Supreme God


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The legend of the Supreme God tells his tale beginning as the Star God, the wheels of fate began to set into motion. Soon, he will become ruler of all. This tale tells of the rise and fall of many gods and goddesses, their prosperity and their downfall.

“There is no way for man to become a God until the Supreme God opened us the road towards the path.” Said Plato as he looked above the starry night.

“If there is anything which can grant the freedom of my people, I think it must be the stars above guiding me and the faith in my heart which drives me forward.” Moses lied down as he reached his hands towards the obsidian black sky.

“He is both my friend and my enemy.” Said Jesus.

The thread of fate and destiny prophesied the birth of a god paving a new era and bringing glory to all.

Associated Names
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Olympus: Supreme God
Xīlà Zhī Zǐwēi Dàdì
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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