The Ancient Miss Transmigrates into a CEO’s Wife


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[Love After Marriage]

In order to avoid an arranged marriage, Shen Yin, the young miss of a prominent household, jumped into the water in protest. When she opened her eyes again, she found that the world had become fantastical. Not only was she naked, but she was also lying in a large white tub. Just as she thought she was dead, she was told that she had a child and a husband. She tried to regain her clarity.

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Related Series
The Empress’s Transmigration into a Magnate’s Wife (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Binge-worthy (Modern) #3
  2. Wealthy characters

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/10/24 akkNovel c264
09/10/24 akkNovel c263
09/09/24 akkNovel c262
09/09/24 akkNovel c261
09/08/24 akkNovel c260
09/08/24 akkNovel c259
09/07/24 akkNovel c258
09/06/24 akkNovel c257
09/06/24 akkNovel c256
09/05/24 akkNovel c255
09/05/24 akkNovel c254
09/04/24 akkNovel c253
09/04/24 akkNovel c252
09/04/24 akkNovel c251
09/03/24 akkNovel c250
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sammi0 rated it
February 5, 2024
Status: c8
I feel really bad for the person Shen Yin transmigrated into. : (She was forced into marrying a man she doesn’t love, got pregnant after being drugged, and was forced to carry the baby to full term through her depression. She was made to feel evil for being depressed and forced to stay in this marriage and told to be grateful her husband wouldn’t divorce her. She harmed her baby and they still kept her around even though I feel it would’ve been a good thing for both parties... more>> to divorce. It was also mentioned that she’s a lesbian. She ended her life by drowning herself. I can’t keep reading because it’s so sad. <<less
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RadaRada rated it
February 13, 2024
Status: c20
It’s pretty good so far. Easy to read and I like the characters so far. It’s true that the original person had been a lesbian and suffered miserably as the other commenter has said. She had also, however, been getting scammed and tricked. It doesn’t seem like h*mophobia will be addressed, but the new body’s host is sensible, smart, and pretty bada**. I recommend it if you can overcome the start, the child is very cute and the new host treats him well. It is sad for all parties involved.... more>> I feel bad that the original person died without knowing the truth, but based on how the new Shen Yin is, I’m looking forward to see a pretty great revenge on her behalf. <<less
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