putting aside the fact that I like BL, Lesus or Roland would have been a better choice than her. Any of the 11 other Holy Knights (plus Adair) would have been a better choice. Even Awaitsun-!

which really soured what could have been the perfect ending of an amazing series. Take that entire unnecessary section out and it would have been much better.

So give this a chance and you might like it. Also by the same author is Dominion's End, which I highly recommend as well. Yu Wo's other works range from okay to disappointing, but you should check them out for yourself to see if you like them. <<less
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BillionJellyfish rated it
July 31, 2018
Status: Completed
I found this novel after finishing the author's other work, Half Prince, and absolutely fell in love with it! This is like no other story that I have read before. There is no romance, no harem, no cultivation, and no martial parts, it's more like a RPG fantasy novel with knights in gleaming armors, priests in flashing robes, and demon kings as the set up. The MC is a hilarious character with a lazy attitude and each and every one of his companions have very specific traits which make them... more>> memorable characters.

While reading this novel, I sense bromance/shounen ai going on between the male characters which is very exciting as a fellow fujoshi. In fact, I have a few ships in the novel (if you know what I mean), but sadly the author did not go along the route of bl, just bromance. Overall, I highly recommend to give this novel a try because the comedy aspect is actually funny! <<less
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pookaloo rated it
February 17, 2018
Status: Completed
This novel has a special place in my heart not only because it is my very first CN novel, but also everything about it is unforgettable. The characters, plot, writing, and translation are spot on. I remember being in stitches when I first read this, and then some in my 2nd reading. It was that funny.

Grisia/Sun Knight is your overly verbose, unassuming, sarcastic (mostly in his mind), carefree, kind, and loyal leader of the knights. He is the guy who schemes and manipulates but has the best interest in mind... more>> of those closest to him. He is unafraid to sacrifice himself for the better good. He has the adoration of the public, the respect and trust of those who know him, and the wariness of those who really really know him.

His secret best friend is the Judgment Knight. Their friendly association can't be known to the public because of the image they have to maintain. Think of it as light and dark should not mix. "What you don't know won't hurt you" is Judge's creed when it comes to Sun's ploys. He's become mostly jaded to Sun's antics as they grew up but would nonetheless help out his bff when push comes to shove. Ahhh the bromance~

Overall the characterization sets this story apart from the rest. It is the contrasting and myriad of personalities that gives the hilarity and fun of this novel. Some stories you forget and some leave a deep impression. This is 100% the latter. <<less
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Neverfire7 rated it
September 11, 2017
Status: side story 19
I got to this story through its manhua, and immediately I was drawn into it. I was disappointed at seeing a great story end so abruptly with not much development. Imagine my surprise when I found out that a manhua I read a few months ago was actually a Chinese Novel that had been completed.

I picked it up as soon as I saw it and spent a few days of my holiday reading through it. The main reason why anyone should read this novel is because of the Main Character.... more>> He would normally be a 'just' another funny guy, but when coupled with his situation, the very idea of him becomes humorous. A shameless man who has learned to hide under his mask as one of the holiest men on the planet. The people who know his true nature call him shameless and evil but realise that he is a good person underneath.

The story is told in a first person narrative, which is breath of fresh air in regards to Chinese fantasy novels. The first person narrative means that the focus of the writing is not on the MC's surroundings, but the MC himself. We see through the eyes of our MC which can cause you to laugh a bit.

The story itself develops and isn't as episodic as it may first seem. Things do connect and develop and there is an end result. The main theme of this novel would definitely have to be brotherhood. The level of love the MC shows towards his fellow holy knights is heart warming, especially when you contrast it to his usual shameless behaviour. There are also some interesting side-characters, my favourite being the pope.

Although I do like Chinese webnovels, I would place this novel far above them. This story is different. I would recommend this to anyone. Definitely one of my favourite stories out there. <<less
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Kergonan rated it
March 20, 2017
Status: side story 19
A wonderfull short novel. The author basically takes every archetype of classic heroic fantasy, then twists them around in sometimes weird, often unexpected, but always funny ways, both for characters and situations.

The characters are well written and multi-dimensionnal, their relations, while sometimes a bit too straightforward, are shown in a light that makes you feel them. Moreover, the story is extremely well done. Each book has a finely written plot, with elements spread accross the chapter, which combine in each ending into the plan of the main character, allowing him... more>> or his allies to reach the (always a bit unexpected) conclusion. In this sense, it feels a bit like reading a combinasion of fantasy and a good crime drama (in a style between Columbo and Elementary). This quality of writting and skill at establishing a plot exist in the serie as a whole too, with clues and signs of the metaplot well placed in the mounting sequence of events leading to the main crisis and its resolution.

Finally, the comedic-fantasy mood of the story carries you through the whole experience smiling, even in the most tragic and epic moments, all along keeping the underlying theme of unbreakable friendship between the Sun Knight and his fellows.

My conclusion: the Legend of Sun Knight is a must read short story, funny, ironic, epic (sometimes), a breath of fresh air you should take when you want a break from Xianxia or classic fantasy.

Side note: as on today 20/03/2017, chapter 2 of volume 8 seems to be down, a slight bummer, but it does not impair the plot or the reading overall. <<less
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dustmite rated it
April 14, 2016
Status: --
This is the one. The one that s**ked me into the world of translated novels before knowing what they were. Every page is packed with comedy and laughs, I really enjoyed the dynamics between the titular sun knight and the two factions under his wing. If friendship is magic, then this story really brings it out in an endearing way.

There are moments where it does get serious, and times where you will cry. But most of the time, as the reader, just sit back, relax and enjoy the journey while... more>> it lasts. <<less
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tanzmoon rated it
March 13, 2016
Status: --
My absolute favorite! If I could forget a story just so I could re-read again, then this novel would definitely be it. It is simply an amazing story that just draws you in. While reading this I smiled so much that even I found it creepy lol.

It made me laugh so many times, I just love Grisia Sun and Judgement too, actually I love all 12 knights, they are just too cute!

It also made me cry at Times, made me feel so sad! But I still loved the sad parts... more>> too.

Sigh! Just give this a read, I’m pretty sure you will enjoy it.. <<less
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Ugly Squid
Ugly Squid rated it
February 20, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is truly a masterpiece. I loved all the characters, especially the MC. When reading this novel, you will feel many things. Sometimes you laugh so much your stomach starts to hurt, or you might be giggling and saying how wholesome it is, while other times you might feel like crying and wishing for their happiness. I also promise you that the relationship between the MC and holy Knights is so heartwarming that it made me tear up sometimes.

Though it starts off as pure comedy, the plot thickens as... more>> time goes on. I loved all the funny parts as much as I did loved those plot twists. I truly loved this novel. You should definitely give it a chance. The ending is a happy end but it definitely gave me a bittersweet feelings since I was so reluctant to see it end. <<less
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RoseDao rated it
September 29, 2020
Status: --
ok I think I can understand why many people rate 5 stars. The plot is interesting. The characters are funny as they think one way and (have to) act differently. This is new and refreshing for those who read it the first time. But as someone who read many chinese novels, I have to say it’s not new to me. Such types of MC are often seen in CN novels.

The problem here is the writing. The author keep dragging on unrelated thoughts and repeating unnecessary information which makes me tired... more>> and annoyed.

For example: the idea is MC as the Sun Knight expected (by everyone) to fight the undead. And every time he face them, he’d become more powerful. But in fact, the MC isn’t strong and he don’t want to fight them. He just fights b/c he needs to keep an act.

But here’re what the MC thinks: he’ the Sun Knight but the undeads he fought before are weak. This one is strong. Ok, has to prepare to die gracefully. He is the Sun Knight so he has to do things gracefully l. His master always tells him to do things gracefully. He was trained to do everything gracefully. He cannot die ungracefully or his master would be mad. So, he cannot die before he think of a way to die gracefully.

Realllly. I’m sick of the whole gracefully things already. I understand what the author are trying to say. But reading repeatedly same things give me a headache. So, I’m gonna drop this one. But if you’ve not seen this type of MC, it’s maybe a good read though <<less
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lislovesnovel rated it
September 9, 2020
Status: --
I decided to rate the novels I enjoyed today and its one of the first novels that came to mind. Plain hilarious. Amazing characters. Amazing relationships and more over superb narration. I really enjoyed it. It's a page turner.
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hellpunch rated it
June 9, 2020
Status: v4c9

The novel started good, everything was going pretty well and I was enjoying the content so far... till the author resorted to memory loss to move the plot forward.

Memory loss itself isn't a bad plot device but it is a very tricky device to use and it can lead to pretty big inconsistency in the novel if you aren't very careful and decide not to erase all the memory. Did the author manged to pull it off?

Unfortunately no. You can't make a first person narrator and show us that he is indeed a quite thinker within the first volumes and even after he lost his memory, only to cancel out this fact and use it only as the author needs it.

Spoilers ahead.

The sun knight when recomposing himself after losing from memory is still shown to have his insightful thoughts but only when the author wants it. Other instances make him look dumb and the author doesn't realizes it.

I will also comment on why I stopped exactly on this chapter later.

First, the sun knight upon waking up hasn't really forgotten everything but conveniently only the places names and the fact that he was a sun knight (and every thing related to his powers but not his powers and the church) and decides to embark with the adventurures that saved him for money, which I don't remember him being so clingy to but apparently he was.

With no explanation, that we will probably get who knows how many chapters later on, for the losing memory as well, a magical girl that appears from nothing bring him to the Pegasus, coincidentally the horse he was searching for to get the money. Now, because we know he didn't forget how to be insightful (as to have inner thoughts regarding the current situation), he already should have doubted how these things went. He dumbly brushed it off as the girl being an illusion... But never mind this. We follow his escape from the city he was in as he discovers that the pegasus is way more valuable than what they were trying to sell. There is a slight problem when they are trying to escape and they encounter with the Ice knight. Ice, after discovering that he was sun, decides to get captured as a hostage.

Moving forward, Ice reveals that sun is indeed sun to him but he starts to doubt it.
Now lets analyze the problem and what Sun should have thought.

1) Why would one of the twelve knight say willingly that someone was their leader? What is there to gain for Ice to trick him into thinking that he was their leader?

And the worst thing is that this line of thought continues after Ice obeys to him and Sun discovers that Ice could have caused way more damaged to him than he did.

Lets pretend that the author thinks we are s*upid and Sun thought that he could be tricked into going to jail (still only believable till Ice starts obediently answering his questions which is immediately)

2) Sure one person could be lying but if I am really the Sun knight then people in this particular kingdom said to be under the influence of church of god light must recognize me. Shall we go there?

This line of thought never comes to his mind.

He stops to subdue the other holy knight (Blaze) that is chasing him to retrieve Ice.

There is also no inherent problem with this except that Sun decides to use a disguise. Now it is understadable if no one could recognize him but that was not the case as two members of his own adventure party was already in the enemy's troop (previously failed plan)

What is the other problems?

His money clingy personality he never really had stays but somehow his 200% certain victory or else I won't do it philosophy doesn't, leading to him to set a series of traps.

Lets also toss this aside... if he wasn't sure of victory why did he disguise himself? If he wanted to know who he was wouldn't his line of thought be:

'If this ice guy is telling the truth, they will immediately recognize me else, they will attack me' Better the first case, but I am prepared also for the second. '

Lets ignore this too.

He attacked them. With surprise of everyone and even the reader, while being protected by the holy shield, the archer girl first shoot him (they didn't know he was sun yet so she was actually shooting at her adventurer companion) and then she was actually able to damage him. The same shield that was able to withstand wall crashing, bear stomping, punching and slashes was broken by an arrow.

Sun was startled and failed in his mission to subdue Blaze, and was in the brink of being recognized by Blaze, the other holy knight, except... he lost consciousness in that exact moment and next chapter he is saved and we don't know how.

Also forgot to mention that Sun, previously disguised, actually asks Blaze if he was the sun knight? After he disguised...

Get disguised to be x

Ask the knight if he is y

Expect the knight to say he is y?

Doubt the other knight (the hostage knight) because, in his disguised form, he was not recognized?

Another instace of the author dumbing the character. Lets continue...

The previously mentioned girl that gets him a pegasus returns in his mind. He is saved somehow and we don't know and he assumes she saved him but never asks why or how and multiple times the author showed us that his doubful mind is still there but conveniently is left out when he wants the reader to be dumb...

So this magical girl tasks him to retrieve an item and he without any meaninful reason decides that is the course to go through as that item may help him solve his memory issue... based on what? Nothing. He is naturally a holy gatherer and he notices it but the girl gives him a necromancer book and he doesn't even question it and reads it completely and learns the spells.

After this chapter, Ice obeys him completely and his is still doubtful because... the girl that led him to a convenient pegasus and that gave him a necromancy book while he knows he might be a holy knight (he himself said there was 50% chance) that shouldn't use dark magicand is tasking him to go into a particular dark region to retrieve a mysterious item says to doubt everyone.

He somehow becomes an evil character because of the msyterious item (we know what it is) that absorbs darkness even though it seems he didn't change much and he decides to throw Ice into the dragon's lair to be eaten, after Ice saved him. Blaze clearly also recognizes him as the sun knight, the sorry for the term, now made ret*rd by the author, still is doubtful and tells Balze to go save himself the other knight.

Until now, I beared all the inconsistency created by this memory loss and was even willing to accept this evil-not really personality of his but when there is no reason to doubt anything more and he still doubts, and the reason I dropped this, and the reasons that made him go back and actually save the two knights are the two female adventurers that betrayed him, I couldn't bear it anymore. It was not himself deciding things because he heard that he was the one to say that the twelve holy knight must never abandon any of the twelve holy knight (at this point he already had flashbacks of him being the sun knight but he is still doubtful) but because of random 2 girls that said nothing but that he had to save the two knights...

What a waste of time when the things you are enjoying are treated and ruined like this.

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paulintka rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Amazing story! Starts with a really hilarious concept, it made me laugh out loud many times, but it progresses into much more complex story even leaving me in tears from time to time, but still wanting to read it till the end!

Characters are very well made and thought through, plot is not obvious and with the extra side stories, the whole is closed in a very satisfactory way.

Fair warning: reading this story made me often go to sleep at 2-3 a.m. even if I had to go to work in... more>> the morning and caused me to have many difficult mornings... <<less
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May 23, 2018
Status: --
Hahahahaha. Just reading a few chapters and my face can't help but cramp from smiling too much. The MC is witty and funny and overall an enjoyable read. As of now, I don't know where the plot may lead but I just had to review how an enjoyable and fun read this is. Will update and rate this review once I finish reading this. Also, huge props for the great translation especially one that is written on a 1st person POV. We all know how terrible 1st person translations can... more>> get. <<less
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ohmygulay rated it
September 6, 2016
Status: side story 19

Definitely a must read story. If only the sequel and prequel is also complete, then it would be awesome!


I first read the manhua/manga, so I was quiet familiar with the first few chapters but damn. Reading the novel is much more fun and exciting. Action. Drama. Fantasy. Oh, pets not forget the Comedy which made me laugh for an entire night.
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duxy rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: Completed
it's a really fun read! I've been giggling all day as I binge read all 8 volumes in one sitting. The character development is one of the hilarious as well as touching aspects of the book. Some developments could have been written to make one cry but the author actually managed to sustain the lighthearted atmosphere.

would I recommend? Absolutely.

would I reread? Yep!
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Alysx rated it
December 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Literally my childhood, the very first novel that introduced me to the world of Chinese novels and I highly recommend this. This whole novel is very heartening and I'm not afraid to say that I shed a few tears as well. It's such a good read that I get the urge to reread it once every few years.

The storyline is coherent and engaging, and as a bonus we get an anti-hero protagonist! It's very humorous to see our MC's inner thoughts and scathing remarks, while he has to maintain an... more>> amiable persona outwardly. His scheming and strategic planning are also extremely satisfying to see, especially since he does it to protect his found family. I saw someone in the reviews calling the MC a two-faced b*stard, and oh boy I really have to agree with them on this. But it's more of a term of endearment, he really does grow on you quickly!

The story revolves around the theme of found family, as well as the idea of how far you would go to protect others. The cast is rather huge, so some characters don't really get enough screen time, but it wasn't that big of an issue for me since my bias is the MC and I think the author juggled between the characters pretty well. On the plus side, all the characters do have distinctive traits, so they are all pretty memorable in their own way.


The only downside I could think of was the relationship that suddenly sprouted in the extras between our MC and one of the characters. It's so awfully abrupt and felt rather forced. In my opinion, the story does fine without that extra bit of romance so I closed an eye (or both eyes) to it while reading that part.

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Asteriana rated it
March 22, 2021
Status: side story 19
First of all, this was the first work of the author I read, so firstly, you ether really like their way of writing or you can not stand it. I personally quite enjoy it, so just that and the well done translation made it a very pleasant read for me. On further note, the story is quite interessting, though sometimes a little repetitive, it was set that way to set the mood, so it is quite alright in my view.

Honestly, if you aren't allright with having a story about a... more>> group of Paladins that does not follow the typical way og honor and stuff, but from my point of view was written in a way to contradict the typical view people perceive knights, this might not be a story you would enjoy. I personally found it quite funny in the beginning but it does turn a lot more serious the more you progress in the story, while not losing its undertone. <<less
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Rinae rated it
January 30, 2021
Status: Completed
The 12 knights themselves were pretty interesting, the MC, the teachers, the holy Knights themselves, and even the little disciples of the knights

The comedy is pretty nice, the ending was actually okay. The friendship between the Knights was pretty aw worthy

What fell short—

... more>>

—are probably the female characters, I can't tell if they're just badly written or just purposely like that. Why are the male characters likeable but the female characters aren't Why's there no likeable one?They all have this golden halo that doesn't allow anyone to harm them. They're all painted to be this stereotype, they're literally all the same, ranging from princessess to mercenaries. Not one of them is commendable... Don't get me wrong, physically weak characters are alright but that obviously depends on how authors write them out to be but in this story's case... You just can't help but not want to root for them, I mean if you really think deeply about it, you can understand some of their sentiments but the way the author writes them out to be just undermines the characters. It's like we can't be bothered enough to care for the female characters sinceAND they're not even comic relief, they're just somehow not liekeable and I don't get it. The way they're written just doesn't.. ugg

QAQ The liches were interesting though but they don't have genders so they're hardly even considered as female characters.

On the other hand, there's the problem regarding the novel's world building. There's just so much left out that it's frustrating. Teacher Neo and Aldritzz could've been handled better, like wtf happened to them and their background? My curiosity is itching ugh. Then there's the matter regarding the other 12 retired knights, the dark elf community, the light elves community and basically all the other races.

Only three Kingdoms have been mentioned? Wtf, the demon king is supposed to include the entire world, there should've at least been more continents to explore. There's so much to explore, especially THE OTHER RELIGIONS 😭 The author is really.....

Maybe the reason why I'm bitter is because I've previously read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (how is it that every female character is just so likeable) and tr*sh of the count's family (the world building is pretty nice)

It feels rushed and many things fell short, many characters weren't fleshed out much; such as Awaitsun, Trayler, Woodrow. They're literally just cannon fodders, it won't even be a stretch to say that they're just mobs (literally just plot devices) like mosquitoes that gets swatted. Even the current King and Pope was somehow more likeable that all these mobs combined. Don't get me started on the fem characters, it's like they're all some kind of trophy to win (like s*xual objects...I cannot—) Is balance too much to ask for?

Lesus and Grisia were pretty sus lol, I love their dynamic, they're actually the most sweetest pair of two in the entire novel, surprisingly. It's always Lesus that will pull Grisia together, when Grisia lost his memories and regained them just by seeing Lesus to Lesus risking the entire world just to save Grisia. I must say that their feelings must be pretty damn strong, they're certainly soulmates lol. (Soulmates are not limited to romantic love interests, loved ones are included such as friends and family) The duo definitely has this "loyal companion till death does them apart" type of soulmates vibe. Ah the sweet smell of companionship, while the relationship is pretty ambiguous, just the happy ending of all the knights being happy pleases my soul.


The Bromance was good I'll give the story that, the 12 knights themselves are definitely the highlights, although I wish they could've had more scenes thay fleshed their characters. I really do think that all the adventurer plot points were useless af, they couldn't even explore that much (Ugh tjey could've been excellent world building points). That one adventure with Neo and Aldritzz was pretty good though. It's just that these good points cannot salvage the fact that the story pulled so many infuriating hair grabbing worthy plots that I can't decide if I just want to pummel the story itself or something.

oh! By the time I read this, the translation is pretty good though im shook. Kudos to the translators for their hardwork. Bless their souls.

Oh well, enjoy the story y'all. This was pretty fun to read still. <<less
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