The High Spec Mob, Turned the Tables on a Deserted Island


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Hajime Tamura is a high school sophomore who doesn’t stand out in class.

He has a different sense of values from others, and his words and actions have made him a loner.

One day, he receives confessions from the three most beautiful girls in his high school.

Hajime seriously considers his response and chooses to reject them all, but their confessions are false.

Hajime finds out that it was just a game to see who would be chosen as the “loser,” and he falls into a distrust of women.

However, during a school excursion, a cruise ship sinks in an unfortunate accident. He finds himself adrift on a deserted island, forced to live a life of survival with the beautiful girls who falsely confessed to him.

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Haisupekku Kage kya, Mujintō de Gyakutensuru
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June 10, 2022
Status: c6
these are only my first impressions so my opinion can still change but the first few chapters were terrible.

We got the beta MC lead being kind to his a**hole classmates. This novel has the cautious protag. Tag but he nearly died at thr beginning being backstabbed by his douchebag of an classmate he tried to save when the ship was sinking. Miraculously surviving thinking exposing the psychopath wouldnt do anything so he doesnt speak up at all and just sucks it all up so his other oblivious classmates will have to deal with this psychopath now and its so obvious that what will happen in the future. This is exactly the type of MC I hate the most so I am being pretty harsh here. There isnt a single character that potentially could be good yet, MC included so I didnt bother remembering their names.


I will keep reading a little more to see if this will get better since I am usually a fan of the survival genre but I dont have high hopes so its fine.
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