The 99th Divorce


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In her previous lifetime, they had married for five years. He meant everything to her, but she was thrown away like an old shoe.

After her rebirth, she gave him a divorce contract preemptively—

“Divorce after one year, the terms of the contract are as follows: husband and wife shall not share a room or bed. Intimacy forbidden?”

He raised his eyebrow.

Who knew that after she got drunk one day, leaning on the headboard, he rested his deep-set eyes on her. “You broke the contract, Mrs, Li.”

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Related Series
Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet (1)
Trial Marriage Husband: Need to Work Hard (1)
The Adonis Next Door: 100 Days of Forced Love (1)
The Untouchable President (1)
Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After) (1)
Major General Spoils his Soul-guiding Wife (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. When you want to puck blood (o V o) /
  2. Modern day romance reads
  3. top tier novels
  4. Transmigrated - rebirth
  5. Read Completely (Part 3)

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33 Reviews

Sep 22, 2018
Status: c80
If you're like me and enjoy a novel where there are no misunderstandings, a caring male lead, and a fluffy story then leave now. This story is full of drama and I want to roll my eyes at it.

If you're a sucker for pain, drama and angst, go ahead and read it. This isn't my cup of tea though.

ML is the worst I've ever come across. What a tool. THERE ALSO NEEDS TO BE A r*pe TAG! ML is honestly disgusting. Maybe he'll redeem himself in the future... more>> but to me personally, I could never read a novel where such a scumbag individual is the main love interest and it's all okay because he's "overbearing". (Seriously...?)


He thinks MC is just someone who wants to use him and he doesn't try to listen to her. Instead, he just uses her for her body. Literally. When she has dinner with a male high school friend, the ML's childhood sweetheart who wants his D takes a photo that looks like the MC and her friend are kissing. What does ML do? Only the most rational thing ever; sit in the car after she's done eating and then proceeds to r*pe her out of anger and jealousy.


I can handle novels with some angst (looking at you BTNHH) but novels with forced s*x and a scumbag male lead make me sick.

Rating: 1/5 - ML turned this story off for me completely. MC is a gem but not worth digging around +2000 chapters of drama for. Other reviewers may disagree with me and that's okay as I just wanted to put this here as a disclaimer for anyone who is like me and loathes reading about a scumbag ML.

I guess this novel is the perfect example of something that can only exist in fiction and be labelled as romantic because in reality no one would want to be MC... <<less
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Cutie Chimmy
Cutie Chimmy
Jun 18, 2019
Status: c99
Thanks to the synopsis, I went into this novel thinking it was going to be a somewhat satisfying if average story about a woman who will live her second life according to her rules after learning from her dumb mistakes of the past.

Oh how wrong I was.

You'd think that after her awful past experiences she would be wiser and stick to her principles but nope. She is still attracted to that bastard ML (one of the worst I ever came across for multiple reasons).

In the past she experienced loss, humiliation... more>> and was

even mu*dered

but she still acts like a hormonal teenager blushing every second she is near the ML. Like really?Shouldn't she be mentally older?

What was the whole point of making the divorce contract if she was still hoping and wishing to be with that piece of tr*sh? I am not saying she should have gone on a bloody rampage or become a vengeful ghost but can't I expect her to have even a little bit of self respect?

She's the typical pretty, weak and wishy-washy female lead I have had the displeasure of running into way too many times.

Moving onto the male lead. He's a scummy bastard is all I have to say. The typical frozen face a**hole ML who is present in almost every novel. But this bastard's even worse because he acts like a h**ny, r*pey mofo way too many times. Eligible bachelor my ass.

All the other characters are so one dimensional, they are caricature-like. Forget about subtlety and character development, I bet you'd have a hard time suspending your disbelief 100% of the time due to how unrealistic everyone acts.

In conclusion, don't read this novel.

Read it only if you have a high tolerance for BS, a weak MC who learns nothing no matter how many lives she lives, and an equally dumb iceberg rapist ML. Also, misunderstandings.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. <<less
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Jun 01, 2020
Status: c1565
This is my first review but this novel is so bad I had to.

Tl;dr : do yourself a favour and don't read this. Please.

Other than the things other reviews mentioned (rape, s*upid misunderstandings, gross ml), this story just goes oooooon and onnnnn and ooooooon

For the people saying there is no r*pe : ... more>>

is shen manting a joke to you? That whole plotline is so disgusting I dont even know where to start ugh. She's ou mings fiancee and she gets r*ped by her stepbrother over and over and gets pregnant and runs away. Her r*pe is used as a scandal against her to break the engagement???? DISGUSTING


But no, that's not the worst part. You'd Think the MC would learn from her past life and try to get tf out but

she stays with the ML who is the 2nd grossest character in this novel and falls in love w/him bc she can't help it uwu screw me.


I only continued reading bc the ou ming x yu lili plotline was kinda interesting but

it gets irredeemable when, after the ML goes missing and ou ming thinks its all lili's fault and so when they meet later in a club and (iirc) she spills smthn on him, he forces her to fxing lick his shoes. Srsly. And later she tries to kill herself but he saves her uwu and they start dating again but she's too traumatized by that that she becomes "cold" or whatever. It's also hinted that she's the daughter of a woman who the ou's know and have history with but idc enough to go back and see what. I think her mom had her through a surrogate and her dad is the artist dude but idk.


But im not done yet, nay nay I say. The reason why I got so sick of this is this

the ML and MC take their son and give him to the mc's long lost parents or whatever so he can keep them company like???? And those parents also have a long gross history that I forgot bc this novel is too long. What I remember is that mc's dad forced himself on mc's mom (aka r*ped her) and she got pregnant so as a revenge she sent MC to the orphanage and raised another girl as their daughter???? Also I'm pretty sure they're cousins or stepsibling or something but I I don't remember, their family name is rong.


I'm dropping this because even I don't hate myself enough to put myself through this anymore. I do not loathe myself enough to torture like this anymore it anymore. Love yourself, don't read the 99th divorce. <<less
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Sep 24, 2018
Status: --
Only doing a review because of the review before me. There is NO r*pe. I think the reader didn't read the story right or something.

... more>>

the scene in question involved a compromising picture that looked like she was kissing a guy. He went to pick her up and proceeded to seriously fondle her but definitely did NOT r*pe her. He purposely stops because he's not into that.


So for the story itself. It's much better than some other qidian ones like for example anything by ye fei ye where r*pe is specifically used as a plot device.

The MC in this story is actually an ok guy. He knows she wants a divorce and works to change her mind because he knows enough that forcing someone who doesn't want to stay to stay won't end happily. He defends her, surprises her with gifts and promises, and genuinely tries his best to make her happy. As a plus he looks at plots to make them break up with a weary eye and doesn't just fall for them like a dumb chump. <<less
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Feb 02, 2019
Status: c500
It was fine in the beginning but towards 400++ chapters, it has gone downhill significantly with too much misunderstandings occurring. The two leads fell for each other but still hide things and refuse to communicate which made mountains out of molehill.

... more>>

MC was kidnapped and woke up in the hospital thinking that she was r*ped by someone with AIDS but she did not seek clarification from the military general who saved her. Neither did she ask for a check-up until a few weeks later. Even then, she believed the doctor (enemy's friend) who asked a few questions and without a proper diagnosis, told her flippantly she had AIDS and go back to prepare your funeral. Her intelligence has probably degraded to single digit...

11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 10, 2018
Status: c44
Who loves reborn MC, angst, drama stricken novel? Put your hands up!

Since the day I saw the next novel at Qidian, I've been voting and waiting patiently and I'm satisfied with it.

The drama, the anxiety, her love, how I can't wait for the mass release of chapters!

You guys gonna love this novel!
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May 29, 2020
Status: c300
For one, I did like the story when I first read it. Though, something I should've been warned off was the amount of drama in the novel. After something ends and the ML and FL start liking each other a new drama occurs. I don't know if this is something with Chinese novels in general but it was plot twist after plot twist PLUS more drama. That was honestly draining.

I've read around 300 chapters but have to stop reading it.. Take a pause and find another novel. I've never been... more>> into romance so my first romance novel was a bad choice.

A few reasons as to why it wasn't so good:

    • Too much drama. As I stated earlier, it was drama left and right. Plus the drama was basically the same throughout the whole story. If they talked to each other for more than five minutes, most of the issues would've been resolved.
    • I thought she would be a smart FL and not be so obsessed and love sick for the ML. I did not believe that he deserved her, but at some point; their characters were equally bad. She did not learn anything about her past and even went as far as to act like her past self. Such a turn off.
    • Lack of creative plot. It felt like the author did not have a fixed storyline. Most of the conflicts felt childish and forced, it would've all been fixed if they talked to each other for one second.
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May 10, 2019
Status: c350
It was good at first but then it become a ret*rded really quickly. The MC was super dumb for a reincarnated person. She was emotional, misunderstood others really easily, got no skills whatsoever and pretty much a white lotus. The scheming in this novel is soo s*upid. It's like it was written by a 12 years old. The male lead started cold and arrogant and then turned into a mushy cringy h**ny man after 100 chapters or so. And the misunderstanding is ridiculous. Sometimes they fought even for the smallest... more>> reason. <<less
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Mar 18, 2019
Status: c353
For people who said there is no r*pe... oh my sweet summer child.

... more>>

when you are married, and your wife says no, but you rip her dress and fck her till she is all banged up and bruised. yes it is very very much r*pe! She passed out for a day fo god sakes! ML is such an A-hole, the word A-hole is putting it mildly. He makes mistakes but he thinks fcking her till she passes out is grounds for forgiveness. Like . Wtf! Are you mental?


The missunderstanding is childish and stopable if she would just open her Gd mouth!

He's is suppose to be a smart bussines man, but an idiot when it counts. She is suppose to have lived once, but that didnt fix her brain or her prinsiples. I am not expecting a MarySue or that type of MC. But this... this...


'stay away' is not in her vocab, she is dumb as a doorknob. No self respecting woman would tolerate ML and his fam. Her go to move is to cry! Seriously?! Cry?! Oh for the love of...


And this was suppose to be a 'i hate you I want revenge in my second life' type of book... turns out it was a 'i hate you, but your so fckable I am weak, save me ML'

Last thoughts:


from the pov of someone who is married. This looks like it was written by someone who never actualy slept with someone, obsesses with r*pe fantasies, and still a child. Or... someone who shamelessly grabs on to readers who just wants everything resolved at the end, and milk it till the last drop.


Get ready to cringe... hard...

I just read this because I was bored... I regret it. <<less
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Jeez Louise
Jeez Louise
Jan 19, 2020
Status: c400
OMG how s*upid is this girlll! And the issues are so childish! Just ask your husband directly girl! Instead she's always wallowing in self pity over and over and over again. Just communicate with each other already!!!
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mememe v
mememe v
Nov 23, 2018
Status: c275
Has a rather interesting starting point that captivated and motivated me to read until this point in time. Now will I continue to read this after 275? Very questionable. Might be spoiler-ish but 275 in and the female lead does not seem to have a brain. Yes my expectation is very high and I expected her to have a brain afterall this is a rebirth story and she is reliving her previous years.
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Sep 25, 2018
Status: c86
Some people might loath this Li Sicheng, tbh I hate him too, but, seems like to me now he started to hate her because of Tang Mengying plots to make our pure and innocent Su Qianci at the past, you will understand after you keep read it,


Also this Li Sicheng start to developed a feeling towards Su Qianci later on, so don't blame him cuz he just too dumb to fall for Tang Mengying plots

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May 08, 2022
Status: --
Gosh I can't take it anymore! How annoying can this book get!

I found this on Wattpad and the description got me hooked. I wanted to write my review their, but it would seem unfair to the person who shared it. The begining was okay but when I got to 70+ that's where I starting to get high blood.

I read some of the reviews and was shocked at how many men had to do r*pe to get their girls (i said girls not women since most females here have the brain... more>> of an idiotic child). It even made me mad when some said that there isn't r*pe.... maybe they were hired to ya know....

The last part I stopped was wherein Mrs. Tang hired a gang with a guy named Monkey to aid her in ruining the MC and the MC got r*ped and believed that she had been affected by Monkey's Aids/HIV. She of course starts crying again saying things like not gonna live long and she should give up on ML.

And what's funny about ML is that shouldn't he care more about her after she was kidnapped and almost killed yet he didn't even try to comfort her in their bed and slept, it also said that he didn't notice her crying like where's ur powerful instincts where u can notice things and jas like those sharp eyes, and the excuse was he was just too tired.

yM hands hurt like crazy here since I don't know how to touch type. But in short this book is wrong in many ways.

Too much r*pe. s*upid characters. No character development at all. Too much drama and misunderstandings. Can't even sit for five minutes to talk. I hate this and I'm dropping it!

P.s: I'm pretty sure the author was either immature and young, too much into r*pe fantasies, or has a problem with women. <<less
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Oct 24, 2021
Status: --
I wonder what kind of f*cked up sh*t the author was high on when she wrote this garbage. Like seriously I read the reviews before I picked it up and was like “oh it can’t be that bad”— no. It’s not that bad. IT’S WORSE. Like what the f*ck.

*spoiler* (do yourself a favour and read the spoiler and don’t read the novel)

“Silence is consent”- two characters from this shitty novel.

There’s r*pe. All over the book. Apart from the main characters we get to read the stories of the side... more>> characters as well. So in total there’s about 5 couples and five POVs. AND THREE OF THEM r*peD THEIR PARTNERS.

Like one character’s plot line is DEPENDENT ON r*pe AND PREGNANCY OUT OF r*pe. (That bastard Shen Luo’an. F*ck. I hate him so much. F*cking loser b*tch. Ughh.) If r*pe itself wasn’t a problem to you then maybe in*est and excessive stalkerish behaviour by the rapist (Shen Luo’an) towards the victim (Shen Manting- HIS SISTER), not to mention verbal and sometimes physical abuse should make you rethink your decision to read this tr*sh. Yeah the sister is adopted obviously because then it’s fine, isn’t it (according to the author). God. They keep pressuring the victim to forgive the rapist coz she gets pregnant and gives birth. By they I mean that bastard’s family. The family that also raised the victim. And f*ck there’s this old bastard bit*h who tells the victim you shouldn’t fight with the father of the child because he *seems like a nice person and cares for you* and that she should be forgiving. Ughh.

If that didn’t make you wanna drop this, then dw there’s more. The drama in this novel is so shit. Like even a 12 year old can manage not to fall for f*ckery like that. The kidnapping plot, mu*der or whatever sh*t is in this book seems to have been written by the author’s elementary school niece or nephew coz no well grown matured adult would write garbage like that. Everything and everyone in this novel is s*upid. Not one character has a redeeming quality about them. NOT ONE. No actually, Teeny Su. A DOG WHO DIDNT GET SCREENTIME was the best character of all. And thank god for that. If he did get screen time the author would’ve prolly f*cked him up too coz she can’t write for shit. The misunderstandings in this novel had me crying. Coz they were so dumb and I was cursing myself for reading this. LIKE TWO LINES. IF THE CHARACTERS SAID TWO LINES TO EACH OTHER, it could’ve been solved. BUT NO. We had to wait for 200 f*cking chapters instead. Shit. I hate it. I hate the characters. I hate the author. And I hate myself.

tl/dr: it’s shit. Do yourself a favour and don’t read. No amount of curiosity to see why it’s sh*t should make you go through this mind f*ckery of a book. Just don’t. <<less
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May 01, 2021
Status: c578
This author has issues and seems to think relationships are all about men forcing themselves on women and women putting up token resistance before giving in. This is reflected not only in the main pairing but also EVERY SINGLE SIDE PAIRING SO FAR! Does the author hate women?? Let's break it down by couples:

... more>>

1. MC & ML - Where do I even start. This dude is a rapist. The MC is dumb as shit. This HAS to be the most unconvincing "love" story ever. It's all about manufactured drama with more misunderstandings popping up whenever their relationship eases from solving any previous misunderstandings. He r*pes her because he thinks she cheated on him. Then she acts so scared and he acts all sorry and I can't even remember how they overcame this because this resolution was as unconvincing as every other resolution between these two. There was this one time, his freaking grandfather DRUGS her (with the help of the maid) so that these two can have s*x and resolve whatever conflict they were having at that time. And the ML figures it out and of course, like the scumbag he is, takes advantage of the situation and makes her think she's the one who came onto him. The the dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks MC, doesn't realise even after waking up lol. And so on and so forth it goes.

2. OM and YLL- ugh, what even. What was this shit. Starts out as a mistress/ sugar daddy situation and the guy falls for the girl in the process. He wants to marry her but she likes someone else. So, with the advice of his awesome friends, he tampers with the birth control and gets her pregnant. And then when he finds out she wants to abort and leave him, whatever he does to her on the bed sends her to the hospital. Thankfully, I'm dropping this, and won't have to barf over how this will be resolved.

3. CY & RR - yet another pairing of a r*pey dude and a weak woman. But what irritated me the most was her parents' behaviour. The girl's "loving" parents are so worried about her being a spinster at the grand old age of 26 and when the dude shows up at their place claiming to be her boyfriend, despite her refuting his claim, they conspire with him to lock her outside the house (in her pajamas, mind you, on a cold winter night) while they were right inside the house, so that she will have to spend the night with the dude that they met only a day or so ago!! The heck?? I would've just stopped talking to them for the rest of my life.

4. MC's real mom and dad - this opens up a whole new level of can of worms. The dude is her brother, and she runs away from him because as a normal person, she's not into in*est. He finds her on the day of her wedding to this other dude she fell in love with, abducts her, and r*pes in broad daylight, while her fiance was walking right next to them searching for her. Then he imprisons her to r*pe her until she can give birth. She gets her revenge by sectrely switching out the baby and sending the MC to an orphanage. And though they are married even after more than 20 years, I was happy to see at least one woman capable of a memory better than a goldfish. But then it all goes down the drain when the dude meets MC and the whole baby switch comes to light and he slaps and chokes this woman. And she finds herself at a loss lol. This becomes her chance to turn off her brain and start falling for him!!


Summary, read if you're ready to waste your life and maybe shorten your lifespan with blood pressure thanks to this author's warped view of life, relationships, and intelligence <<less
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Dec 15, 2020
Status: --
If I could rate this zero I would, but I put two for the good translations and stable updates. There is r*pe. Going through the comments and finding all those people saying the book is awesome... it is not awesome. Those reviews are made by s*upid people that enjoy the concept of romanticing r*pe. The dude has r*ped her.

The fact that the author drags out misunderstandings for lots of chapters that could be solved for lots if they just sit down and talk for 1 hour is annoying, it's not romantic at all I don't even expect romance but at least let there be consent! ML is an absolute jerk! He took the cake for jerk of the month! The FL is wayyyy to wishy washy... tsk what a pushover. I don't expect her to be a genius but at least use ur brain lady! If u wanna divorce do it decisively and run with ur money instead of sticking around. This book it's just a 'love story' between a masochist and her rapist with lot's of people trying to break them apart.


whoops... I was going through my reviews and realised I wrote this review for the wrong novel😭 lmao... anyways I read this one and.... my review stays the same... ML jerk of the month and FL wish washy pushover. There IS r*pe I dropped it already.... goodbye
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Sep 14, 2020
Status: --
The story is s*upid

Seriously, is there even person can bear to read more than one thousands chapters of misunderstanding drama?

I gave up on 353th chapter

... more>> MC and ML were s*upid, very low intelligence in communication area

The villin character was protrayed in a nonsense way

The ML is rapist (DON'T even justify his obsession in the name of love, love is respectful, forcing someone for your selfishness is not form of love)

MC is whiny character when it comes to ML, no strong determination, if you want divorce just draw the line!

There is too much drama, the plot is going up and down until I get bored with this endless s*upid drama

The story is exaggerating s*x like it is the only thing in marriage. Hey, this kind of idea, STOP it already! That is not how you cultivate healthy relationship. You talk, understand your partner, not just being suspicious with getting to know them at all, and think that having s*x with your partner is the only solution to all the problems

s*upid mother in law, s*upid father in law, s*upid supporting character, oh for God sake, there is not even one of the characters that I like. Even the MC and ML is not beautifully written

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Jun 27, 2022
Status: --
This is my first time giving a 1 star. I thought that it is better than not voting at all.

Honestly, the whole story and premises is so f*cked up. Why do people keep blaming the main character for whatever she does?!

I’ve read the story to chap 77. Hoping to see changes (speed reading since its not that long anyway) but dang, its the very first time that I felt so UNCOMFORTABLE reading the Male character (s) thoughts and lines — yes, including the so-called Male Lead’s POV. And no, nothing... more>> changes. Somehow the author keeps pushing (seriously, its too much) brainless drama to the table.

So f*cked up.

if you wish to throw 2 hours of your life away in vain. Here you go. <<less
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Jun 03, 2022
Status: c1040
There is something wrong with the writer if s/he thinks his/her depiction of the male characters are supposed to be seen as romantic. They're all a**holes and creepy. The females are no better -- all pushovers and idiotic. They make a lot of illogical decisions and actions. At this point, it's more of a challenge to myself -- how long can I last? What is my threshold for s*upid?
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Xiao Xixi
Xiao Xixi
Mar 18, 2022
Status: c431
I can say SQ is one of the dumbest if not the dumbest reborn MC in the history of novels.. Everytime I read about her thoughts, I have the urge to claw at the wall and gnash concrete..

And LS is another typical ML who you think has got some brains but becomes dumb infront of the MC, especially their misunderstandings, they are jus too dumb for me to continue reading this.
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