The Lapis Lazuli Castle M*rders


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There exist in this world a set of six daggers that carry a terrible curse: the ability to inflict a death beyond time. Those under the daggers’ curse shall reincarnate without end, never able to know happiness and always drawn to die once more by the dagger. This is the story of “Raine” and “Marie”, two souls bound by the daggers’ curse to kill one another, over and over again.

France, 1243. Lapis Lazuli Castle is the name of an insignificant relay fort nestled away in a forest east of Carcassonne. Its ruler, Count Geoffroy, and his only daughter, Marie, are both believed to be insane. The root cause of their shared madness is the mysterious disappearance of Geoffroy’s wife three years ago, which caused Geoffroy to grow detached from humanity and cast Marie into a deep depression. After three years of wandering in a state halfway to nonexistence, Marie works up the nerve to ask her chief bodyguard, Sir Raine, to investigate her mother’s death, confiding that on the night of her mother’s disappearance, she had witnessed something impossible. However, her investigation only prompts a new tragedy.

The French-German border, 1916. As World War I rages on, Raine and Marie’s latest reincarnations live the life of a sub-lieutenant in the French army and a medic with the Red Cross, respectively. The two lovers are reunited at the site of the Battle of Verdun, but no sooner have they met then Raine finds himself faced with a barrage of impossible circumstances. An enemy soldier’s head suddenly vanishes, right before his eyes. One of his subordinates reports the same thing happening to an ally. Four more headless bodies vanish from a flooded bunker in the minute he looks away. These baffling events are a prelude to the return of their old tragedy.

Northern Hokkaido, 1989. Kimiyo, age eighteen, is already dying, an inoperable tumor in her hypothalamus leaving her with less than a year to live. Refusing to despair in the face of her tragic circumstances, she spends her remaining days with her friends at “The Library at the End of the World”, a private library so called due to its isolated nature. One day, a man named Kito approaches her out of the blue, regaling her with a story about a set of cursed daggers, knights in the 13th century, and the two of them being cursed, fated lovers. Naturally, Kimiyo is intensely skeptical, but the events that come next don’t require her to believe in them.

Arriving at the scene of these three tragedies is Snowy, an enigmatic figure of indeterminate gender who claims to be “a detective charged with managing the world’s chaos”.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lapis Lazuli Castle M*rder Case
Ruri-jou Satsujin Jiken
Rurijou Satsujin Jiken
瑠璃城 殺人事件
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  1. Romantic Mystery/Thriller (bxg)
  2. Completely translated novels 6 (higher ratings)

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