The Joy of Not Participating in VRMMO Events


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Event? Ranking? What are those, do they taste good?

Shingetsu Makoto, a college student. Having won a prize draw, he starts playing a VRMMO game. He had gathered some information, but it was his first time playing a VR game itself. He starts the game under the player name “Shin”. Then immediately a random quest occurs! By clearing it, Shin obtains a unique title as a reward. However, it was written there:

“If you possess this title, you cannot participate in any in-game events.”

Participating in events is one of the pleasures of a VRMMO. Therefore, that title seemed to be nothing but a huge disadvantage.

His sister, who is a veteran of online games, even tells him that he should give up on joining a “Clan”, which means a party.

Having no choice, Makoto decides to enjoy continuing the game at his own pace, solo.

However, before long, the true value of that title is revealed, and those around him are astounded.

The person himself, without a care in the world, walks around the VR world at his own easygoing pace today as well.

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New Armedlord
August 19, 2024
Status: v5c166
I think this story could be some kind of small harem as:

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He has a Mermaid living in the lake of his guild home, one of the top female players he helped both in-game and in real life goes to the same university as him and his sister who not only is yet another top player, is apparently not his sister by blood all take a fancy to him. Around 126-127 we meet a new 'girl' that took a break from the game and who had interactions with the first top female player.


But yeah, the main character is somehow both powerful and yet not:


He has a boss monster as his tamed companion. He has special beginner gear and can make OP potions and bombs The top female player as well as his sister (also strong in the game) are his party/guild members. As per the description is that he can't join in in-game events, which makes him technically useless, but there's nothing telling him that he can't sell or give his potions away like when he gave some to his party. Also said title raises the chance of 'random' quests, which are the reasons why he's getting more and more overpowered.


Now, I have some problems in how the author views what's considered as a in-game event or a 'random' quest.


A few 'random' quests he completed allows the players (not just himself) to possibly meet Mermaids. How is that not considered as an event that allows people to have mermaid allies on adventures in the sea?


Also, as best as I can remember, they hand-waved the game description as a 'typical fantasy setting' but what exactly is the hell is it supposed to be like? PVP where the top players rule? PVE where the players are united in a goal against something? A mix of both? All I can remember is from his party that in their former guilds are quotas that needed to be reached and felt more like a job that burns people out than playing a game.

That said, I think the translation or the author is lazy as I keep seeing things like 'random quests' change into 'rank quests', 'freak quests' or 'free quest' as an example. Several times when they should be inside the game, they used the main character's full name instead of in-game name of just 'Shin'. There's also several chapters where at half of the story just repeats.

Gah, If I turn my brain off, I can like the story a bit, but for people who wants detail, this feels like a huge headache to go through. <<less
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