The Daily Life of the Immortal King


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As a cultivation genius who has achieved a new realm every two years since he was a year old, Wang Ling is a near-invincible existence with prowess far beyond his control. But now that he’s sixteen, he faces his greatest battle yet – Senior High School. With one challenge after another popping up, his plans for a low-key high school life seem further and further away…

Wang Ling: I just want to eat my crispy noodle snacks in peace…

Father Wang: If you’re careless enough to destroy the country, it’s coming out of your pocket money.

Wang Ling: It’s not my fault that the backlash from punching me kills you.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. My favorite novels
  2. Manhua
  3. 50/50 magic fantasy novels and more
  4. OP MC
  5. Planned

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38 Reviews

May 09, 2019
Status: c576
So, I gave this another try after about 4 years. Why? Because I watched the 3 seasons of the animation that was released and found them interesting enough that the novel might actually be worth another try. Lo and behold, I dropped it again but managed to read much more than last time, perhaps due to my experience over these last 4 years in skipping useless stuff and tolerating typical flaws. If you want to jump straight to the new review of the novel, look below the first spoiler section.

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First of all, I feel this has to be mentioned as many might come here from the animation. The two are NOTHING alike. I've never seen an animation so untruthful to its source material, it's simply another story altogether. Aside from some of the basic concepts, they changed characters, added some, removed some, changed events to be more gag-like and random (though they tended to overdo it at times where it ended up simply moronic), changed personalities and there's nothing alike in the flow, only the first 70-80 chapters have a very rough outline of events that are slightly similar with the first season of the animation, but it's so little that it can be disregarded. It's so different that even calling it a spin-off or parody might not cut it. They just rewrote everything. I'll mention a few of these differences in the spoiler section in case you're interested, not that it's that useful to know.


His father isn't a technician of any kind in the novel, he's a self-insert of the author, a mere web novelist, though a wish fulfillment one. Nothing else. His brother, wang ming, is the one that created the talismans (and the MC created part of it).

The MC has plenty of inner thoughts and reactions even if it never shows outside, though he can't experience high levels of any emotion as it almost instantly levels out once fluctuations happen. He's also perfectly capable of getting pissed or happy, although he never "explodes" in emotion.

The power system is very different, where the anime uses numbers and the novel uses realms.

Sun Rong isn't the descendant of sun wukong in the novel. Neither is Tang family any kind of enemy to them. He tried to confront them at the start due to school conflicts but lost miserably in all of them and is pretty much never mentioned again.

The school conflict was extremely different and the assassin organization got screwed over almost instantly, by cats at that. The fatty teacher also isn't the lover of the leader of that organization. The leader of that organization was possessed by an old devil instead and is now in prison. The fatty teacher has a much loftier real identity in the novel, not that it matters. The assassin girl that "killed" sun rong in the animation has never even met her in the novel, she was promptly knocked out after trying to kidnap the mc's brother, sent to jail and then after escaping she was teleported back to jail by the MC. She, as well as tang, never had any real impact on the novel at all.

The MC has little to no relationship with guo, chen and sun, they hardly even interact and I wouldn't call them friends, they only show up in school scenarios where they gossip. Sun rong hasn't shown any real romantic attachment to the MC, but I heard they might get together much later on, as of now I haven't even seen her mentioned more than once or twice in a few hundred chapters. The author only uses those two as "comedic relief" which isn't even funny, usually by guo talking crap about random stuff, often related to what the MC has done in the background, chen having ridiculous intuition and both of them trying to cheat in school.

The animation has extra characters like the butterfly girl, the sword spirit blacksmith, jingke's sheathe (which was actually not hidden by the vendor but rather crushed to pieces by the mc) and the white bun haired girl with tech in her hair buns that always accompanies tang. The novel has characters that doesn't show up in the animation, like the fujoshi classmate girl, the chef, the school guard, the grenade throwing immortal and various other ones that are the people that are actually close to the MC.

He never refined any pills with a microwave, but if he did so he wouldn't fail, he did smelt metal with one in the novel though and crafted holy weapons.

He never re-wound time in the novel, at least not yet. He also rarely or later never uses any mind erasing magic, he does read minds all the time though. He instead uses a great shielding spell that automatically removes him from people's memories and makes any information collected on him turn into mosaic unless they've seen his face or something.

He has never released his seal yet. Even if people close to him dies, he can use a samsara tecnhique to bring them back or he gives them rings that resurrects them, as of now only 1 person died and was resurrected with an item the MC gifted him.

The story wasn't even remotely similar after the first few chapters, just the setup in school was kinda similar, with the frog beating entrance exam and then summoning the frog's soul and it being combined with an akita dog. After that, I'd say that it's all just made up, maybe in tandem with the author or not, but it's at least not the same story anymore.

That's just a select few differences. Really, everything is different so this is kind of like explaining the difference between pizza and cake. Both are baked at high temperatures and have flour in them, but everything else is different.


So, on to the actual new review of the novel itself. It starts out pretty boring with nothing much going for it and jokes not being funny. I'd say it starts to get a bit better after a while, maybe around chapter 60-100 or even 200, that's when it starts to be somewhat amusing to read, after you get into the novel and the author really gets going with the story. I'd say there's no surprise I dropped it so early last time and that many reviews have a low chapter count. I still do not recommend people to read this novel at all, especially not since the real translation stopped after just half the novel, after that the translator is some random number with crap grammar and messy all over the place, I've seen several novels ruined in a similar manner by qidian/webnovel, they translate it partway and then the good translator drops out for some reason and they replace it with what appears to be machine translated garbage that some person that isn't good at english edited slightly.

After that, I do have to admit that it made me laugh a fair amount of times. Every now and then something pretty funny happened, but I really have to call it blind luck rather than skill. After almost 600 chapters, I can confidently say I know the good and bad parts and this author's writing style in depth.

The good comedy comes mainly from when the protagonist dumbfounds other people and starts showing off his powers, that's the only actually good part in this novel. This happens when the plot stops centering around school and starts expanding to other parts, basically when the grenade throwing immortal and the chat group is introduced. There, everyone hails him as a senior figure and he can show off some slight amount of power, beating down various evil organizations and people that keep on courting death by trying to disturb his daily life for various reasons. As the story goes on, more and more people pop up that realizes that he's actually incredibly OP, but all of them are disconnected from his "daily life" in school and instead thinks of him as an almighty ancient cultivator who is heaven defying and constantly updates their worldviews. If this entire story was more focused on this part, it might even be a 4/5 novel, but the author completely fails to grasp the opportunity.

That's the good part and what kept me reading until almost chapter 600 the second time around. Look forward to that if you aim to read this.

The bad parts, however, completely overwhelms this and ultimately made me drop this after becoming incredibly tired of it all, especially since even the good parts wasn't especially creative and felt boring after a while. This story is pretty weird in that it's like several different genres in one. As it shifts perspective, it also shifts story focus completely. It's simply not consistent and it's frustrating. When he's in school, it reads like a subpar school novel with two chatty, cheating morons and him just sitting there not participating in any way. He also focuses way too much on school because he wants "average grades" and this is supposed to be a joke but it's so incredibly off-putting that he "studies so hard" to get average grades, the teachers think he's too average and everyone else is crap. A non-interactive person doesn't fit well into a school setting, so it ends up being just side-characters chatting each other up and a lot of propaganda from the author (both political and personal point of view propaganda). This propaganda, just like so much in this novel, is info dumping garbage views, often outdated views on studying, behavior and love for the country.

Then he can suddenly switch to a game PoV, where it reads like the world's most subpar gaming novel, filled with cultivation cheaters. These chapters can go on for several or even a dozen. Then he switches to a cooking PoV of his grandfather or someone else making mystery dishes, only that readers aren't invested. As if that wasn't enough, he very often changes perspective to the mc's father, the web novelist. As you might've guessed, this character is a shameless wish fulfillment self insert of the author himself, he even makes him create a novel with almost the same name and story. This stuff is generally idiotic and filled with uninteresting propaganda and rants about his personal views on life and about writing novels and getting votes. Things like him being one of the best, how he has so many fans, how he can bring forth "armies of fans" to fight for him, how he basically cheats for more votes, his angry rant/view on "web novel pirates" and "trolls", where he claims almost everyone leaving a bad review or comments are trolls and almost everyone are people reading it pirated, insulting everyone and claiming that people who haven't read at least 70-80% or even finished it hasn't got the right to complain or leave bad reviews while further claiming people who do are imbeciles and mentally-disabled morons (which is incredibly childish and just shows how s*upid he is, who the f* reads several hundreds or thousands of chapters if the novel sucks? A movie is one thing since it's maybe 2 hours of time but reading a novel takes days, weeks or even months depending on length, free time and reading pace. If a novel sucks so much you drop it in 20 chapters, sorry, it's your fault for sucking so much at starting it in an interesting way, that's still grounds enough to leave a bad review even if it "gets better later on", if you lost all trust from readers in just a few chapters, that's horrible). My favorite is when he ranted about reviewers thinking they're so smart and referring to previous stuff they read as if that's not a legit thing to do. For example, one punch man and saiki kusuo are both way better than this and that's a fact. His argument for why it "wasn't legit" was because the different authors actually have good relationship with each other. As if one author can't be better/worse than another if they are pals, hahaha. Ranting like that in a novel and such blatant self-insertion of a pretty irrelevant character that gets far more screen time than he should is an extreme turnoff.

All this random switching to completely different PoVs and how boring all of them are except for when the MC actually does something, that is, when he acts behind the scenes out of necessity, makes this a horrible novel. I went for a 2/5 instead of 1/5 because it's reluctantly readable for a while. The crux of the issue is really a lack of focus and dedication to the plot. The events are very episodic and spontaneous, the author adds whatever he can think of in any random order instead of focusing on one or two events at a time. He can mention one event that is supposed to be prepared for and then it just happens in a short few chapters a few hundred chapters later, so late you kinda forgot about it. If the author could just pick one thing and focus on it, this would be a much better novel. Like only focusing on school and what he does in the background secretly. Giving more soul, depth and fun to the school and more interactions but focusing mostly on what happens outside school in his role as a mysterious senior, that'd be good. Or just dropping school and other things from focus altogether and only focusing on the mysterious part, or just the other way around with most focus being on school and a little bit of stuff happening in the background where he uses his powers, kinda like saiki kusuo. Sadly, this novel instead has no focus yet it's not gag-like/episodic enough to justify it.

The below inside a spoiler bubble is my first review, made after reading 21 chapters around may 2019. The first 40 or so likes came from this review. After 4 years, I read almost 600 chapters before dropping it and will thus update this review while keeping the old one intact below.


First of all, let me say that I went into this really wanting to like it. I was thinking that it might be surprisingly funny, a chinese take on saiki to kusuo no psi nan, with more violence and a completely different approach with a cultivation world instead of a modern day world. Meanwhile it was seemingly going to parody some stuff, which is nice too. I wasn't by any means expecting any masterpiece, I just hoped for a novel that could provide some cheap laughs and perhaps that could fuse the japanese and the chinese types into something new and relatively fresh. I already knew that any romance was probably going to suck and that there would be quite a few parts I wouldn't like, but at the very least I thought it would be amusing enough to read. How wrong I was.

This novel is extremely subpar. The author sucks at this, he has no sense of humor and has no knowledge on how to write something funny.

I've not laughed even once since chapter 1. Not even once. The ONLY slightly amusing part was when he broke that sword into two and called out his parents for having sh*t for brains in chapter 1. That's it. For a gag novel, this is truly a bad sign. Everyone has different senses of humor, but if an author rapid-fires gags at least one should make you laugh in 21 chapters, right? I mean, he must somehow, by sheer dumb luck if nothing else, manage to hit your sweet spot at least once in 50-100 jokes, right? But no, against all expectations, this author is just that bad and my expectations were crashed and sunk in a way that made me think of titanic.

Seriously, this has all the bad parts of a chinese novel and all the worst parts of a japanese novel melded together, rather, it's pretty much a shameless rip-off of saiki kusuo no psi nan with a slightly more chinese MC which makes it far worse than the original. This MC is extremely boring, he has no motivations and his reasonings are half-assed at best, he's similar to the MC from the japanese equivalent but the similarities ends at the superpowers they possess (and it doesn't work in a cultivation world, it makes no sense for him to, for example, be unable to turn off the mind reading when he wants to as a powerful cultivator), this guy is far more of a moron, that he doesn't speak isn't helping, at least kusuo spoke with people through telepathy or whatever but this guy isn't really speaking at all, he's just thinking. The girl is obnoxious to say the least and it quickly goes into the forced romance route. The parents are irritating, they're kind of similar to the parents of saiki kusuo in that they're dumb as hell and doesn't think further than their noses, but they lack all the fun parts of that guy's parents, instead being too s*upid with too few reactions and the doting isn't quite there, they also try to control him, like his mother forcing the MC out on a "date" with a girl he doesn't like and hasn't interacted with by threatening to remove his snacks otherwise, of course the MC lacks the balls to say no despite being one of the most supreme beings in that world and even having no real respect for his parents because he finds them to be too pathetic.

The class is s*upid, I don't even know what to say. Rather than to say they're s*upid, it's perhaps more apt to say that they have no realism to them and all feel out of place and fake, are they even people? The mascot is dull, its backstory was really weird and it wasn't amusing, makes me wonder why he's even there, especially since it has no personality to speak of that would contribute to the story. The teacher is ret*rded, sorry to say so but she truly is and I'm not trying to be rude here, the instant she enters the classroom for the first time, she says they are the worst students she has ever had (despite never intearcting with them before) and says that the MC is a twit since she accuses him of talking the loudest, meanwhile the MC hasn't spoken even once since the novel started and hasn't interacted with anyone so it couldn't possibly have been him...


The attempts at gags are cringeworthy, it's painful to read it, that's how bad it is, even the way the MC reacts grinds my gears, seriously, he suddenly changed his entire personality and became ridiculously mad because the girl, who dragged him around and screwed up his free time, just happened to feel relief because he was allowed to escape?Sorry, I don't really believe that. I'd buy it if he got a little annoyed or pissed off, but he turned them into fireworks and killed them instantly... Geez. Even if you want romance, it's better not to force it, this MC was shown as a cool-headed "I don't give a flying f*ck about anything" character, but he suddenly acts like that because of such a reason? Ugh.


Every event happening just feels hollow. Nothing holds any weight at all. We don't get any proper introductions to any of the characters and everything ends just as fast as it starts, usually within a few paragraphs. It leaves no lasting feeling and I just wonder if it could get any more empty than this. The author also resets everything every time the MC "screws up" and does something in front of others that would make them realize his powers, he just erases the memories of all witnesseses, so probably nothing will really change in the future and I can assume that it's going to be really repetitive down the line.

Usually an author would know how to write comedy and a consistent story where things are following the rules of the world as it's depicted by the author, but this author just completely ignores it all and turns every character into unbelievable and twisted pieces of sh*t. No, random idiotic sh*t happening doesn't mean it's funny, you have to actually have a decent sense of humor and know how to write things in a somewhat believable fashion to make it funny.

We're no longer five year olds laughing at people saying "fart" and "poop", it needs to at least be set-up in a proper and clever way to give us a reason as to why it's hilarious. Really, an inexperienced or foolish person might not need things to make sense, but normal people who've read their fair share wouldn't laugh at something unless it makes sense just because the situation is ridiculous and out of place/unusual, it needs to actually be believable to some extent.

Would I recommend this? No. I even gave it an 1/5. I usually at least give novels a 2/5 because they're rarely bad to the point of being unreadable, but this novel failed at the sole thing it was supposed to and badly at that. This is an extremely inferior version of saiki kusuo no psi nan, if you want a novel of this style, just read the original this author ripped all his basic settings from before twisting it into something unreadable and weird. Haaaaah... Do yourself a favor and never read this. It's an utter waste of time. I'm just hoping that I saved you some time with this review. At least reading these few paragraphs wastes far less time than reading 10-20 novel chapters before deciding that it was sh*t. But if you're new to novels or enjoy things that makes no sense whatsoever even if you stretch your imagination, being utterly illogical, then you might like this.

45 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 03, 2018
Status: c14
The problem with this story is that you have an OP character, in a similar fashion to someone like Saitama from One-punch man, except that this overpowered character is too "excellent" in all areas. Unlike Saitama who can only rely on his fist as his strength, this MC can do everything from one punch to reading minds and erasing memories at will. This is problematic as it doesn't lead to comedic situations or creative situations where they have to work around an issue. Rather, it becomes episodic as he completes... more>> his tasks with his complete encyclopedia of powers such as erasing the mind of the girl he saves.

Truly, there is no challenge or need for him to keep everything secretive when he can read their minds and memories as well as erase/replace their memories. There is a lack of continuity. There is a lack of creativity. There is some comedy, but it is overshadowed by the fact that he can do absolutely anything he wants with impunity.

24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 27, 2019
Status: c200
Reading this novel was pure TORTURE, I don't know what got into me, but I compiled the epub and decided that I might as well force myself to read it. Boy, I was wrong; the plot is f*cking pointless because the MC is anti-social through and through. The MC is made into a god that can't control his powers and is "forced" to live with mortals, and as you'd expect he complains about how a breath would kill this and that for as long as I have read this pile... more>> of shyte.

I personally would rather go to a church, listen to a f*cking pastor preach rather than read this novel, and I might as well add that I am an atheist. Insufferable and I wish no other soul to bleach their eyes with this nonsense. <<less
23 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 02, 2018
Status: c20
if you like siaki kusou, than you are going to love this! It is the cultivation version of saiki kusou complete with the the super hot blooded teen, the really pretty girl, the guy who looks like a tough guy and can have his mind read!

I love saiki kusou, so of course I like this novel as well. I like how it is based around cultivation, since I love cultivation novels. It’s taking the saiki kusou that I love and the cultivation style that I love and puts them together... more>> creating something awesome! <<less
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Feb 01, 2021
Status: c25
This is a blatant, shameless rip-off of the anime *Saiki Kusuo*. The very same plot down to the tiniest detail:

- s*upidly powerful MC that tries to live his life unnoticed and ordinary (and fails at it)
- idiotic funny parents
- older brother that is the biggest genius in the world and his one-sided rivalry against the Main Character
- MC can't control his powers and because of that he is almost like a vegetable and avoids all contact with others
- the older brother is making him a device to keep his power in check (in this case talismans)
- the incredibly beautiful and popular girl that tries to make the MC fall in love with her
- MC has a big weakness to his favourite snack and would do anything for it

The only difference is the xianxia elements, the cultivation. Other than that it's absolutely a complete copy+paste of Saiki Kusuo.

Seriously, some Chinese writers are completely shameless!
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 11, 2018
Status: --
Couldn't be bothered to keep reading this. As others have mentioned it's just a knock off Saiki Kusuo no psi nan. But it's also worse in every way so I would suggest to read the original if you haven't.

Unlike the original which was a gag manga that parodied all the cliche power fantasy manga's this story is just another power fantasy. The author also tried changing the setting of the story, now the MCs abilities aren't impossible, just insanely strong. But they kept the same story which causes a lot... more>> of obvious plotholes. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 10, 2019
Status: c10
95% inner thoughts of the MC and descriptive story progression. 5% interaction and dialogue with other characters.

I really don't like this writing style. It feels dead to me, because of the lack of interaction.

Also, the comedy is kind of weird. I know the gags are supposed to be funny, but I can't laugh at them. It is enough for you to know it is funny, but it never reaches threshold of beeing a good laugh.
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 11, 2019
Status: c1000
I have a few things to say about this wonderful novel.

To start off, it's really good, and as many people say, it's very similar to a popular anime named "Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan".

They're both rich in the comedy aspect and the fact that the MC's way too overpowered. However, unlike the anime, this novel has more content and detailed, longer adventures. We get to go on a roller coaster ride with the MC while viewing how things are from everyone's perspective.

Even the most "serious" situations turn out to take a... more>> big twist and always manage to make me burst out laughing!

If you saw on my profile page, I'm addicted to anything that has to do with BL. And this novel has many mentions of "gay" jokes which brings out my secret fujoshi side. So for those who like that, there's a lot of fanservice in there.

The flow throughout the entire novel was very consistent and everything links together perfectly, nothing is too choppy, out of place, or all of a sudden. We can see that it's pretty well planned out and that our author-san is working hard to write more chapters.

There are a lot of references to my favorite novels when they are naming the techniques of their moves, sword and even when they're just making a joke about something!

After all that (and there's honestly even more, but I'm too lazy to write more), I definitely give this novel my 5 stars! <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 04, 2018
Status: --
A parody and Cultivation Chinese Version of Saiki Kousou no Psi Nan.

For me MC is weaker than Saiki.

The story atleast has a flow and I can sense some little to none PLOT unlike Saiki which is like a Gag Show full of humor.- But I AM NOT saying to focus more on comedy.

The story itself is good for a light read.

Recommend it for those seeking a light read who also like Saiki.
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 02, 2018
Status: c13
Read thirteen chapters, and this seems to be a chinese knock off on Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan, down to the fact that the MC never speaks and his parents are idiots. Past that, the comedy is not even funny. I'm only thirteen chapters in and I've yet to be amused. Usually the early chapters tend to have the best material, I can't imagine it gets better from here on out.

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Oct 31, 2020
Status: c849
This is honestly one of my favorite stories. I literally just made an account to write a review for this because I feel like it has so many undeserved criticisms. It is set in a cultivation world and has a great plot, world building and is super entertaining. The story is not supposed to be super serious or psychological, the words "Daily Life" is literally in the title, which should let you know that this is more of a slice of life story. It's slow paced with lots of little... more>> yet interesting arcs, which are all, in my opinion, really good and well developed.

One of the greatest criticisms of this story is how similar it is to Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan. I read it before this story and in the beginning I also thought it was similar, but that soon changed. While I agree that they have similar points, such as an overpowered main character wanting an average life and similar side character archetypes, that's it. The character's personalities, goals, likes and dislikes in both books are so different from each other. The plot is extremely different too. In my opinion, the plot of this story is much more complex than Saiki's because while Saiki's is more focused on his school life, the focus of this story is more widespread. In addition, while Saiki's friends are mostly those from his class or school, more than half of Wang Ling's (the MC of this story) friends aren't related to his school at all.

Another criticism is how Wang Ling has "no personality" and is anti-social. He literally wants an average life and can't fully control his powers, do you think he would actively try and make more friends to expose himself? The more you read, the more you will understand just how overpowered he is compared to the rest of the world, as well as how much his lack of control on his powers can affect him. If someone is actively trying to befriend him he would obviously find it annoying or troublesome. In addition, he is quite gentle and has a strict moral code. Wang Ling isn't going to be exposed any time soon, and most of the people who does know of his power are either villains (most of which died), and his non-school cultivation friends. Wang Ling is also not a super smart genius which plans miles ahead, he is literally just a normal teenager but with a lot of power. If you're looking for a op main character where he flaunts his abilities and build millions of friends, go read isekais or something, because this is NOT for you.

A lot of people also talk about the comedy factor is this novel. I did find Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan to be funnier than this novel, but to me this novel is quite amusing too. While you might not be full out laughing, every chapter is able to bring a smile to my face, which not a lot of novels are able to do. There are also a lot of references to other novels, games and anime which I really liked. If you truly don't like the humor then I have nothing to say, but read the story with an open mind and not "Chinese Saiki!"

Next is plot holes. A lot of the comments talk about the big amount of plot holes there is but honestly there isn't that much. I can't think of any plot hole right now, but while there should be some, they were probably really minor. One of the ones I see a lot of people talk about is how he can erase people memories. Yeah I agree if it is used too much it basically ruins the story but he hardly ever uses it. Wang Ling doesn't really act or directly solve problems himself, unless the situation really requires it, which allows each arc to be well developed. Another one is how he has a power which can make people forget him after meeting him, but no one seems to be forgetting him. A lot of people did forget him, but the first 20 or so chapters are introducing some of the main side characters. Plus, those side characters are literally in his class. While Wang Ling isn't super smart, he isn't dumb either. Do you not see an issue with forgetting everything about your classmate who you go to school with almost everyday. A lot of these so called "plot holes" can literally be fixed with common sense.

Also, this story is written in the perspective of a lot of different characters, which can be irritating for some. I didn't like that at first and actually stopped reading this story because of it, but went back and re-read the whole thing, and I'm really glad that I did.

Anyways, I REALLY recommend this story and if you are wondering if you should read this story or not, I'd say give it a try. There's a reason why most of the bad comments stop at around chapter 20 while the 4 or 5 star comments are all at much higher chapters. Again, DO NOT come into the story thinking about a Chinese Saiki. Just no, stop it. There was one comment that kept talking about "fusing Japanese and Chinese types" or "it has all the bad parts of a Chinese novel and worst parts of a Japanese novel." Like I respect your opinion, I really do, but this is a pure Chinese novel. What Japan? There is no Japan. The only way this can be related to Japan is through saiki and this is not Saiki part 2 Chinese edition. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 06, 2020
Status: c1409
When I first read this I through 'it's the same to that anime' till I read this chapter by chapter to the road of no return. It's worth it (for me) it's not really the same. They are far more from that.

The MC just far to better (for me). MC power and that anime different. The MC needed to control 10 universe power at the same time. It's not a joke.

From the very beginning when I reading this, maybe around chapter 200 or something. I just thinking to give up... more>> since it's a waste of time. There no romance, too much characters point of view. Well, you know what happened next. I just stop and read other novel and then...

I read it again. It's funny right? I just don't know what got into me to continue reading this till next time I knew... Every night waiting for new updates in mtl.

Feel proud, I never regret this. It's not perfect like other novel or it's same that anime. I just don't care now. I just changed my view for this novel. I can just read it in free time. That's all.


Wang Ying have overpower to the point that he cannot control and need to seal his power together with his emotions. So let's say that he had a death fish eye. From the start he always stay low-key to avoid trouble.

He managed this behaviour until his life changed (high school). He meet a lot of friends, enemies, two pet so far and he even have a students. He have a shadow name Wang Ying that have a very different personality, like ying and yang.

Sun Rong the FL and her shadow Yang'er. The romance between them where very complicated because of the MC uncontrolled power. (If I remember the romance begin in chapter 1300 or something. It's really slow-romance like the tag said)

The one of the reason that I cannot let got of this novel is because of the Wang Ying past. I only know that even Gods (I don't know what kind of god their are) is scared of him for unknown reason. And to that Legendary Surname Wang. I just wondering if he able to remember or see his past self what will be happened? Will he changed?

And before I forgot he will be soon to be big brother.

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Jul 28, 2018
Status: c1
Cute change of pace characters. Calling it episodic plots ain’t wrong. It’s great how the plot gets fulfilled quickly. As compared to some other feel good novels with their 50 chapters of foreshadowing followed by 40 chapters of side character’s reactions alongside 100 chapters of people being mean to the MC and 1 chapter of the MC doing something. Hope I’m not alone in enjoying a cute feel good novel without needing to read about face slapping a one dimensional cannon fodder.
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Read
Aug 01, 2022
Status: --
So bad that there're too many poor reviews. Seem like the reviewers did not read the novel's title and its description. It's The Daily Life of the Immortal King.

What's people's daily life? Just move on day by day. Let the world revolves around itself by its pace, not reviewer's pace.

The MC was the ex-Immortal King, not ordinary immortal nor plain vanilla king. So he had to be the OP on steriod. He'd be on the level of many famous xianxia's MCs, which readers should notice in the first 100 chapters.

For... more>> whatever reason, he decided to leave his throne and reborn on the future Earth as ordinary boy who wanted to live quietly and peacefully. Same as The Biggest Boss of the big 500 companies who wanted to take vacation leave in the rural village in the middle of nowhere mountain.

But he couldn't suppress his OPness. Hench, the story begins.

Read this novel for pleasure while leaving your overloaded job as CEO in the secluded mountain range. Not as the reference textbook for your Ph.D. Research. Simply enjoy the day by day life. Then you will get the joys. Joy of this novel reading and Joy of Life. <<less
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Aoi Alice
Aoi Alice
Jul 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Everything felt force, even his love life was forced for him. MC is such a disappointment. Its like his opinions doesn't matter and since he is so OP people will try to constantly get in his way for no reason at all.

Then when he has to kill someone for crossing the line, his sentiment gets him.
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Mar 29, 2019
Status: c572

It has lots of humor and references to other novel works, anime, historical and cultural events.


Even Pokémon is included


For me, it's a refreshing/ light hearted novel. It's my daily dose of silly moments. You won't find tragic deaths, revenge or any other hard feeling. Only a silly MC who is OP.

I sear it's a different novel once you overcome the first arc. You won't regret reading it.
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Mar 28, 2021
Status: c773
First of all, for the people saying that it's just a rip off of saki k, sorry to break it for you but I never once thought it was similar. Like all the characters in the novel say, Wang Ling is a mensao, has an interesting personality and is way more emotional and invested than saiki. This novel is super underrated and I would definitely recommend if you want a little bit of action and fun relationships

The only thing I'd like to change is the romance


f*ck lotus sun

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 29, 2018
Status: c 206
A lot of people say that its just a nock off but personally I like this very much just because I like it in general. Why? Who doesn't like a story about an op character that faces life problems of their own.

Its a fun story to read although there have been lots of cliffhangers its still a fun and lovely read
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Jul 02, 2018
Status: c6
This novel seems entirely based upon the premise of Disastrous life of Saiki K/Saiki Kusuo no psi nan. But instead of the protagonist being super esper here it is super cultivator. Even the characters seem to be ripped off directly with same core character traits. Basically if you want to read Chinese version of Disastrous life of Saiki K/Saiki Kusuo no psi nan. Basically Chinese take on the whole thing.
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White Dragon
White Dragon
May 27, 2020
Status: c770
It's funny at the start but quickly becomes boring with the slow pace, author trying to be funny all the time and the lack of an actual plot.
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