The Final Protectors


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Time travel from the past to the present. A fictional mainland setting. A story of reconciliation and reunion after separation—picking up the pieces and starting anew.

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3 Reviews sorted by

Ri Hikaru
Ri Hikaru rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: c9
I'm not that far and the plot seems good, but there is a slight (MAJOR) problem with transphobia where the trans woman is extremely masculine and she constantly gets misgendered. And her gender is just a major joke to the novel. The rest of it is very intriguing and seems to be good.
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Lupus Albus
Lupus Albus rated it
July 1, 2020
Status: c6
As there are only 7 chapters, it is quite hard to say, if my evaluation of this story will change. But these 7 chapters made me extremely excited for the parts of the story, that are about to come.

The premise is interesting, as the character (s) are travelling about 1000 years into the future. ... more>>

The barrier that has protected humankind from the demons is weakening and our travellers seem to have something to do with it.

And there are so many legends involving these characters from the past, it will be interesting to see the truth of the matter.


I squealed so hard, at the end of chapter 7, when the Archbishop walked into the office like nothing was wrong with it. Even though he had been sleeping in a coffin for the past 1000 years. The reactions of the other people were quite nice. And our MC still has absolutely no clue about this new time...


I can't wait to see, where this is going! Hope, that you will take it into consideration. In my opinion it is an intersting read ~ <<less
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shairiru rated it
April 12, 2021
Status: Completed
One of Priest's earlier works, so it's understandable that the writing can't be compared to her more recent ones, but one of the most consistently excellent things about her writing is worldbuilding. TFP's worldbuilding is my favorite aspect of the novel. The action and magic stuff are really interesting. Priest's humor is also evident all throughout.

Main CP dynamics is basically childhood-friends-to-lovers-that-fell-out, so the emotional line of the story is working on them getting back together again. I do love how the events and the knife were set up, I just... more>> personally feel the getting back together again part could have been made better. Nevertheless, it's still an enjoyable journey from beginning to end! <<less
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