The Case of the Salaryman and His Beautiful Boss


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This is the story of the daily battles between a plain office worker who wants to separate his work and private life, and his beautiful female superior who has taken a liking to him.

How far will he withstand her advances?
And how far will she make her advances?

Have a look at this romantic comedy that sways between work and private life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jimi na Hirashain no Ore ga Nazeka Toshiue no Bijin Joushi ni Semarareteru Ken
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  5. Japanese Romance 100% NO HAREM

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2 Reviews sorted by

anokatax rated it
July 11, 2021
Status: c20
I really like it. The translation is fantastic, and the story starts fast and was very enjoyable. I like the older female boss having a crush on the hardworking younger guy, like the main character for being a good person and respectful toward women and so kind and considerate to the boss, who others find icy and cold.

The beginning seems to set up the initial seeds of the budding workplace romance, and I thought it was tastefully done, with a focus on the MC's perspective but occasionally showing the FMC's... more>> PoV too and how she came to like him. I also found their interactions really cute and wholesome, like when the FMC is afraid of putting him off but the MC actually finding her cute, even if he doesn't outright say it to her.

Overall, I found it a cute, workplace romance, and I'm excited for more chapters. (I've read up to the translated 10 chapters so far.)

Edit: Read to c20, and it's still good with gradual developments. Loving the cute dynamic between boss and subordinate, and it's really solid and a lot of fun. <<less
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iftybito67 rated it
October 22, 2022
Status: c20
it's light-hearted, wholesome and cute, that is, if you can get over the fact that people are falling in love with the MC for no actual reason. Don't expect anything complex. For a casual read, its good
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