The Human Emperor


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Forcefully brought over from the modern world to an alternate world, Wang Chong felt detached and lived his life aimlessly.

However, when calamity struck and he saw his family and everything he cared for being torn apart, he felt regret.

Thus, he stood up and eventually became the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, leading an army against those who sought to destroy all he cherished.

Yet, despite all his efforts, it was already too late to reverse destiny.

But before his death, a shooting star, the same one which brought him to this world, appeared before him, and he was given another chance to undo his regrets.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fani İmparator
Nhân Hoàng Kỷ
Records of the Human Emperor
Ren Huang Ji
Related Series
I am the Monarch (12)
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Cheeky Sword God (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Goodies
  2. Male Protagonist (No CP)
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. Op Mc / simulation systems
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172 Reviews sorted by

Expatamoeba rated it
February 6, 2019
Status: c696
Hmm. It's actually a very good novel. The MC is like one of the best chinese MC I've seen. He is wise, calm and patriotic unlike those other hypocrite, h**ny chinese MC out there.

Now for the drawback. There's too much padding in the chapters just to increase word count. The problem that exist in 90% of webnovel out there. The author keep on adding unnecessary explaination and dialog. It's more prevalent during the war arc. The war arc could have been completed in 50 chapters but the author stretch it... more>> to more than a hundred.

The system is honestly unnecessary. It doesn't give much advantage to the MC, in fact it act as a nerf to the MC. And it's so hard to get that destiny energy or whatever.

All in all it was a good read. Probably one of the best chinese novels I've read despite all the flaws. <<less
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Chaosrune rated it
January 28, 2019
Status: c312
If you want a story where the MC is a god of war against his male enemies, but as soon as any female comes and demands something from him he transforms into a wet noodle, this is the story for you.

Outside of japanese novels, this is the first time I have seen such a spineless wimp in front of women.
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DaddySenpai rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: c165
This is an amazing novel. Well written, well thought out, and f*ck man is it good. I usually dislike novels that have a heavy basis in wuxia kinda thing. This one while it may be slow at the start is still very good. Would recommend that everyone gives it a go, at least until ch50. It's just amazing.
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rpvirtuoso rated it
May 5, 2018
Status: --
Human Emperor's main plot revolves around war. It always revolves around war that it's almost impossible to find any other theme in this.

I mean if your'e patriotic and sh*t it's okay, but f*ck every time some soldier dies 'wong chong felt great bitterness' this gets repeated over and over again. I can't relate to an MC who always strives to do best for country irrespective of what happens him (like his cultivation is fast but flawed, but he still pursues it or 'sacrifices' himself.). If your'e not into this stuff... more>> it's better not to read.

And author potrays end of kingdom in which MC lives as end of entire world. I didn't understand if this is alternate version of china or different setting altogether.

He seemingly always ends up in lucky situations in which he meets his previous life's famous people and always gets into annoyingly lengthy flashback about that character's past.i mean this guy literally abuses this reincarnation sh*t unlike any other MC you've seen, so many characters and so many circumstances always fell into his lap.

The politics is so complicated it becomes tiring to read what every f*ck does and why does it matter. I mean why are there f*cking so many characters like many many 'scions'?

even though female characters aren't r*ped or taken in s*avery like in other novels. They all seem to have 1-d characters. They always tried to beat MC and he submits like a p**sy. I mean every f*cking time for every single female character.

In novel there will always be a phrase 'In his previous life' in every chapter, now it's common enough in other novels but this sh*t gets repeated over and over again here.

Romance is basically non-existent with MC preparing for war and all. But s*upid and annoying female characters always come up with different names even though their role is basically non-existent. <<less
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ArgosYesu rated it
April 8, 2018
Status: c950
I did like this before, but after reading more I came to the realization that it's rather... boring. It's basically a glorified war novel where MC is obligated to start a race war against everyone cause plot. Then there's the confusing connections between this world and the original world's history, which just makes for a dizzying read.

Honestly, if I had to choose a novel to read for 'wars', it wouldn't be HE. This is a problem since HE is basically a war novel. There's nothing impactful about its wars and... more>> I found myself snoozing for most of the novel. Especially so when MC suddenly visits a mountain village and acquires an army of supermen.

It was a good novel before, and I'd probably give credits to StarveCleric and his editors for that. Overall though, I wouldn't read ahead anymore through MTL and just follow the TL. If it's bad, might as well read it while it's legible. <<less
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March 28, 2018
Status: --
On one hand, it starts out decently entertaining, with the ass-kicking and all -

But then it starts to become grating because every damn thing goes into the protagonist's way. Legit, the protagonist is still a teenager and all the neutral/friendly characters (Even the f*cking king ruling this place is giving all kinds of praise instead of being suspicious on how the f*ck he's guessing all of this correctly) are going "holy sh*t he's so smart and an innovative thinker", there's barely any traces of doubt. Sh*t man, the lack of... more>> challenge is really making this boring. <<less
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ASimplePeasant rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: c334
Just read the chapter up to date.

What MC have:

  • Knowledge of Past Events
  • Somewhat cheat-like game abilities
However, what makes this series gave me a 5* is that T.H.E is different from TDG and other series where the MC do not become needlessly overpowered and rich. What wealth the MC accumulated goes to projects that benefits the empire which he failed to protect the empire.

... more>> The MC gives a natural attitude of the leader and wants others to succeed more than him and he helps them to succeed more often than him.

Unlike the other reviews in T.H.E, I am not sure what they meant by fillers. It may be fillers to them as there are characters that are based on Tang dynasty historical figures. (E.g. FuMengLingCha, Go Seonji, Yang Yuhuan, etc etc). They may know the history of the figures and may dismiss them as fillers. But for those who don't know chinese history, I recommend to give it a read as it writes about a nation's culture, military and life in Tang China.

The Novel also talks about profound things such as political intrigues in the court where a mere sentence can bring your life at stake such as Chapter 90 which I will not spoil.

I can continue to go on but it would be better to read it and understand full-hand.

p.s. Give it a Read! <<less
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QianBing rated it
March 10, 2018
Status: c980
One of the greatest Chinese novels I have ever read. This book tells the story of a person who got transported into ancient China during the Tang Dynasty. However, this world has cultivation and other xuanhuan stuff. There is a ton of politics and military strategy involved with this, along with cultivation and fighting. What I love about this story is the love the MC has for his empire and does everything he can in order for it to survive. A truly great novel for anyone who loves ancient Chinese... more>> history, warefare, and fighting. <<less
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Nalife rated it
January 23, 2018
Status: c541
I'm really like this novel!

MC have no time for romance and that is why I like it! This is the time before the BIG WAR and it full of strategy and fighting. MV is really a good leader and it seem to be more intelligent like he knows and he prepare everything but I also like it LOL

it is hard to find novels that not focus on romance (if someone know the story like this, please let me know I would like to read more :)
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rg1400 rated it
January 18, 2018
Status: 277
its an exceptionally interesting novel instilling patriotism and heroism. Though it has an all knowing MC but how he handles everything and the brilliant implementation of strategies by a single statement is the most intriguing matter. The world development is exceptionally thorough (which may cause a little problem in the beginning due to too much info available). This novel is worth reading.

Well I would like to thank both author and translator for this brilliant work.
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Renmaster rated it
January 9, 2018
Status: c268
Finally novel about war as an army, I have read quite a bit of novel, and The Human Emperor is at the top among them.

This novel also include individual cultivation with decent humor. And the best of all, the enemy isnt just one time use that die as soon as it appear, instead they fight with wits and politics.

I hope more people try to read this masterpiece and spread it's awesomeness.
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AutumnSnowz rated it
January 5, 2018
Status: c261
Update 2: the novel got even worst and I'm at chapter 970. At least in the beginning the strategy was fun to read and entertaining but now it gotten so s*upid. There barely any strategy anymore and it's all about who's has the stronger fist. They literally have giants and titian fighting now. I even skip chapter because the chapter basically the giants is so big and strong and is running wild. How can I be stronger to defeat it. And that continues for chapter upon chapter until plot armor... more>> boost him enough to win. 2.5 outa 5 now at best. Also notice that most high rating are around the 200 to 500 chapter where strategy was still being use.

Update: I have reread this and now I see so many illogical events that it hurts my brain. I don't know how I miss it before. Most of the igglogical event doesn't involve the MC or at least he didn't make the decision so maybe that why I didn't notice it before. 3 outa 5 now.


so they have a trading camp and the emperor decide that it's okay to let the camp be attack and even let the young people there die as training. What kind of logical reason is that for training. So kill your own people cause there weak... What kind of king is that. And this young people aren't even weak cause they at least meet the requirement to enter this training camp. Not to mention it was barely one day of training camp. So let's test all this people on the second day and if they fail they're useless. What kind of logic is that? Isn't the training camp to prepare them for such events? If this was some secret evil cult I would under stand hut this is a king letting his people die cause they weak and he deem them useless. I now understand why he lost the war before the MC reincarnated again. What a dumb and useless king. He would lose again to if not for the MC and his plot armor.


Old: Novel is quite good with strategy smart MC that knows about the future so he's using it to his advantage. His cheat isn't to op to where the story's gets boring. And the storyline flow quite nicely as you read.

The one major complaint is that it is a little on the nationlist side. I understand its back in the old warring days but sometime it feel a little over board. The novel seem to portray that any one who isn't Chinese isn't worth a damn. That's one of the main compliant I have about the novel and the one reason it's only 4 star instead of 5. <<less
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whosays25 rated it
December 18, 2017
Status: c234
This is my first time encountering an MC who died, reincarnated and then got resolute to change everything not for his lover, but for his family... and this what gave me the push to read until the latest chapter released.

It started awesome, then along the way there are some cliches and annoying filler conversations and chapters but fortunately, the quality didn't drop because the situation would get salvaged at the next moment. A plus point for its plot and unyielding MC, he's so unyielding for his country that other reviewers... more>> remarked he's almost a very loyal dog, but I don't see it unlikable. Not also likable because sometimes there are mentioned of racism which would really make people's brows crease, but it's still okay. It's not like he's someone who points to other races and then say they're monkeys and such. He's just a love-struck fool - for his family and country though. And actually I like that the target of his affection and devotion are not some random goddesses of damnation who only knew how to bring troublesome arrogant people from who knows where.

So... + point for the awesome MC, he's witty, of course, as its one requirement to be an MC. He's also loyal and strong-willed since aside from coming from a militaristic background, he's a very high ranking officer in his old life.

Another + for the story's lack of filler romance. So far, MC has his eyes only to his current goal which is to drive his country away from destruction and because of this, females are probably no different from stones in his eyes. Naturally, there are still tsun and annoying women in this series such as his female cousins and his sister, but at least they are annoying in a different way, unlike love interests who are annoying because they're always being chased by troublesome people/scenarios/background, giving other regular xuanhuan MCs some ground to feel ashamed of their smallness as their strength is so inadequate before absolute blah blah blah.

I really think that MCs who are motivated to get stronger because of this reason are shallow. All the times, they would manage to save their beloved damnsel in distress only to end up neglecting them because some newly added revenge cliches rose up or find some other future harem members showed up... so yeah, shallow, and irritating. If romance is written this way, what's the point? Better if there's no romance at all. So yeah, love lots sir author for not throwing harem to our MC. <<less
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missycin rated it
October 25, 2017
Status: c604
  • I really like the story and I have been reading non-stop for several days now.
    1. The story isn't centered around MC's cultivation. He a transmigrated then reincarnated hero who is trying to correct his inaction during his first transmigrated life. - So the story is all about fighting fate and controlling one's own.
    2. MC needs a lot of help even if he on his own has great potential. There is still cultivation here and I really love how the hero is synthesizing different kinds of training so he can be stronger. Most of the time, he really succeeds because he is the Last Grand Marshall of the Great Plains living in the body of a 15 year old. It also helps that he has prior knowledge.
    3. Butterfly effect. He changes one thing and it causes changes in the future with like an advanced timeline or he gives himself problems he didn't have before.
    4. This is more like a battle strategy novel I guess. Reading it feels like Alexander the Great in a Chinese novel meets Civilizations meets Ancient Monopoly and I find it quite enjoyable.
    5. I can understand why some people hated battle scenes, they went on and on for more than a hundred chapters.
    6. War is hell.
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October 10, 2017
Status: c208
Okay so I think it is my turn to write a review.

Firstly, the story is quite good as an reincarnation based story. Everything was exciting on the beginning, but once you step on c100+ by then you will notice something is missing.

I don't remember which chapter it is but the MC's father only show up on a very few chapter (I remember the last time I read about him when he was drinking with his comrade during the invasion of another native tribe during early chapter) and the author already... more>> forgetting to mention about what happen to him. Even during the MC's grandfather birthday, his father didn't showed up and the author never mention him so I bet his father is still drinking with his comrades on the border, gets drunk then drink again (rinse and repeat).

The author tends to mentioned a new character and then dump them after a few chapter. So this MC won't be able to make a new friend for a long period and do you guys notice something? EVERY REINCARNATION NOVEL TENDS TO PAIRED THE MC WITH A CHUBBY CLUMSY BEST FRIEND. Someday I hope I can see a handsome and tough besfriend instead a chubby ones.

For a new reader or to those who want to try out this novel, I recommend to read this with patient since the translator quite slow with the updates. <<less
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Trent rated it
September 17, 2017
Status: c195
It’s an interesting story, with a really smooth translation and solid characters. The MC’s clever and experienced, but not omniscient or infallible. He’s determined and unselfish, not to simply fill the heroic archetype, but because he has cause to be.

The story has its issues, though, because the author just writes whatever he wants to without a greater plot in mind, simply relying on his skill and inspiration to write interesting chapters.

-Plot: The author doesn’t know what to do with his plotlines. He threads in some, forgets others, will pick one up again later when he remembers it or has some space for it. He messes up details and wraps the story in contradictions.

-It’s the same for the MC’s first life: It’s a blank slate, which the author blindly scribbles onto without planning or foreshadowing. If the author has an idea, he’ll drop it in and have the MC suddenly remember some important person or thing. He keeps adding bits and pieces to the MC’s life, regardless of whether they fit together, and constantly retcons the timeline to fit whatever little story’s being told at the moment and to add one threat after another against the MC’s country.

And the less said about the cultivation and blacksmithing, the better. They make some sense, and don’t make other sense.

But though I can criticize the story all I want, it’s a good read despite all its problems. It’s genuinely interesting and fun to read. And that’s more important, isn’t it?
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Queen of Sheba
Queen of Sheba rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: c180
A Chinese epic. The story is very intriguing. From its vast ranging machinations, to its well crafted Tang dynasty setting. The protagonist advances steadily whilst averting large-scale catastrophes that had befell his glorious nation in his past life. Well, at least diminishing the catastrophes as much as possible.

The protagonists schemes were rather amusing as well. Yet, the greatest problem in the end, is that simply put, the protagonist lacks the will power to be the man he says he was, and still is. Grand Marshall of the Tang dynasty. Why... more>> you may ask? The protagonist has absolutely no ruthless bone in his body as well, at one point in time, he was willing to sacrifice everything in order to simply say a few flowery words. Not to even mention that the protagonist doesn't actually really even understand politics that well. He's a traditional Confucianist, weak in the belief that all others are as morally good as he is. Cultured also. It leaves him in the precarious position of being a scholar general, rather useful in times of peace, but useless in times of conflict.

Recommended read. High-level world building. <<less
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RedKaiser rated it
August 10, 2017
Status: c172
Many have claimed to master the dao of filler but none will be better than this.. You can just skip a few chapter and you will not missing the plot.

The story is great. MC on his late prime returns to his teen years try to change the future with his knowledge. Game element barely exist. Some people question author's intentions and I don't care As long the story progress
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introparadox rated it
June 18, 2017
Status: c116
A decent story of 4 inside a lot of procrastination witch makes 3, it manifest in many ways like saying the obvious or the unnecessary, and repetitions, even a system notification of me learning the advanced "skipping skill" finally appeared.

the story is forking fast introducing many character along with the unnecessary dumping that I mentioned makes it pace too slow, yet it's acceptable if you deploy some skip&skim, though the problem is the shortness of chapters but the rate of translation composite for it.

the author seems ridiculous a lot of... more>> times when it relates to money, a lot of times he contradict himself or commen sense. And sometimes characters s*upid decisions in other aspects.


for example his monthly allowance as a young master is only a few silvers and his hole clan wealth is 1000 gold, yet when he demand a favor from his little sister she asks for a payment of 100 gold, then 200 gold when he accepted and even threaded him if he refuse, witch is supposedly a funny thing, hell no it's an angering ridiculous bullshit, I'm not sucking on my thumb


there is sometimes a mix of related events that you don't know witch precedes witch, it didn't affect much the story though it's annoying as you lose track of time, but you eventually back on track after the hole event pass. <<less
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optjam rated it
June 8, 2017
Status: c100
This is a reincartion novel I can get behind. It's way more realistic than your usual suspect. It has great story building and the best part of it is how the main character is not jumping power levels extremely fast. He builds his steps one by one to gather a solid foundation. Overall, the novel is a pleasant surprise.
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