The Heartbeat at the Tip of the Tongue


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The vastly differing world views of the male and female lead –

The purpose of food:

Female lead: To fill my tummy!

Male lead: Art!

The impression they have of each other:

Female lead: Impossible!

Male lead: Too s*upid!

Is there a possibility that you would date the other party?

Female lead: Who, who wants to get together with this peculiar weirdo!

Male lead: She’s so s*upid, I’m the only person capable of accepting her.

This is a story about how an arrogant and cold male idol successfully PKs the female lead’s black-bellied childhood playmate before bringing the female lead along in his domination over the world of gourmet food. The male lead is an extremely talented chef; however, he suffers from blindness – thus, his other senses are all hypersensitive with the exception of his sight. With his perfect sense of taste and his ability to accurately determine people’s attitude and feelings through their vocal tone and their breathing, he is better able to discern the truth and people’s real underlying intentions when compared to the common man.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cupid's Kitchen
Related Series
Sweet Heart in Honeyed Desire (7)
Marriage Concerto (Small Thing Called Love) (3)
God of Cooking (2)
First Marriage Then Love (2)
The Rice Pot Next Door (2)
When God Says Let There Be Light (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Because of drama
  2. Straight Modern Romance
  3. Love, Zuliate
  4. Lidos
  5. Modern BG Romance

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81 Reviews sorted by

sleepyleaf rated it
August 11, 2016
Status: --
One word: Cute

Really love this novel so the male lead is like a big shot in the gourmet world/industry and I mean he's super genius while Lin Ke Song is good at eating I guess? Jk she also have a talent in tasting. Highly recommended to those who want to read some fluffy stuff
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amelya85 rated it
June 25, 2016
Status: c27

Love this. Well, I do love the cooking but I also love the romance. It's not a heavy novel and very enjoyable. I've finished reading the raw and it's a happy ending so all's good

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CaliforniaMaki rated it
October 9, 2022
Status: Completed
I was torn with giving this a high rating because although there were some great realisation in the love dialogues, the novel has a hint of misogyny and mary sue'ness.

Review contains spoiler.

Great part:


The dialogue where ML says he wouldn't force LKS to break her friendship with 2ML because he understands that those lingering feelings wouldn't really go away but would be replaced with a greater love. This is real to me and makes these characters a little bit more human.


What I hate:

  1. I can't understand why people are grieving over the 2ML because he's scum. I understand he had to keep her a 'secret' so that she won't be used as a pawn in their family affairs and camouflaging as a libertine. But flaunting those women in front of her face and making her doubt her self worth are these acts of love? And honestly, if I was the bro of the 2ml, wouldn't I notice that although he's had many girlfriends, there's this one girl that still sticks to him? Then, can't I use this woman as a pawn to threaten him? Even if she's not a lover but a best friend, Im sure she's important to him. SMH.
    Also, man 2ML such a scum at the end. Even if the FL and ML have acknowledged their relationship, he's still flirtily bantering with her (and that's with hopes she breaks up with ML so he can swoop right in). He's not a good friend at all.
  2. There was this scene in a party where the ML says to the FL that he likes her because she can "bravely" show her real face. FL showed up in a party where she didn't know there was dress code. She's in jeans while the other women were made up and in gowns. If the author meant this figuratively like, I admire you can show your real self unlike these women hiding themselves behind their makeup. Then, I'm happy with this. But if he meant it literally, like her bare face is better than those made up faces, then I take umbrage. We're way past the time when women wear makeup to please men. Women wear makeup for themselves to feel beautiful, strong and confident. PERIOD. And if beautifying food is considered art, then why can't beautifying the face be considered art, too? BS!
  3. FL talking about how she has to strive to be worthy of ML's love. She also berated her cousin to act better so that the 2ML might notice (like) her. Idk if it's the translation but aren't relationships supposed to be based on attraction (lol) and compatibility? What's all this talk about being worthy? It's like putting someone on a pedestal. Is that even love?
Tldr; at surface level this is a sweet and fluffy read. But if you were to seriously go in depth, you'd see a lot of problems in this novel.
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ate_gurl rated it
June 1, 2022
Status: Completed
I love the MC! She is very likable and starts as someone who does not know what she wants with her career. The circumstances led her to New York City, a new city where she discovers her new passion by accident.

The reason why the ML became the ML and the 2nd ML remained as a friend is justified.

... more>>

One guy supports and helps her realize her dreams whereas the other one have a lot of entanglements from family. This is probably the only story where I really like that the childhood friend is not chosen. Though childhood friend is definitely likable.


Besides the progression of MC as a chef, the plot heavily relies on the love triangle between the MC, ML, and 2nd ML.

Definitely a good read. Love it! <<less
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Naimena rated it
June 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I really liked this novel. It has a mature, soft and warm kind of feel. The plot has a fluid development for the most part and the characters are well written considering the lack of detailed background information on most of them. I admire the author's and translator's commitment to research and description of cuisine since it actually leads the reader to appreciate cooking as an art. It has an inspiring factor that makes you want to find you passion and chase your dreams.

The ML is great despite of his... more>> everlasting poker face and *gasp* he has an actual disability that isn't miraculously cured by the end so he can be worthy of the FL. The FL is mildly annoying in the beginning however I'm not bothered by the idea of a flawed protagonist as long as she actually improves during the story. In this case, I think her faults also serve as a plot device to guide readers to a better mindset and views about relationships. The portrayal of romance feels pretty realistic and reasonable.


-The ML! Holy mother! It is so rare to find such a great, reasonable ML. It feels kinda like he's an improved version of the overbearing CEO type. He's rich, he's cold, he's reclusive and perfectionist yet he's not cruel or detached at all. He's an introverted ML done right. He's a rich and famous chef who actually earned everything by his own efforts and passion towards his career. He cares for the trustworthy people around him and he doesn't forget them the moment he falls for the FL. He's the rare strategic non-manipulative ML who chases confidently his beloved because he's that sure of his own feelings. You can't help but root for him. There's not denial or deceit from him. He's initially conflicted about his change of feelings but he actually deals with it in a healthy way and accepts he likes Ke Song as well as eveything that it implies. He didn't demand she loves him back or dumps her crush at all, he just pursues her openly because he wants her to feel secure and supported. Ahhh, he's so soft and wholesome.

-The friendships! the characters all seem to value their bonds and happy times together even when romance causes conflicts. The FL's childhood friend is actually a good man and he didn't go crazy, violent or gloomy when she chose ML. He respected her enough as a person that he could keep cherishing her as a friend despite of his feelings. Even the FL's love rival turns out to be a decent person and she eventually grows up enough to put her disappointed hopes and jealousy aside, realising she did wrong and she wants to keep the ML as a friend because her admiration for him remains the same.

-The disability. Some early comments criticized the FL for ableism and nasty views about blind people, and even some nasty comments about his mental health. They're right, however I chose to see it as a plot device to expose common views and discrimination the ML faced outside his close friends. I appreciate the character development since she naturally changed her views as she got to know him, she felt admiration for him and some inferiority as she admitted later. His blindness is not even a big matter in the plot as the plot progresses, it doesn't diminish him at all and that's the way I like it.

-The food descriptions! It will make you hungry for sure. As mentioned, it is properly described so readers can perceive it as an art form. It doesn't get boring and the structure isn't the choppy, recipe-like format or roughly described type seen in other novels. The disavantage is probably that is takes precedence in the last part and it somewhat overshadows the romance and rest of the plot (like, what's FL major? life plans? country they'll live in? family stuff? does ML even has living family?. It isn't so noticeable as most of the plot revolves around food but it is rather dominant in the last part.


-Why did ML even fall in love for FL? I suppose it doesn't strictly need a reason but she was rather close-minded and even disrespectful at first. She's pretty great when it comes to loyalty and hard-work as the plot progresses, however she didn't show that to the ML at first. It seemed somewhat sudden... maybe it's fate?

-I guess there are some plot holes or unrealistic portrayals but isn't that to be expected in this genre? Actually there are far less than your usual novel. It is mostly realistic. I'd say she probably improved her cooking skills too fast and also, how did she even meet Yi Rang? wasn't he a rich young master that attended the best schools? as far as we know she's poor and not remarkable in academics so... how? We end up coming back to the lacking background information point...

5 stars! I can't say it is a masterpiece but it is inspiring and fluffy enough to be definitely worth the read as a slice of life romance. <<less
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Code G
Code G rated it
October 22, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the best ML so far, I simply love the MLs character, his level of maturity is beyond every ML that I had read. He knows what he wants and he continuously guide the FL until she finds what she wanted to do in life (really my ideal ML). I also like the FLs character I can say there is a character growth in FLs side. A good book to read but I just hope the author added some epilogue because I want more😭
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October 13, 2020
Status: --
This is honesty good read! I love both the ML and FL... Their scenes are well written and the food descriptions makes you hungry!


The only thing I feel sad about is Song yi Ran.. I dont ship him with the FL but you cant help but be sad for him since he really does love the FL... he just lacked conviction and bravery

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Eclat123 rated it
August 8, 2020
Status: Completed
I swear this is the best culinary novel I've ever read. The in-depth descriptions of real fine dining gourmet dishes are amazing. I couldn't help but google the name of every dish that came up only to be left drooling over it. You can see clearly that the author did tons of research writing this, and that he/she is an extreme foodie that might be very well suited as a food critique ?

And the romance, it's too real and relatable. The insecurities, taking a refuge from those uncomfortable feelings in... more>> another relationship, only to find out years later that the other person had the same feelings as you did back then. It's too relatable. The characterizations are great. I love how the plot showed MC maturing emotionally from clinging on a hopeless crush with no goals in mind to her being independent and bravely chase her dreams. The ML got me thinking that he might be modeled after Christine Ha, Masterchef US winner.

I don't feel bad for the 2nd ML though. He practically treated MC as a belonging that exists solely for him and doesn't have its own thought. He brought numerous girls to introduce to MC, kept her waiting for 10+ years without so much as a word of affirmation while destroying her self-esteem in the process. How would you expect her to feel? People are not things. He made such bad decisions and hurt his so called 'most important person' for years, I really couldn't feel any sympathy for this kind of self-centered guy.

Moral lesson: If you like someone, don't keep them hanging for whatever reason. That person won't be waiting forever.

There's some major illogical plot development though, like how ML was practically obsessed with MC after he met her, and how he fell in love with her even though MC mocked him for his blindness and personality numerous times and belittle him most of the time. I mean, if I knew somebody was mocking me even just a little, I wouldn't go on a date, furthermore fall in love, with that person. It's quite unbelievable how MC's words didn't even cast a shadow on ML. <<less
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Shaiyamine rated it
May 27, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is truly one where I had a difficult time putting it down. Actually I didn't let go until I finished the entire novel. It is that immersive.

The other reviews can already tell you what's good about the novel but I tell you the part that I was most torn about and enjoyed the most was the romance. I didn't know which guy I wanted her to end up with at first. I was reasoning in my head how each was better than the other but in the end... more>> I couldn't decide. It was good because there was no ultimate good or bad, the immersion you get is great.

Initially I avoided reading this novel because I thought the novel was your usual drama and cold male lead trope. When I dove into it I realized just how wrong I was. The male lead isn't your usual Gary Stu kind of cold faced, icy male lead. He had a backstory, a reason behind his actions, but most importantly he was open. Many a time was I frustrated in romance novels where the main couple don't talk it over and just let the misunderstandings brew, in this novel God bless the author as the misunderstandings were there but were handled properly. The male lead was straightforward to the female Protagonist and it was refreshing for me to see. His character was not overbearingly suffocating like other male leads I refuse to mention.

There are many more reasons to why I enjoy this novel however it would be better if you read it for yourself. I promise its worth the read. <<less
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kamuisama rated it
May 22, 2020
Status: Completed
This is one of the most touching and salivating novels I have read. When I was reading the parts of the cooking competitions, it made me recall Shokugeki no Soma. So whenever the judges made comments while eating the different dishes, I imagined them getting naked because of how tasty the food was. LMFAOOOOOO

This is the kind of story I love and can't get enough with. Really liked the slow burn romance between FL and ML.

Wished there were more backstory about the ML. And kind of felt sad for the... more>> second ML. My "second male lead syndrome" was being triggered. Song Yi Ran deserved his own happy ending too! <<less
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Xinneth rated it
April 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This has been one of the best stories I have read since I started getting into this world of Asian content.

The characters are portratated very well they mature, they change and they do so, not because the author waves his/she's wand but because there are things that happened that make them change and grow as a person. The drama was realistic. To be honest I have read/watched chinese stories, a lot of them, but the amount of annoying repeated and unrealistic drama that they have make it hard for me... more>> to enjoy the story. This story had the right amount of drama and the right amount of thriller. Thriller? Yes. Because I was ready for this story to be about

her the FL being wishy washy and gentle and dense and trying but not getting to give up on her childhood friend whom she loves

But it wasn't like that the FL is NOT dense she is a strong character that knows what the thots want and mean with their words and actions. But she (FL) isn't a perfect girl she has her ups and downs and her moments were she gets sad but she does tackle all that with the ML who helps her with the tip of his tongue. The plot- great plot. 9/10 why not 10? Well I wanted to get a POV of what the ML thinks. Yes we do get a few sentences like that like for example when he

was talking to his physchologist and No the ML is not crazy, arogant or a player.

To be honest the ML is my type of heavely god ML type of man that I like. I do wish we could have seen more of the love story between both leads (ML & FL) and about the poor 2ML the childhood friend. But overall the cooking competion did get explanations about food but it wasn't a whole chap of explanation like wortenia senki- about war and ruling logics or like common sense of a duke's daughter - leading a fief logics. By the way I like both novels. But in this one we get the exact amount of explanations and we do advance in the plot by chapter.

Writting- the plot was great. And the explanations about as well but the details of the story wasn't that captivating like it was on violet evergarden - little warrior girl and my hubby the mayor. Like I know the FL is small, pettite little girl no waist maybe black hair color and eyes. ML was hot tall like in the cover pic and 2ML with gorgeous eyes and what not and the kitchen is in a U chape or what not but, there weren't that many details on how the characters look and the plot was understandable but it is hard to imagine how the FL looks. Maybe this is me wishing I could get a cover pic of FL, ML and 2nd ML we do know 1 or two times what clothes the FL and her causin and the ML are wearing but the details werent mentioned. That and the wish for some side stories was the only thing I saw wrong. The translations- are great, I have no problem understanding the senteces even if some were long or others short or some sentemces were missing commas. I am not being sarcastic. Its the truth. The translations don't have to be perfect for me to give them a 10. This one GETS a 10. It's hard having to translate from chinese and korean more than from japanise, I am not saying japanise is easy it's just what I have heard. Thank you translator for translation this story its own of my favorities. Overall this is a great read. Easy on the brain, relaxing and at the same time it leaves me wanting more just like a dish made by a great chef. <<less
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Lyn Hitsugaya
Lyn Hitsugaya rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: Completed
Loved it. It felt so realistic ah! Got super excited with all the competitions and also looked forward to the male lead-female lead interactions (all so damn heart-warming and deep, with plenty of sweetnes and a touch of spice).

I really liked how the author linked certain plates and tastes to romantic moments and concepts and specially enjoyed all the descripctions, cooking tips and techniques.

The charactes are so likeable and humane (with no unchangable antagonist or forever enemy nor completely good characters) and my favorite character is definitely the male lead... more>> (´cause pleaaaaase, a handsome (blind) man who takes notice of everything, reads people like letters and is deeply passionate and determined in everything that he does is simply masculinity attractiveness personified!!!... with cute, strong and vulnerable moments) though, to be honest, the second male lead is quite the catch when you finally get to know what the heck is in that head of his.

Highly recommend it!!!!! (when you start you simply won´t want to stop, I assure you)

Plenty of love and gratefulness to the author XD <<less
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Xiao lady loves novels
Xiao lady loves novels rated it
January 29, 2020
Status: c82
Warm hearted read. But if you are not great fan of food description it can be a lag. There not great surprises any twists and turn but just simple romance. When you needed a respite from all those schemes and plans it is a welcoming surprise.
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sneha rated it
January 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Actually I didn't like the novel that much, but its rare to read Chinese novels that try to redeem negative characters or not try to blacken good characters that don't get what they want. Even more, the male character (s) are always shown as too cool, too high and mighty to bother with the petty clashes among females. As though females are an inferior race and even if they try to kill each other over jealousies and what not, its beneath them to correct their worldviews. I like how grounded... more>> and intellectual both male characters in this book are. Even if the supporting females in the novel still act cheap towards the MC, they don't just turn their noses up, but try to be gentle and correct their views using various ways. This lets the female lead impress upon the readers better than those usual plots where she gains recognition from the masses and what not. <<less
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raindroptree rated it
September 29, 2019
Status: c48
It's just like that cheap cookie that I bought which didn't taste very good, but I kept eating it anyway because it had the right amount of sweetness and had chocolate in it, even though the chocolate was fake...

It's a pretty cliche story-line about two guys fighting over a girl and the focus of the world is culinary arts. other than that, it has good world building and OK character development. I skip 60% of the novel, which is about culinary arts. I am really not a fan of anything... more>> cooking related. I won't watch food related TV or videos and of course don't like reading about it.

The main reason I keep reading it is because The blind chef male god is really cool and I like the romance between him and the MC. He is the sweetness or chocolate of the story that keeps me here. <<less
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fltstrt rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c82 part2
Story 5/5, TL 4.5/5

Oh man this story really evoked the feels... you can enjoy it on a superficial level as the author wrote it in a very unassuming lighthearted way but when you introspect and peel the layers of the characters that's when you realise that their love is actually v bittersweet and hard to come by.

As readers, you can definitely sympathise w our three main characters. They all deserve to love and be loved. But fate can be a cruel thing and love can only blossom when everything aligns... more>> to your favour.

As a self proclaim foodie and Chef hobbyist, I love the dramatised cooking aspect of the book very much.

Overall the author did a great job. ML is a tricky character to write but she successfully made him an eccentric, genius, one-of-a-kind yet very human and lovable guy w flaws.

ML and 2nd ML are both v memorable characters and their way of loving FL left a deep impression on me.

MC is admirable too for she has a positive can-do attitude despite her poor family background. She is likeable and relatable.

When I was reading this story I was constantly reminded of Ding Mo's stories. The biggest common theme of these stories is that ML and FL have a shared passion, they have chemistry and works well together. I love reading this sort of dream team rapport– couple dynamic.

I hope more translators pick up works (both MG and danmei) by this author! She always has v unique premises. <<less
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ilnyckyj rated it
August 23, 2018
Status: --
Oh my God. This story is really heartwarming. I don't really know how to write reviews but the female protagonist is really admirable. The male protagonist is someone you will feel immense respect for. And, the female protagonist's best friend? I don't really like him but I kinda feel bad for him : (anyways, good job to the translator!! They really translated the story well. Thank you <3
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alexfilia rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c43
The MC follows her childhood friend she (not so) secretly has a crush on to america in order to study... she then joins a cooking competition by accident (she was trolling initially).... Turns out her cooking instructor is the blind guy and genious chef she met in the past... He helps her a lot and is very patient

Its a very cute novel but dont read it while hungry!!!
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CaisAngelsPearl rated it
March 31, 2024
Status: Completed
Gosh the food descriptions 😭😭😭 Do not read whilst hungry, you have been warned!

Good story, mature couple, loved how there was barely any love triangle shenanigans, we love mature people!
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HiddenHermit rated it
March 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Ah, cute story on the slightly mature side. MC, Lin Ke Song, is one of the more level headed female leads that I've seen for a romance. She isn't annoyingly wishy washy and helpless. ML, Jiang Qian Fan, is a dry romantic. He is considerate of MC and allows no ambiguity in their relationship. He makes sure MC knows where she stands in his heart.

The story has a simple plot with a heavy emphasis on food. The translation has flaws but is still understandable overall. A happy ending for the... more>> main couple.

A lil bit about the plot.


MC meets ML when ML was visiting China. ML is a blind chef and noticed that MC's sense of taste was unique. ML pays MC to take him around to try the street food that MC thinks is delicious.

ML returned to New York and later MC also ended up moving to New York. Due to a cooking competition, ML ended up being MC's mentor for three months. In that time she learnt more about cooking and they grow closer.


About MC's bestfriend.


MC had a crush on her best friend, Song Yi Ran, for 10 years but she never confessed cause she believed that the best way to stay with him was to be his friend. Girlfriends come and go but "bros" get to stick around. However, she didn't know that SYR also had a crush on her for the past 10 years. He didn't pursue her because of his family situation.

I do feel a lil bad for SYR because he lost MC right at the time when he was able to resolve his family issue. But I don't feel too bad because SYR was also a dumbass. He had a lot of girlfriends and would even be intimate with them in front of MC... even though he was crushing on MC the whole time. So yeah, I feel a lil sorry for him but ML is definitely a better fit for MC.

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