Surviving in an Ad**t-Rated Romance Game


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An SS-grade Legendary item obtained by chance from a free draw.

[Item: Queen Arcana’s Underwear].

Increases Beauty by +200, decreases Grace by -700, and increases Frivolity by +999 when worn.

Passive Effect: Allows you to have s*x with NPCs other than the target character. Can be hated by the characters. Access to Hidden Ending.

This item was a coveted item by many players just because it allowed access to the hidden ending.

“Crazy, is this for real?”

Even though wearing this was embarrassing, it didn’t matter. Finally, I could see the hidden ending that I hadn’t been able to achieve before!

But the joy was short-lived.

[Error! Unable to log out due to current server instability. Please try again later.]

This damn virtual reality game. As if not being able to log out wasn’t bad enough.

[You are currently unable to equip the item ].

The damn item doesn’t even come off?

“This is insane.”

This is why I ended up as a person trapped in a romantic situation in my underwear!

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19금 미연시 게임에서 살아남기
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2 Reviews

Jun 18, 2024
Status: Completed
This short story was fantastic, it was so pe*verted, so obscene but with a sweet and romantic tone.

I loved it from the first chapter, I really liked that it was obscene and had a reverse harem, I don't know many of that type.

I liked that it had drama, everything was like honey on flakes and I liked that Seona was not one of those protagonists who avoided situations and did not enjoy them.
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Jun 05, 2024
Status: Completed
It's mild by Kwak Doopal standards but still pretty wtf by normal people standards.

FL is actually quite funny and she's not horrified and traumatized throughout this. That's a plus.

Red hair = Raiden, the grand duke.

Black hair = Balteo, the marquis. Super loyal to the duke.

White hair = Shiron, the first prince (not the crown prince)
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