The Human Emperor


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Forcefully brought over from the modern world to an alternate world, Wang Chong felt detached and lived his life aimlessly.

However, when calamity struck and he saw his family and everything he cared for being torn apart, he felt regret.

Thus, he stood up and eventually became the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, leading an army against those who sought to destroy all he cherished.

Yet, despite all his efforts, it was already too late to reverse destiny.

But before his death, a shooting star, the same one which brought him to this world, appeared before him, and he was given another chance to undo his regrets.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fani İmparator
Nhân Hoàng Kỷ
Records of the Human Emperor
Ren Huang Ji
Related Series
I am the Monarch (12)
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The Second Coming of Gluttony (9)
Cheeky Sword God (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Goodies
  2. Male Protagonist (No CP)
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. Op Mc / simulation systems
  5. Novels I have read

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01/30/21 Hosted Novel c2163
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01/28/21 Hosted Novel c2158
01/27/21 Hosted Novel c2157
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172 Reviews sorted by

Jaehaerys rated it
June 16, 2017
Status: c115
I would like to say that this is definitely one of my favorite stories. While I can't say much for what will happen in the future, so far The Human Emperor has been extremely satisfying, if not a bit slow.

This story brings an often used and popular genre of transmitigration and time travel combined to create a new and exciting story.

Unlike other MCs, he is not superpowering ever 2 chapters to defeat the next foe. He is also not the master at everything. Unlike other MCs that can do alchemy,... more>> forge op weapons, place divine arrays, and etc. While some stories are able to do those things, Wang Chong uses a mix of intrigue and economic advantages to win. Instead of running and bashing all his enemies he has to slowly build up his power using his foreknowledge from the future.

People in the story that are older and senior aren't all bloodthirsty arrogant masters. They don't immediately try and use their op cultivation to try and kill the MC for every small offense, same with other young masters. One young master tried to trap the MC in a plot, but the MC was able to use it to his advantage.

I like this story because the main character isn't some once in billion genius that will leave because this country is to small to hold such a figure. He uses wit and money to try and change the tragedy that will befall his clan. His clan isn't full of blood relatives trying to cripple each other, but that's not to say there isn't competition. The masters and strong people of the world aren't indiscriminate killers and have to follow rules set down by he emperor and court. There is order in a way and also chaos as the MC tries to navigate the future while the world is resisting his changes to the future. I highly reccomend you check this out. <<less
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Bakaleaf rated it
May 8, 2017
Status: c72
This is a good novel but the slow phase is very annoying

The repetitive chapters is no longer fun for me

Take this Stone arc something

... more>>

The MC crafted the most powerful weapon what happen next? A never ending loop of dragging, each chapter became POV by some random people saying this and that the annoying part is this arc seems won't be done even after a hundred chapter. I mean he make the so called amazing sword to advertise but he was so indecisiveness of whom he should sell it and it keeps on dragging and dragging to the point that I no longer feel reading


This is not your typical reincarnated MC as MC is from our earth transported to another world got a very mess up Life and manage to redo it, but the thing is I can't find any thing that will make MC came from earth, with those ridiculous decision making.

The Habit of author repetitive writing like this

MC do something big->Train->Random POV->Train

The training part is annoying like hell why must the author write half a chapter of training that can only be describe in a simple single sentence!

Decide to drop this novel I might read it again later or might forget about it as there is nothing that makes you wanna read it at least for me I already lose interest in this novel as that stone arc something already test my patience. <<less
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Boon rated it
April 23, 2017
Status: c104
* 3/5. Update from c58 to c104, downgraded from 3.75.

*It continuously hits more cliche's, being unoriginal, and everyone unceasingly and endlessly praising the MC.

"Pretty good. Definitely above most of the average xianxia, and by that I mean things like ATG, TMW etc. I'd put it in my top 75/200 of the novels I've read on here. (Pretty much everything tagged action rated over 4.0)

This novel required me to skim a bit, and for that I knocked it's rating down a bit. Things happen like people lining up to get... more>> their faces slapped, endlessly praising the MC, or the cultivation techniques, but they are much shorter and much more tolerable than TMW or ATG by comparison. The somewhat cheesy robotic voice with purchase options feels a bit cheesy compared to many, trying to cross genres into an mmorpg but not being very successful. But I enjoy reading this very much, and was disappointed as I quickly ran out of chapters to read. What I like about this novel is that despite it being a xuanhaun that will no doubt be full of fighting, the cultivation technique takes a back seat. Yes he gets stronger, but we don't have to read about how he rotates his energy REALLY hard for 15-30 minutes at every step of his power progression. Though it did mention it, and I did automatically skim it, it was very brief. The point is that the plot is more complex than just train, bash heads, train, etc etc. He is slowly training his martial arts in the background as the story progresses, but he is not really running around fighting anyone at this point. He is just using foreknowledge of events to protect his clan from scheming, while the early focus is on creating the highest quality swords using future technology. Also, the enemies he runs into are intelligent, and thus not boring. Despite a few drawbacks, it is still an entertaining read, enough to race through 58 chapters in nearly one night." - old review <<less
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Rangle rated it
April 14, 2017
Status: c26
I've just started reading but so far I'm not impressed with the story. The MC's family is too rigid and s*upid. They can't adapt to political machinations of others and too fixed on tradition instead of being wise. Thank goodness for plot armors or else these kind of people would've been destroyed in reality. I will update my rating if the story gets better or worse the further I read.

Edit: The story got one good thing going. The MC is different than the normal xuanhuan protagonist. He uses his wit... more>> to achieve his goals and not all things will go his way.

PS: I quite appreciate the translator notes explaining the cultural background in the story. <<less
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Kylix rated it
April 14, 2017
Status: c47
Story is currently only on chapter 47 and they have just started to introduce the concept of destiny however it seems to be done in a very interesting and unique way, and the personal interactions and intelligence of the MC is some of the best so far.

furthermore the translation quality is very good with footnotes to explain historical concepts that you may not have understood otherwise.
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PoSunBanYi rated it
February 14, 2022
Status: c51
It's hella pretentious, something I was already very known from The World Online, if only its author wasn't a complete jerk insulting successful and renown authors from his own country every now and then like a braintard and 'everyone's an idiot except for me style' I would've ended the novel, but it's taxing.

Here first 4 chapters were hella nice and gave you a sense of immersion at incredible levels, it seemed so solid right at the start, then ch 5-6 turned weird. He is hella sub towards his parents... alright... more>> whatever it's chinese one and also probably government influenced novel as well, whatever. But then he is being ignored by petty reason by them and getting hella punished, the same, then the same with me and TWO, taxing to keep on.

I can see the prota from TWO in here, which is nice, but unfortunately it also seems a mary sue where it just gotta be the perfect author, but here he's even a femdom guy and sub, even though all his convictions are so supposedly to be complete determination and steel-like emotions.

Reading others' thoughts, I also think is mediocre-decent, but it's definitely NOT something I can read, with hos superficial and pretentious it gets by every development. Also the fact that it isn't slice of life doesn't mean he HAS to be in an important chain-quest the whole 2, 427 chapters, yet it does... many just love to do that, I call it lack of sense and creativity, imagination even.

Recommend, but not in high value. <<less
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MyriadBooks rated it
February 11, 2022
Status: Completed
I would say its decent, quite enjoyable but has many flaws.

What I like about this novel

- the cleverness of the MC when it comes to making war strategy and schemes.

... more>> - the MC are able to stay calm headed and think properly even if things go very wrong.

- the MC manage to use his modern life knowledge properly.

- the story are immersive enough (for me atleast)

Now when it comes things that I don't like.

- some things that left unexplanable, for example the "halo of dusk stallion" when the MC first got it, its describe as something dangerous that only Chosen people should learn as if it a cursed thing, but later in the story it Didnt show the reason why, its just a decent halo that buff your army lol.

- side character that are left in the dust, if you like some side character, then don't, high chance they Will be forgotten or just barely mention.

- the MC never have a breaks, after he solve a problem, another problem Will instantly pop out magically, the author really doesnt want his MC to take a rest.

- most females character are just hateful. Thankfully not all.

- doesnt have clear concept of the exact story


after the MC defeat arabia war God qutaybah, the author foreshadow that theres someone that stronger than him called the governor of Ansari, but later in the story this guy never show up and replaced by khatabah who were never mentioned.

Also later the MC Will have enemy called "true lord yellow dragon" he someone under "heaven" with grotto heaven cultivation, which mean he should be part of the 12 supremes. But why is he the one only with different name? The other use name like genesis supreme, essence supreme, radiant supreme, etc. Hes the only one different, to me its clear that author initially Didnt plan for the 12 supreme concept thats why his name is the only one different, im sure he only think the concept of 12 supreme on the middle of the story


- finally meh ending, the ending way too simple, like I said the side characters are just left to dust, in the ending, the author Didnt even bother to tell what happen to those side character that actually quite important.

The ending is basically

Wang chong become emperor, the Empire prosper, no more enemy, END LOL. Just pure Meh for me. <<less
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demongordon rated it
June 20, 2021
Status: c1000
This novel is a 3.5/5

Good stuff

-army building, logistics and strategy take a core place on the novel.

-there is the application of both unusual strategy because the MC resources and also strategy when thr MC isnt prepared.

- there is variety in multiple plans being worked at same time instead of just being the first to arrive because what he know from the future.

... more>>The attack at training camp and the bandit extermination arc seen to have alot more. To. Do with strategy and tatics althan the 10billion spldiers army later on. The over reliance on the steel fortress that raise faster than a RTS building make the MC situation always passive in front an enemy that could just starve the MC out. And the author keep throwing special units to spice things but in the end without changing the status quo. And startes to annoy me in particular. -the cultivation and power scale is low and so the army or thr MC friends dont get imediatly being dragged along the story or forggotten in some corner.

- the use of a historical time gave the story unusual plot points and political schemes.

But also the bad

-the fatestone system is a joke, either do jack sh*t for hundreads of chapter or do 1 boost once. We dont even get to see what he can do with his points and the story would be better without it. Worse when put plotarmor on some events because the author cant change the historical plot points too much.

-as time moves on strategy seen to be a parody, as powercreep. Set in, and the army with strongest aura + equip = win and kill thousands. Is clearly building up to make the super general 1man armies. (Still not as bad as most cultivation useless. Armies)

-increadible pointless infodump and longwinded story parts, that could easy have cut almost 1/4 without losing nothing of worth.

-Super Nationalist story, even if there is some explaination of the MC hate for them because of the later rebellions. However start to boils all political nuance out of the window as the MC opinion is never wrong and everyone else is dumb, evil, Hun and non-patriotic. While the Han are almlst perfect, if not for their kindness. At least the others character for most part doesnt agree with MC views. <<less
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deniya rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c77
Way too much water and repeatances, makes us wait for like 3-4 chapters in which there's pretty much the same dialogues, same attitudes of all the characters like: 1. Do you have the idea of what you're doing? 2. Hah, we'll see how he fails. 3. MC must be s*upid etc. And the same goes pretty much in all of those chapters, just some bit of lines about something new.

Also somewhat too much scrupulous "teachings" step by step, which seems too obvious to have a wish to read those.

If the... more>> story progressed faster, it'd be much more pleasant. And yea, will say again, too much praises/reproaches/slanders at the same situation from many characters. And those tend to change just cuz of misunderstandings. <<less
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Subline Act
Subline Act rated it
August 27, 2020
Status: c1401
Excellent +. [Chi. Names] This is a very in-depth character progression and well introduced cultivation different levels. The World template seems to be based on historical event that happened obviously on China, with named locations, kingdom borders, landmarks, as well as the kingdom and empires that surrounds the Tang Dynasty, characters are solid enough to be remembered even if that said character haven't been mentioned for a long time (with being countless of them). This also had a Political and Military Intrigue but not as in-depth as 'The World Online'... more>> but it's already WAY above of those Average Novels. [ There are a lot of reason to read this Masterpiece. (Ahhh I forgot to mention there are other world/dimension and Psychic powers (on a cultivation context, not those in magical worlds) ]

As for the negative you can look from others review I agree on some of them especially that this can bring out different emotions on how you feel to the characters for sure <<less
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Aina Seira
Aina Seira
July 30, 2020
Status: c1401
Not the best novel but definitely one which can trigger several emotions in a person. You may lose some brain cells in the process, both for following the complicated plotting/strats, and dealing with some inconsistencies. The girls here are verrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy annoying btw. Just a warning.

Anyway, it's an enjoyable read, just get used to the draggy arcs and writing style. It has substance anyway. Not a harem btw. And while the title seems misleading, that's only because you haven't read until the end. He doesn't stay as a general/non-royal blooded prince.... more>> This is an out-and-out fantasy even if it is peppered with plots, military wars, and politics. <<less
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YeongEunJi rated it
March 24, 2020
Status: c1245
It's not really that bad actually, I really had a good time reading it minus the OVERBEARING, ARROGANT FEMALES that always leave me frustrated EVERYTIME! But it gets better really after they didn't appear but after sometime the plot just drops and I really couldn't take it as it frustrates me to the bone so I decided to stop at this chapter -- but well, over all its quite a decent read but I just hope that it doesn't have this much of a chapter and arrived to a conclusion... more>> or ending somewhere. <<less
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wait321 rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: c1286
This novel is interesting but it’s 70% filler. Every action is followed by comments from 10 random viewers in the area. Everything is explained multiple times. A one hour battle took like 10 chapters. Even though I read 1000+ chapters, I basically skimmer most of them by reading the first and last paragraph. Once I caught up with the releases, I couldn’t stand it because the daily releases had nothing happen and the pace was so slow.
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NakuyKi rated it
October 22, 2019
Status: c1200
Long story short if you're a patriot, you'll probably like this as a lot of the themes touched on in the novel is actually relateable to politics happening in the US today.

Not to mention the story is relatively better than most other Asian novels with MC's that become OPOP right away just cause they had a tragic incident or backstory.

No matter how strong you become, humans have limits and therefore cannot fight entire wars by themselves due to constraints on stamina/energy.

As far as all the complaints from other reviews go,... more>> the novel literally explains the reasoning for why characters do certain things. And those complaining about why he doesn't clean house for the government, surprise surprise, he has no political power yah goofball. No matter how good intentioned you are, you'll be seen as a madman if you come out of nowhere and rave that people are corrupt and should be removed from positions they've had for years, let alone decades. Not to mention that doing so would result in the stone of destiny obliterating your ass for trying to spoil sh*t in the timeline to prevent events in the first place. The stone clearly wants the MC to OVERCOME trials, not AVOID them. And guess what? Even if you were allowed to outright avoid events, you forfeit most of your knowledge of future events and therefore voluntarily choose to become blind. In other words, some reviewers that are harsh on what he should be doing are only looking at short term gain instead of realizing from the first few chapters that these trials span across DECADES. Completely removing a trial early on would mess up all future events that don't pertain to natural disasters.

Anyways... Birds. They have horses that can be bred to be intelligent, tigers that can use martial arts (if I remember correctly), and birds that can be used as scouts/aerial forces. Pigeons being able to be trained to go where the user directs them to is the least amazing thing in a world where mythical arts literally exist.

Oh and this novel doesn't really have the "bad guys who are bad for the sake of being bad to make the MC look good for his harem" characters as well, so thats a plus.

Speaking of harems, there are female characters introduced, but honestly... Romance is not focused on in this novel so naturally he isn't even close to having a girlfriend, let alone a fiance/wife. So if you're looking for romance, look elsewhere as women, while they are monstrously strong, generally don't go off to war with the MC. And for anyone bothered by females being strong... They only seem strong because while the men die in various wars, the women get to just cultivate. But the thing is that because they never fight wars or go out of their way to fight all the strong people across the land, they never get past the bottle-neck of true or profound-levels of power. I'm 1200 chapters in and I don't think there has been a single Imperial-level female introduced. The only possibility I see of that happening are if the Empresses of the island nations where Japan was supposed to be gets expanded upon.

The only negatives I have with this novel is that some lines are repeated a lot for clarification and that words are used several times in a row when there are plenty of synonyms, but considering how most other Asian novels are written... I'll overlook that flaw >_> <<less
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Rath rated it
August 20, 2019
Status: c1000
The first half of this story isn't too bad. It becomes hard to digest during the long over-exaggerated battles. Seriously these battles take 100s of chapters to finish. It was nice reading about the MC building up his power base and the interactions with his family and friends, but this is all thrown away for forced battles that will always end up siding with the protag no matter how bad he's outnumbered or outclassed (usually both at the same time).

What's unforgivable is the sound effects! Several flutters in one chapter... more>> or all the nighing just got tedious fast. I always hated sound effects in web novel but I usually can cope with them, in this novel the author takes it to the next level.

Overall, this is a garbage novel that does have its moments. <<less
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KirbyReviews44 rated it
June 13, 2019
Status: c400
This novel is pretty good in the beginning. If readers enjoy court/imperial politics/drama then this novel executes this plot line very well as the MC is the hedonistic young master who suddenly becomes a genius and has to save his clan from enemies.

Some nitpicks, the plot moves very slowly. The author completely fails at writing any female character or romance at all. The cultivation system is whacky. The cheat system is also whacky.

But, if you enjoy a story driven by plot, intrigue, schemes, and not just young masters slapping each... more>> other, then this novel is quite refreshing for a while until the nitpicky parts come in. <<less
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eristo rated it
June 8, 2019
Status: c196
I like the story at the beginning but got bored when the solution to problems is always a memory from previous timeline.

like many other Chinese novels the numbers are unbalanced. Why a rich guy can only lend 1.5k when a general can spend 35k to 300k for a sword?

too many names, maybe it's interesting for people who knows Chinese history.

too many martial art techniques.
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Leilacus rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c783
It was good at the beginning but as the others said, it somehow became monotonous. The first battle at the southwest took sooooooooo long (like 100 chaps) to finish. Seriously. It was irritating. The MC was likeable but at the same time, irritating to the point that I want to tell he's so dumb! There were more ways to go about some problems but he HAD to do the idiotic things which actually earns him lots of enemies that were supposed to be potential allies. He's too fixated with this... more>> and that kind of martial arts or this and that kind of idea.

There are also some inconsistencies with the story, even from the beginning which just made me shake my head.

Anyway, it's not that all bad. Just have more patience in reading this. <<less
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frostcrystal rated it
April 26, 2019
Status: c854
This novel has a lot of flaws, but I must say I've really enjoyed reading it.

Likely the biggest issue in my mind is that the MC is rather unabashedly racist, though in a strangely respectful way. He never underestimates his foreign enemies and goes out of his way to learn their language and culture in a bid to fight them better, but at the same time the whole thing with the Han and the Hu really goes against the grain for a modern reader.

Another annoyance is that while the author... more>> has obviously tried very hard to sprinkle in numerous powerful and intelligent female characters, they are all of them damn annoying. It's almost unfortunate because the author has clearly made an effort, but nearly all women of the MC's peer group are haughty and arrogant and know-it-all and kind of violent.

Finally, there are occasionally some issues with the pacing. The southwestern war lasted over 100 chapters and God knows I skipped a bunch of them.

All that said, I've still read up until chapter 800+ so clearly none of these are dealbreakers for me! The Human Emperor is fast-paced, has memorable characters who are usually well-rounded, competent villains, and an interesting semi-historical basis. I highly recommend it if you are into military novels. <<less
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Potato Tomo
Potato Tomo
April 23, 2019
Status: --
Sooo I still don't know why the rating and ranking is so high. Besides the high quantity of chapters I have yet to see any quality.

Its first few dozen chapters can be summarized to


wootz steel numbah wan


And you can skip paragraphs because the same idea goes for more than a paragraph. The filler is so nauseating already at the beginning.

It is still readable but don't get your hopes up.
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