The Interstellar Pirate Leader That Kidnapped His Bride


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The Murong Family’s beloved Omega was taken by the infamous star pirate at his engagement party and was stunned on the spot, waking up with a new soul inside.

Murong Pei found out that the star pirate was actually his dead lover!

Murong Pei: General, should you explain this to me?

Star pirate: Uh…

How could he explain that he really had no desire for the original person, but just wanted to kidnap a look-alike and think it was him?

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Retirement Life (1)
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  2. Mpreg, Gers, Omegaverse, Zerg and ABO Novels 2.0
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03/01/21 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c1
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21 Reviews sorted by

chere100 rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: Completed
It's okay. There's no adult fun times, it finishes quickly so it feels a bit rushed, but also doesn't overstay its welcome. It gets the job done as a story, but is occasionally hard to follow. I don't know if this is because of the author or the translator. For all I know, it is both. It's translated okay.

... more>>

I felt an unpleasant aftertaste at the end of the story. I still feel bad for the Emperor the MC raised, he never gets any justice. Also, I felt some disgust towards the MC and the ML as they actually felt the need to get revenge on the same people in two lifetimes for the crimes of one. It doesn't exactly inspire warm fuzzies in me that these two get a happy ending after wrecking so many lives in two lifetimes. I can only hope their baby is the poor Emperor, but this is never confirmed. As far as this being tagged tragedy, perhaps tragic for others but not really the MC and ML. Not in a way that would make you feel that bad for them, that's the weakness of a story being so short. You don't have the time to convince someone like me that things are justified.


Despite my complaints, I rate this 3 out of 5. It is utterly unmemorable for me, unworthy of a higher or lower rating. I know I will forget this story. I write this review to remind myself not to read it again. <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
June 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Slightly different from what I expected based on the summary alone. But the story also not far from the summary either.

Both MC and ML is great! Not going to spoil, the plot is also great. The story is well written! The Translation is as great as expected!

Simply put, It's Fluff between CP and then 'fight' others.

It's not Spectacular story, but it's really Nice and simply great!
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Sriparna das
Sriparna das rated it
May 19, 2021
Status: --
I love the story though it's short!! ★⌒ヽ (●^、^●) Kiss! (✿ ♥‿♥)
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earlgreyt rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: Completed
Not sure what the purpose of the story was.

Everything read like a summary of things that could have happened. There was no tension. None of the loose ends were well-tied up and overall plot was pretty bad too. Furthermore, it felt like the author was preaching to the readers:

... more>>

As in: "Look, this is definitely not sexist, he can just embroider and just be taken care of by his husband and why should he need to prove that he is a man?"

Right after spending the entire short story talking about how omegas are only good for being baby-making machines and super weak and useless in everything else.

/rolling my eyes


Tanslation was ok. Story was just lacking. <<less
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takame rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: Completed
It squished in all the tropes that could be put together in a super short story. Amusingly, it didn't end up strange but the author managed to put together a full, compact story with all the mishmash despite the short length. Basically it's a revenge story free of dog blood

Fun to read especially if you are taking a break from a gazillion chaptered story (like me)

So let's talk about the tropes... (under spoiler tag just in case) ... more>>

It started in ancient times with ger-verse in the middle of royalty/political intrigue as a setting then transmigration and reincarnation happened, and there is a brief System moment with the MC though he lost memories as he Transmigrated into an interstellar omegaverse world Lmao. And if its not enough, turns out ML is a reverse Transmigrator too.


There is mpreg and childbirth around the end of the story. <<less
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Jynxlynn rated it
March 2, 2021
Status: Completed
A cute fast read with an interesting concept.
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ShippingHualian rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: Completed
This story is so good!!!!I want more!!!ahhhh
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PanaceaSeer rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: Completed
CUTE and sweet with a light amount of drama that really doesn't directly affect their relationship. Like revenge ah it happening but its not 30 chapters of face slapping most revenge works give. Smut, its a fade to black style, misunderstandings are quickly fixed. Honestly its too short because this would oh been awesome as 50+ chapters with the before transmigration and after parts completely fleshed out. I love the characters but again too short.

But honestly treat this as your afternoon tea, not your dinner. Short, Sweet, but you have... more>> room for more. <<less
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LouMaknae_KPOP rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: Completed
(I'm French so sorry for my shitty English) 😅😭

I must admit that it was unfortunately quite disappointing.

I liked the basic idea though, although it was absolutely not original and is déjà vu (but I love it), but the story is not well enough developed, is bad enough built, the author did not take the time to develop the story well and everything is happening too quickly.
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nightmare that sacrifices sleep rated it
June 10, 2022
Status: Completed
I read it twice already. It's short and fun to read. It's not very detailed and I think that's good enough for a short story. I think I would've gotten bored in the middle if it's like 100+ chapters. I really read it for the dog food tbh.
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loneplum rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Super cute transmigration-revenge novelette - I finished it in one sitting!

The story draws you in quickly and is a very satisfying revenge story. Even the pirate side characters are entertaining and lovable. My only complaint is that I wish this were a longer novel so that the readers would have had more story to enjoy.
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Shrike1978 rated it
November 21, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a fun little piece. I've seen this frequently done as a die and go back to the moment the couple met to do it differently, so to see it as an interstellar transmigration was nice.

It's also great if you want to see a revenge plot story but don't have the interest or energy to slog through thirty characters, multiple level machinations, or set backs. This was a simple hand 'em the rope and let them hang themselves.

It even managed to have humor, especially that poor deputy, in there.... more>> For ten chapters that's pretty impressive. I suppose you could turn this into a full length novel, but then it wouldn't be nearly as charming. Enjoy! <<less
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mxdberries rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: Completed
I felt bad for the Emperor, he's only there for the first chapter but he was pitiful. His "mom" turned out to not be his mom but his parents enemy. But judging from how his parents acted it was better for him to be raised by the male empress, if he doesn't end up dead he probably ended up some sort of puppet emperor. Our MC did have some care for him but also hated him because of something his parents did. It seemed s*upid for an innocent child to... more>> be raised like into a fool when MC could have raised him to be better than the bio parents while taking their place in the emperor's heart but no. I'm gonna pretend he got a better ending than he probably did.

Now I did not really care for the taking revenge twice when in the interstellar universe, their enemies didn't really do much other than resemble those of the first life. It was a strike before they get the chance type scenario. The first time made sense the second time not so much, especially since they used MC's sister's insecurities to do it like big yikes. She wasn't a good person but clearly she had an inferiority complex because of the family she was born in.


I did like that ML was originally from the interstellar world and he just transmigrator to MCs world, so MC's just following his true love. The cousin being a transmigrator was unexpected but welcomed, I love that he went from fights with words as a scholar to fights with fists, it was funny.

Did not like the attitude about the omegas should only focus on their alpha and don't care about their kids, nor the whole gers only care about their kids and forget their husbands. Both attitudes were just gross and not healthy. Not sure how I felt about our MC going "nah I don't want to know your plan beyond this, just make sure you're safe. Here's something I made you." Especially when we're shown he is capable and adaptable he can be it just felt like they were sticking him in a corner.

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Dingbang rated it
March 28, 2024
Status: Completed
So I'm sure I read this one once and liked it, but it wasn't in any of my lists so I'm confused. I liked it, however.

Not gonna reread.
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LiterallyNobody rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: Completed
Although I was expecting a fluffy and lovey-dovey kind of story. I was still shock, I guess, because of how discreet it was.

Because I was also expecting a more deep and complicated plot or maybe I was just used to that kind of story when I'm reading an interstellar genre.

All in all, it was cute and it ends well. Although I'm not satisfied that they exerted their revenge in their 'reincarnated' version of life than the original family.

Also, I was still hoping that the MC's child, Emperor Yanping, would be... more>> atleast given a screen time between the story unfortunately not. That's okay atleast they had their happy ending. <<less
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Peonno rated it
August 20, 2022
Status: Completed
Very short read, good. I wish it was longrr so somethings could have been explained and expounded upon more, but it's still good for 10 chapters. Only read I'm not giving 5 stars is because I found it a bit awkward regarding some points which bugged me the whole time, considering it was only a short read and I didnt have time to forget like I might in other stories which is the main cause. But hats just a personal me thing and might no be something someone else thinks... more>> is awkward. <<less
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kaytiti rated it
January 7, 2022
Status: Completed
I understand the story purpose is successful revenge and perfect happy ending with ML in the parallel world where MC was transmigrated to. I like the novel main idea, and the storyline is completed with a start and an end, not dropped... that's why 3 stars. However, the development is minimal, the narration is made like just a plain report of why & what happened, not interesting.
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caicaicat rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: Completed
I like that the transmigration was a second chance at happiness and revenge and the MC is not burdened by his sad past life.

It's a short and to the point story. Revenge happens but much of it is off screen.

Funny thing for me is

when the ML and MC attend a party and no one seems to even notice that MC who was previously engaged to the newly engaged groom at this party and who was also declared dead!!! Is just like a guest lol

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Alexm3991 rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Sweet short and to the point, while the transmigration/world hopping or whatever of any of the characters wasn't ever really explained. For such a short story the ML quickly identified the MC rather quickly and the two got their happy ending. This may be a better story if there were more chapters, oh well.
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Akri rated it
May 10, 2021
Status: Completed
It sweet, and.... Concice...??

It's well written, kind of original with the transmigration thing whithin an ABO world and entretaining.

... more>>

I liked how the MC is ok with who he is and people don't try to force him Into a "woman" role nor is he particulary interestend in being a op manly man tho he probably could.

ML is so sweet and akward, an op who is just satisfied with having his fam happy.

The revenge and stuff... the villans suffer for their face and is kind of funny/injustified, to me the only villans are mc's family so... yeah


Would read again if I stumble upon it in the future I guess.

👽 <<less
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