The Girl, The Cat, And The Friendly Dark Elf’s Magic Stone Workshop


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Elle was a girl who worked as a magic stone craftswoman.

As far as she could remember, she had been living with her father in the middle of the forest.

She learned a lot of things from a hermit sage who also lived in the forest in place of her father who left her to work in the royal capital.

Elle was hated by the people in the nearby village for some reason. They said that the magic stones she created were garbage and no one wanted to buy them.

She then decided to leave the forest and go to the royal capital to look for her father who left her a few years ago.

However, no one wanted to buy her magic stones either in the royal capital until she met a beautiful and friendly dark elf.

“What is this powerful magic stone!?”, she said.

A lot happened and they decided to live and opened a magic stone workshop together.

This is the story about a girl, a cat fairy, and a dark elf’s heartwarming daily life in the workshop.

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Shoujo to neko to ohitoyoshi da-ku erufu no maseki koubou
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