SSS-Class Sui**de Hunter


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I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I would even die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But it only works when you die.]


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SSS-Class Hunter who Dies to Live
SSS-Class Revival Hunter
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
SSS급 자살헌터
SSS급 죽어야 사는 헌터
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214 Reviews sorted by

Briskfall rated it
July 7, 2023
Status: --
Some arcs feel week compared to others. The author is really good at emotional buildups, this series has lots of breathing room, not just action. The characters are also very fun and stellar.

Protagonist literally becomes Jesus but I don't hate it.

It's a very interesting concept that stays through since the beginning hinting at his personality. So at least it's consistent. He has a savior complex but it's not the worst thing out there.
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June 12, 2023
Status: c216
This novel is not ideal, but it sunk deep into my soul.

From a certain viewpoint, it's just a set of stories, and characters of said stories are thrown into the Tower. The MC is but our guide through the stories. He doesn't risk dying in action (and he has a considerable plot armor when he could cease to exist as a person), but shifts our focus on his relationship with other characters. And their misery, madness and struggles in this mad world are "fascinating".

On the weak side, the novel starts... more>> as your run-of-the-mill generic power fantasy and continues to pose so for a while, which can be quite confusing. There are some strange plot points, and romance is really up to your taste (at least admit it - you have to have huge balls to add romance to your story nowadays, because you know many people start spitting venom just when they hear this word).

Sometimes writing can be convoluted. Some plot points seem to be contrived. But, for me, this novel is special. If you want to read the novel about satisfying victories from rags to riches - you're in the wrong place. To be frank, I can't describe for whom this novel is, but I like it. <<less
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ChronosMrk1 rated it
April 28, 2023
Status: c112
tldr: 7.5/10 likable MC that you want to see succeed, intriguing overarching plot, lackluster setting, weak/shallow but cliché world building, cleanly bad romance subplot/arch, couple of plot holes here and there but can be mostly forgiven if given the benefit of doubt, side characters that are interesting but only surface level, and mostly entirely sympathetic, and understandable antagonists (9/10 is you ignore the "romance" and keep in mind I'm a sucker for live, die, repeat stories)

The novel is pretty stellar and the writing is decent. But that makes... more>> the weakest points stand out all the more. E.g. The rushed, unsatisfactory romance between the MC and the other person. Sure they both have something in common that no one else has but it could have been done a lot better. One way was to go more in depth into the minor interactions between them during the 7 day period where they were messing about. Maybe it was the butlers personality had made him fall in love her and the novel would delve the heart wrenching process of falling out of love with someone you used to love and the tragedy that would entail, even if it would be artificially losing love. Etc. Etc. The romance gives the impression of a writer with not much experience/research in that area but maybe I'm bowling in the wrong lane. I'm not a writer and this is just suggestions. As I said the story and character's emotional states were portrayed very well before this which is hard to do in an impossible situation where you have to show how someone would feel after dying and feeling a excruciating pain again and again. Not as accurately portrayed as in "the heroines and trying to kill me" mind you but the MC is likable enough to get through that. Never been a fan of the brooding/cynical MCs that are so popular.

The side characters are diverse and seem interesting but aren't given much time in the story to shine or show off and prospective nuances in their characters. It's an unavoidable problem with stories with time loops where you're interacting with the same character again and again in the same way they you are able to see the in the colourful variety of situations necessary for you to get to know a character. Honestly some fluff could go a long way. As in instead of the time skips have a story with one of the other side characters. Or have a B story running with some people you want to flesh out. I've noticed in most of the web novels I've read they don't bother with this unless it's the villains scheming and even them it's just an attempt to build tension without much focus on the characters. Most web novels don't get this right anyway and to focus on characterisation just have fewer characters instead, like in romance web novels weirdly enough. So I'm not sure of I can even nag about that. Good example of the opposite of that is the villains and side characters in hunterxhunter if you've ever read/watched that. On a the other hand note the antagonists are fleshed out pretty deeply especially compared to the side characters. As long as you ignore the evil fire starter. But he's barely anything anyway. <<less
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January 20, 2023
Status: c229
2 word description- "Flawless Masterpiece". Literally the only story where title doesnt give the content justice. This is SSS tier novel that is completely different from the generic hunter tower novels. This is freaking awesome. Dont need to read reviews. Just start reading.
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JoakimIT rated it
December 1, 2022
Status: c237
This story really impressed me, and I didn't expect that after reading the first 30 or so chapters.

At first I thought it was just your standard wish-fulfillment novel with a super OP main character, but it proved me wrong in the murim arc. The author uses the OP ability of the MC to create unique stories and connections to people, and I quickly became invested.

I'm really curious about how the author will keep the stakes up going forward in the story, because to me it seems like he's written himself... more>> into a corner.

To expand on that:

I'm a the point where he gets the ability to resurrect people. Since he can make anyone immortal and he can go back in time and we know the entire purpose of the tower I don't really see the point in climbing anymore.

I also think the end of the murim arc was dumb since he can go back in time or resurrect anyone why not save master? Yeah it's a fitting end but I'm sure she had regrets, and I know MC would want and appreciate her guidance. Seemed like the author didn't want to keep her in the story, and had to make a bad move because of the OP abilities MC has.


Real score 8.5, but people seem generous with reviews here so I'll make it 5 stars. <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
November 22, 2022
Status: c213
The story is really good, although the story has gone somewhat off tangent in the latest chapters. This has resulted in some pacing issues, especially when he is diving into a trauma with his skill. These mini arcs almost always contain some degree of amnesia and a completely self-contained stories. This makes parts of SSS-Class su*cide Hunter read like a fantasy anthology, which can be somewhat jarring when the reader just wants to continue with the main plot. This issue is less pronounced when you have a chance to binge... more>> the entire arc.

What I most enjoy about this author is how they handled the love interest. They created a character we didn’t know we needed. A lover who could support the MC’s faltering psyche. A strong woman who can and will be the pants in the relationship. A strong man who enjoys willingly submitting to his lover’s strong personality. A smart and powerful pair who fit together so perfectly it’s almost scandalous. A pair who is not fated, yet managed to meet across time and space and eliminate the obstacles that would keep them separated. The odd pacing I mentioned earlier only managed to amplify this arc.

Their love actually comes on very strong to the point it’s hard for some readers to follow. Her strength as a character makes it so that she would easily overshadow the protagonist. The author’s decision to give her individual goals was for the best. This leaves her to go off doing her own thing in the background. MC focuses on his goals. The main difference between then and now is that he tries to go home at night and to limit his regressions. Most of his wifely responsibilities are left out of the main story unless they matter. This helps keep the story a little cleaner.

Tl;Dr A fun binge if you can put up with the dog food <<less
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November 19, 2022
Status: c102
Its really good at times, and somewhat boring at other times... The start of it was excellent, but there are a few arcs that made me just skip through entire chapters because of how boring it was. The writing can sometimes be too verbose and the plot doesn't move forward fast enough. But overall its one of the better stories I have read in this genre and it is original enough to be entertaining.
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blobbything rated it
October 25, 2022
Status: c232
This is likely the best Korean web novel I've read off the top of my head. At the very least it makes the most of the regressor setting out of any of them. I found the first two arcs to be merely okay, but once it gets to the Heavenly Demon arc it really takes it up a notch in terms of writing quality. I really appreciate how the protagonist has a strong moral compass without it being overbearing or preachy. The supporting cast is also very good, especially compared... more>> to others in the same genre.

I really enjoyed the romance as well, I think it did a great job of not just being "wow these characters are so cute together watch them be cute lol" or "the main character is completely stoic and super masculine (read: never gets emotionally flustered) the entire time and shows no meaningful reaction to the main heroines advances until he randomly just says hes in love with her without any buildup" that a lot of web novel romances tend to be. Especially so when romance isn't the main focus. SSS-Class su*cide Hunter dedicates an entire arc to the romance, tying a lot of emotional and narrative stakes to it rather than just letting it simmer in the background. I think it works well. The main love interest is also a massive chad which helps a lot. An argument could be made though that it would've been nice if it spent a little more time on it. That said overall, it was very compelling imo.

A final thing I'd like to talk about is I enjoy how certain aspects of the story get recontextualized and reintroduced as the story goes on. Its really satisfying and makes the story feel more organic. One of the villains introduced in the currently being translated arc is also a really compelling character and I look forward to seeing more of her. <<less
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k40235 rated it
August 31, 2022
Status: c224
I m in for a ride whenever I read this, it either hypes me up, makes me fascinated by the story, makes me laugh out loud for the whole chapter, informs me without boring me with relevant situatons. It never bores me and wants me look out if the next chapter got released everyday

altough first few chapters are not entartaining to read at all, it really makes up for it bit later
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This person is dying
This person is dying
August 27, 2022
Status: c115
Another review for the romance aspect:

... more>>

Female lead is cool and the prose and the conversation are as beautiful as always. BUT Gongja bro, do you know why people play hard to get? Because it's cool! and it increases your value somewhat.... so it dissapoints me a bit that you -- who I root for since chapter 1 -- SUDDENTLY GOT STOLEN by someone who only know you for 1 chapter and doesn't know your worth as much as I do! NO, NO LET ME CORRECT THAT. You don't get stolen, you followed the thief.... where is your pride??

This may be shallow of me, but I read to follow a cool character, like most Korean webnovel readers.

Female lead may deserve Gongja or Gongja may not even deserve the female lead (she is a queen!!) but the formula usually she had to prove it first before snatching the protagonist! That's why it's hard to accept at first.

Objectively they fit each other and it fit the story style...

Subjectively I don't like how author threat the readers by just slamming romance like that....


Except that, I have no complaints <<less
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EytBit rated it
July 10, 2022
Status: c215
tl;dr: By far my favorite novel. The characters, world building, action, translation, and language among other things all come together in order to build an amazing fleshed out world each with new settings and varieties to explore.

In the wave of new releases that take old and overused clichés and plot points such as isekai, tower, system, transmigration, and more, SSS-Class su*cide Hunter stands out as a diamond in the rough (despite the fact that it is quite popular).

Despite using the admittedly overused plot point of a tower that gathers players... more>> from across the world, this novel does not rely on the tower in order to further the plot. The tower is simply the setting- the foundation of the world in which the main character is placed in and free to roam around. Looking back, it is quite hard to write a review for this amazing novel that does it justice. Unlike many other novels from the KR sphere of novel writing, the main character is not overpowered, yet does not rely on the underdog status in order to cement his place, either. The main character, in his position of initial powerlessness, uses what he has in his disposal (kept quiet for spoilers) in order to understand and eventually overcome his opponents. Each arc is honestly written (and translated!) quite beautifully, and the author's experience and familiarity with older, classical books serves to enhance their writing method. If nothing else, I implore you to ignore the rather 'cliched' looking description and read the first 15 chapters, after that, you will understand the type of person the main character is and the world that the story will revolve around.

Simply amazing. 5/5. <<less
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Gaprionder rated it
June 8, 2022
Status: --
At this time, and in the future I will still give this novel 5 stars. This is a novel I don't know how to describe it. Since there is no description, I will keep it brief. Understandably, a lot of people hate this novel because the main doesn't value life own after having the EX skill revive the life. He kept dying, and dying and dying until he reached his goal. Time isn't running out if he uses that skill continuously. There is no denial or defense here. I just... more>> want to say that it is his result, what he chose for his life. That's the result, in fact, in real life, there's no such thing as going back in time and death. In the novel, all of that was removed so that the author could accurately describe the death of another person, The suffering of death, injustice, and natural disasters happen to people. That's it, you can't deny it just because it's negative, don't hide from it, Westerners. I am Eastern. That's just what I advise. Your ego, your arrogance, your outer and inner judgments. Please, look closely, look deeply into it, don't just judge the surface of the problem. Always read the novel and think of your own profound problems. <<less
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lyra-dhani rated it
March 12, 2022
Status: c155
Absolutely love this. It's been a long time since I found a webnovel that could make me giggle, make my heart ache, and root joyously for the MC. It has enough balance for friendship, comedy, love, and action. It's a similar feeling to when I read a good shounen manga.

A lot of people complain about the romance arc, but personally, I think it was cute and refreshing and added more spice to the story. I put more details about it for the new readers, so please at least give this... more>> story a try before getting put off by the romance tag.


For one reason or another, the MC gets s**ked into a cliche romance novel story and plays the role of the butler who's in love with the original FL. Accompanying him in this risky journey is the angel-like (only on the outside) childish blonde whose name I had forgotten. The more they stayed in the novel, the more they get immersed into the role.

The ML was a cheating d*ck and a spoiled coward, and the Villainess was so devoted to him, she was willing to shed blood in the name of love. To fulfill his goal, MC went to the Villainess and, blinded by admiration for Villainess' brand of crazy, ended up blurting that he wanted to know about love (as related to the previous arc). The Villainess agreed to teach him and the MC ended up falling in love with her as a result. He wasted no time and confessed. The Villainess was a badass, a girl who knew what she wanted, and when she returned the MC's feeling, she was as devoted to him as she had been to the ML, except this time her devotion was returned just as much. They make a sweet couple because MC was awkward and new to dating and the Villainess lead the relationship but got flustered when MC made bold moves.

What I hate about romance tag in the action genre is the drama and unnecessary feeling and badass decay that come with it but this power couple has none of that. There's nothing to hate about mutual burning love.

By the way, the arc has a solid action plot, it's not just about their relationship. What I write here isn't all there's to it.


Character: 10/10. MC is a thug-like good boi. Everyone also is interesting in some way.
Wholesomeness: 10/10.
Plot: 10/10. To some people, it might feel forced and filled with plot holes here and there, but as for me, I enjoy the story so much that I don't really care if the plot doesn't make any sense.
Personal rating: 10/10. Seriously, give this one a try. <<less
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Drake888 rated it
March 10, 2022
Status: c136
Holy crap I love this. I strongly recommend this to anybody interested in the tags. The writing is terrific and interesting. Lots of action and drama. Great relationships and surprising twists. The first few chapters are kind of difficult to get through though. Honestly at first I was convinced that this was another tr*shy LN and wondering if it would be good enough to stay in my reading list as something to kill time. But as the story went on I really started to love it.

Having gushed with praise, I... more>> want to address the negative reviews. Honestly, they seem pretty fair. There is a lot of plot armor that gets justified after the fact. I mentioned that the early stuff is difficult to get through, and part of that is because the MC is just weird and unpleasant. His actions make sense only because it is explained that he is crazy. Literally, he gets his powers because he is so unusually crazy. And then after that he just kind of becomes normal and relatable. The rule of thumb is to give a light novel 20 chapters before making a decision but honestly even twenty chapters in this one still isn't very good. The great relationships I mentioned in the first paragraph aren't with the important side characters that are introduced in the MC's starting area, even though those are the people he is around the most and lives near. Instead, the interesting relationships are with people that the MC meets as part of his journeys, people that the MC is supposed to only briefly interact with. The important side characters are only slowly fleshed out later, almost as an after-thought. Even now they haven't been developed well.

But despite the flaws I still recommend this. If I had to describe this, I would describe it so far as being a little like "One Thousand and One Nights" because it is one story that is made interesting because it has a bunch of engaging small stories. That's what this is. Just the MC jumping from one short story to another. The parts outside of the short stories are a little weak but the short stories themselves are fantastic.


I just want to be clear: I am at the library arc right now but this is just a more literal application of "jumping from one short story to another". The 10th floor was a short story. The Aegim Empire was its own short story. Some of the death penalties are short stories in themselves. The deaths to learn his sword style are extra-short short stories within a larger short story.


The author is great at writing short stories and this novel is just the author finding a way to keep telling short stories with the same MC. <<less
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Marina Okumura
Marina Okumura
March 7, 2022
Status: c120
I admire Kim Gongja, better than that, I can say that I love him with all my heart. But god knows how much I suffer reading this shit, I've cried since the first time he decided to die, I cry in every arc and I have no idea if it's because it's really emotional or if I'm emotional.

... more>>

So, I'm on the 25th floor, I thought "it's impossible for me to cry and suffer as much as I suffered and cried on the 22nd floor", obviously I was wrong, I didn't even make it halfway through the arch and I'm already dehydrated. How the hell is my beloved Kim Gongja going to solve this? I don't know, but I'll probably keep crying until then.


Att: the arc on the 25th floor is over and although I cried a lot, it wasn't just sadness. I was genuinely happy with the events. <<less
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NotAFish rated it
February 18, 2022
Status: c186
Granted this is my first review and also my first novel, I could be biased.

Now now, this novel ain't a pure action novel. To be honest the action ain't even that great, but the way the author setting the stage is indeed top tier. Don't get me wrong, there's still good action.

So what's the actual main genre for this novel? It's drama, like a real heavy drama. We are watching a MC that actually growing as a person emotionally rather than a beat-em-up MC, which is pretty rare for this... more>> setting. <<less
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PayAttention rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: c100
I catch up with the raws. Sigh..

There's a lot of dissatisfied comments about romance based on what I saw in here. Well, I don't know about that thing. Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm single for years, no romance on me. So, I don't know that feels. Because of that, I'm enjoying the story so well. And because of that too, I don't care about that feels. Speaking about this thing makes me to ponder, will she become a yandere after that or the next villain. Make it wild with your imagination,... more>> bruh..

Nevermind with what I said, just a slice of thought. Relationship is illogical for me to think so deeply. I'll die young because of that. Not worth it. The next thing is, until when will he become to stop his regression skill. Kinda boring I think if it still continues. Every time you died, go back in previous before. A big question for the author. But it says completed, I'll wait for the translation then. <<less
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D1983 rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: c119
I really enjoyed the start but I have reached the point where everything just bends for the MC to get what he wants. He starts out as an obsessive madman full of envy and has become something of a messiah.

While I never expect much of romance in action novels, I disliked this one, it seemed like cheap romance. The MC fixes everything with his ability without suffering losses other than a momentary death that does not matter to him, he becomes OP and he gains intelligence and sagacity over that... more>> of the experienced guild leaders.


He still does not reach half of the Tower and he is already proposed king and his guide/master/ghost friend is wasted because MC have not learned anything from him until now, He is a master of the sword and only uses him to spy.

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Ggeez rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: c150
Wow. Just wow. I didn't expect something so good. The MC feels alive. The side characters feel alive. The plot has actual meaning. No, every arc has a different meaning attached to it. Every arc, you will experience different emotions. It starts off good, but it becomes better and better. You don't skip a line. You just completely immerse in the story, watching the MC grow and experience new emotions. A must-read, especially for those who are tired of characters that are so 'badass' that they don't feel... more>> human emotions and don't change for a thousand chapters, of side characters being no more than stepping stones for the MC and of harems/absolute lack of romantic relationship. By the way, the translation is also very good. <<less
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strangeirdo rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: c150
I really like this novel. The author likes to show and not tell, so it might seem a bit slow at times. The story has its own set of rules that it abides by. I also really like that instead of just going back in time magically, it uses the rules of the world to go back in time. Honestly his power is pretty op and it became so op because of pure luck, but it does have its own rules and limitations.

The 1-2 star reviews on this novel makes... more>> me think that they read something completely different, especially the ones that only read up to 40 chapters. I've seen some genuine criticisms of the novel, but these reviews are not it.

My biggest complaint is that the translator has translated 5 chapters in the past month, far from the chapter every 3 days that they promised. Afaik, there hasn't been an explanation why. If there is one, they did an absolute sh*t job of letting people know. <<less
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