Sub Male Leads, Come to My Bed Right Now!!


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Oh dear author ㅠㅠ, since the main male lead is for the female lead, I’ll gladly take the sub-male lead.

To all my dear sub-male leads, please come to my bed right now!

A comment I thoughtlessly left as if I had only read a novel, captivated by the sub-male leads.

But apparently, it was not a comment to be taken lightly.

“My instincts tell me, to come to you. To come to your bed.”

Because of that, the sub-male leads in the novel started to become obsessed.

But not with me, with my bed!

“Do not cross this line.”

“I like this bed. Give it to me.”

“I’ve never harbored a single ill thought towards you, not even the size of a fingernail.”

From the crown prince to the mercenary king, even the successor of the wizard tower!

But those who were only interested in my bed started to change.

“You’re too defenseless in front of me.”

“I like you more than the bed.”

“Is it wrong to want to know more about you?”

Just when I thought I had escaped the villainess route, things got more complicated.

…Why is everyone acting like this towards me? I just want to live quietly.

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3 Reviews

Nov 01, 2023
Status: c131
(The spoilers are vague and don't reveal any actual plot points, but I'm marking them as spoilers anyway to be safe)

First off: hilarious premise. I mean, the idea of making casual, outrageous euphemisms in the comments and having them be taken literally? It's funny. It's very funny. Literally the entire plot of this novel is about how the female lead is trying to find ways to help all of the male leads get their good night's sleep. I'm so happy this isn't a smutty novel.

Second off: The first... more>> half of the summary is true to its words.

The second male leads don't express *any* romantic interest in the FL for a very, very long time. They also don't really carry out any actions that could be percieved as romantic, either, as they later explain their anticlimactic reasons for doing what they do, which is also on par for a sub male lead; they're just worse at romance than the designated love interest. Later on in the story, when they realize their feelings, they do become more proactive though, as is to be expected in a romance story.


Now for the reason I'm writing a review: the female lead is honestly so relatable......

Even when she doesn't want to misinterpret the sub male lead's actions, she still does. Like, that's so me. No one can escape the rom-com brain once you've fallen into the rabbit hole. This is the true story of a victim of unrealistic expectations. We're both great at hiding our deep desire for a stereotypical shoujo romance, too.

As you'd expect, though, as the male leads get more invested in winning the FL over, she slowly puts back on that mask of blissful oblivion. It's okay because I love it aha


About the final love interest:


Legit have no idea who it is. There's an extra character that comes into the story - some devil king or other? I don't quite know, but he's like a god watching FL from above or whatever. It feels like he's supposed to be endgame because of how often he's just in the background, but I also feel like he's just supposed to be the wise advice character. If it's not him, the story seems to be hinting at a harem ending. Neither of these endings appeal to me personally, but I guess it won't change my rating. I'll update on this later.


Anyways, I'm having a lot of fun with this story and I hope it gets more translated chapters 🤞🤞🤞 <<less
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Apr 30, 2024
Status: c145
Oh, I absolutely adore this novel. The comedy is hilarious, the cuteness and shamelessness is top-notch, and the author adds new elements to keep the story from drying out.

The title suggests a flirty situation, but despite MC's first will to woo these sub-ML men, she treats them like a camp leader scheduling bedtime with difficult members. One needs to be tied up since he kicks her onto the floor, one cannot be touched since he will treat her like an assassin and murk, one sleeps like a corpse, and the... more>> other huddles on the far tip of the edge shaking as if MC will eat him... These guys...

This is kind of like a parody novel, in the sense that MC is a woman who loves reading and has read a lot of top romance fantasy (rofan) troupes. SSS-hunter with constellation broadcasts, saintess saves the world, villainess redemption, reborn as a genius wizard (or elementalist), duke of the north contract marriages, transmigrates into an extra and makes a lot of money, troupes like these that avid readers of the genre have come across.

So, since she possessed the villainess, she had a lot of starting confidence and hopes for this life to be like the ones she read... which led MC to quickly create what she calls her 'dark history' lmfao. After hiding in shame for a few months she is targeted by the sub-MLs and the 'curse of the bed' is revealed causing MC even more embarrassment since the hallucinations the sub-ML's are hearing... are her thirsty comments she left in the novel's comment section...

I'm sure that if you are someone that reads a lot of the rofan genre you'll enjoy this novel. The characters are hilarious and this is a great novel to re-read.

Also, I received a lot of emotional damage reading, since my personality is like MC. The words cut deep and I'm sore from the realistic slaps she was given due to the troublesome personality we share. But what can I say? I had a lot of fun watching her actually say aloud what we were both thinking. <<less
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Aug 01, 2024
Status: --
Fun & interesting premise. I somehow had a hunch about the ML & it really is

the mercenary king, the brown haired one on the left side of the cover

I actually like the fact that the sub male leads took time enough to realise they have fallen for her. Definitely enjoyable & hilarious.
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