The Crazy Villainess in This Area Is Me


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Lobelia was happy. Even if she lived in an old cabin, her husband’s love for her was more important than anything else. And her baby, who was just born, was so lovely.

That’s right, she was happy.

“Congratulations on your marriage, Marquis!”

“You are so beautiful, Marchioness!”

Her husband, who had been smiling at her until this morning, turned out to be the son of Marquis’ family.

It was until she saw him marry another woman.

“Take the baby away.”

“No! Give me back Merilly!”

The new wife of the Marquis, her husband, and his mother. After taking everything from Lobelia, they pushed her down to the cliff, but…

Five years later, Lobelia appeared before them again.

“I’m going to kill the three of them. If they’re doing crazy things…”

She also became the princess of the most prestigious family in the empire, the princess of Gracie Duchy.

“I have no choice but to become an even crazier villainess.”

Her emerald eyes flashed with a gleam. All that was left in her was sheer evil.

Associated Names
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Here Reigns the Vengeful Villainess (Official Manhwa)
I'm The Crazy Villainess in This Area
이 구역의 미친 악녀는 나야
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2 Reviews

Jan 17, 2024
Status: c69
Thank you. I enjoy this story a lot. I liked the way the main female lead accepted his grandfather. In real life people are not so forgiving.

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Aug 22, 2024
Status: Completed
Although it's a bit cliche of a story, I think this is an enjoyable story about revenge and living a new life after all the tragedy. I have a feeling that the kids are definitely more mature than their age, but I love them! And the side story is wholesome~

Not a perfect one, but I think it was an enjoyable read. Thank you for the author and the translation team for this novel~
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