SSS-Class Sui**de Hunter


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I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I would even die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But it only works when you die.]


Associated Names
One entry per line
SSS-Class Hunter who Dies to Live
SSS-Class Revival Hunter
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
SSS급 자살헌터
SSS급 죽어야 사는 헌터
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214 Reviews sorted by

Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace rated it
March 26, 2022
Status: c195
I won't say that this novel is perfect. Though the novel has its pitfalls in its world building at the start, even evident in the Manhua series which basically dropped you into the world with little to no explanation for the tower, I truly enjoyed the experience from how well the writer portrays the most emotional moments in writing.

From the start, Kim Gong-ja's personality was the usual weak MC swears revenge and regresses, sure. There isn't much to say about his personality, his goal to become stronger and be acknowledged... more>> is laid bare to the readers and he follows through with it, but he never becomes arrogant in his success, since he experiences hundreds of failures to achieve the goals he wants. This also works very well in tandem with the side characters once he gains noteriety. Every side character whom the MC interacts with act like actual people with their own clear goals and personality, not to stroke the MC's ego at every turn, which makes the conversations flow quite nicely and not feel very forced at major plot points.

Now personally the murim arc was my favourite part of the novel so far, not because I like martial arts part of novels but because the arc focuses on developing and exhibiting the MC's humanity and empathy. Contrary to the name of the arc, it barely had any real action since

there's just 2 people left in the world from a zombie plague


There isn't much more for me to say, the ability of the writer to convey emotions is something I cannot explain, but what I will say is that this is a gem with a rough surface. The opening chapters can be hectic from the author's rush to get to the meat of the story and expand the MC's character, but once you are like 30 chapters in, you will find that this story hooks you in with the borderline insane premise of dying

4000 f*cking times

but makes you stay for the characters growth in their journey. <<less
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March 18, 2022
Status: c193
Honestly even now for me it is ahead in Ominiscient Reader by one step as in Ominiscient Reader, some characters were created for the story to be more intense and colorful but that's what made me resent the author a little characters that were very pitiful were mu*dered by dokkaibis or either some other people were just killed unjustedly but nonetheless I still finished the novel the mystery was great, plot twists were fcking cool too but this just hits different I didn't care for the mystery, I cared on... more>> how the author really used specific words that really just hits different,


Like how the elf guy told Kim Dokja:

Holding my head, I shakily got to my feet.

Ssonia was standing before me.


-Lord Kekerkker.

His voice was serious.

“What... is it... ? Uwah, my head hurts. That alcohol was so bad...”

-I... would like to personally act in the next performance.

I raised my head to look at Ssonia.

An unknown desire shined in his blue eyes.

-I want to be like... No.

Ssonia said.

-I want to live like you.


the author's way of describing scenes, the author's way of expressing everyone's emotion, the comedy was awesome too, the romance it was just like out of a blue and that was why it was nice, it felt like a pure love of the MC and Raviel, like some puppy love that just seemed like how a guy would feel at his teenage years to a girl, like a smoothie mix of simpness with a bit of sweetness and a sprinkle of comedy. lastly that beautiful sunshine every time you read knowing it would always reach an ending where every victim will be consoled or the bad guy beaten up and with the MC using his wits to beat the stage in the most unexpected ways that it would also make you regret that villains with memory erasure don't exist in real life <<less
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Tutubitter rated it
December 11, 2021
Status: c125

Th best thing that really makes this such an enjoyable read is the author's magnificent way with words that made everything sooo immersive that I felt my heart clutched and played like a stress ball. To the point that even the troupe/s I would normally not like would get me d*mn hooked. ... more>>

Like the Murim arc. I don't like Wuxia very much cause although I like their devotion, I don't agree that there's a clear distinction between good and evil. But this version of the author's was executed differently and very nicely. At least among the few Wuxia I've read.


I read the first few chapters in manhwa so I kinda skimmed those in the novel until the Murim arc.

Honestly, I didn't like MC at first. But it's just cause I related to him too much. Trapped in despair, jealousy, inferiority. I saw my reflection which is admittedly pathetic, that's why I hated it. I also didn't like his later tenacity cause I thought it would be toxic considering his numerous 'skill activation'.

Key point; it's all past tense. Aside from the plot's premise and uniqueness, what really got me hooked and devoted were the characters' growths and broadness.

—— Edit c125

Not sure if it's just affected by my mood from when I woke up but, from the second half of the Sormwyn arc, I lost the excitement I had.


I liked the romance although it was abit too abrupt that I suspected it was an effect of Raviel's skill, I liked their passion. They really got my blood boiling and heart thumping from their passion and their shamelessness. I specially liked the part when they kept dying as they kiss. I loved it, I felt my face burn.

But from after they finally shared their time, the romance started coming off as too overly cheesy and utterly cringe. At least to me.

From then on, I lost the excitement I had from all the previous chapters.


And then even after Sormwyn I still hadn't gotten back the excitement.... So I'm stopping here and maybe come back for it later. <<less
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Icesyh rated it
September 27, 2021
Status: c192
I like how the novel is written, the pace is slow and we can see the growth of MC from a wimpy guy who envies, to a guy who wants no bloodshed.

Well, he's smart, unfortunately, the side character couldn't be at MC's level of thought process. It's kind of sad that not many of the side characters could lead or even possess a characteristic that a leader should have, even though they are literally guild leader. They all depend on MC.

Anyways, I like that this novel shows empathy and struggles... more>> that people have. The arcs are nice and there are times where I cried, but sometimes MC's action comes off as abrupt/forced.


Like when he wanted to enter the world of Lefanta Aegim, to me, it comes out of nowhere. And when out of the sudden he recruited a constellation into Earth's team. The same goes to the romance arc. After a day and not with any regression, he decided to fall in love with an NPC. Sure, it's nice that he treats everyone equally, but this romance reaaaally is fast. I feel like at that time, his action doesn't fit his character at all. But afterwards, all is fine. I just need to avoid thinking about this romance arc. But I am okay with the FL though.

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PikachuWWIII rated it
September 20, 2021
Status: c156
Writing: 15/10:

This novel is in a completely different dimension when it comes to storytelling, imagery, and portraying emotions. Im not an expert with this, but its just not comparable to any other translated novel i've read. Literally not even close.....

Story 9/10:

Its not, by any means something super new or original, but you will have a hard time finding anything quite like it. Story is unique, and consistent throughout, at certain times you will feel as if theres a plot hole, or bad pacing but it evens out rather quickly, making... more>> you forget about it entirely.

Characters 10/10:

This part is quite simple, each character has their own growth, backstory, and diverse personallity. Its truly full points 100/100 without exageration.


You most likely will feel a bit confused, and even annoyed at the first few chapters, if you dont get a basis for what this novel is about so ill add one for you.


This novel is about the MC restarting in the past with present memories, the story itself however hardly touches this subject after the first arc, and is only used to guide to the MC mostly for the sake of his character development and to speed up certain parts of the story so the pacing is on point.

In other words, this story is NOT about him using his memories of the far future to an advantage, although it is touched on, the fact that he has memories of the future before he decided to go back to kill the antagonist hardly affects the plot at all.

The true plot, in a very simple summary, is closer to the MC doing his best to climb the tower with his comrades.



Most realistic romance I've seen in any type of story ever. There are some reveiws that say it is unrealistic or to sudden. Its not in the slightest. The biggest arc in the story so far is dedicated entirely on 2 main characters and 1 or 2 barely appearing side characters. The FL makes the MC fall for her on purpose, and falls for him over time, it is "sudden" but its not wrongly paced at all. Which is how it should be. <<less
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May 21, 2021
Status: c131
This is officially one of my favourite novels... the characters feel like real people and not just tools for MC to use. the plot and the premise is great but the best thing about it is how immersed you get in story and how well it is written.
literally every word makes you feel that it is too good to be true
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BattleMusic rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: c126
Let me be frank. I'm unsure whether you can get into this LN or not. It depends on you. You're probably reading this because you love magic, you love OP protags, or even you just love Korean LN (like me).

This is completely different from all that.

Yes, the protagonist is OP, yes there's magic. Hell, everything is still run a skill based system.

... more>> However, none of that is the focus of the novel.

There's alot that's relateable with this story. The character starts with a hero complex, with an obssession over what was "supposed to be" the main protagonist. Yes, he starts incredibly lucky, and it starts out like any OP protag story. But it becomes something completely different.
The protagonist does not only hold righteous values, but they're reasonable righteous values. He simply wants to enjoy the good moments in life, and in order to do that, he does everything he can to make the world around him as "straight and good" as possible.

But it's much deeper than that.

Because the protagonist starts with nothing, because the protagonist understands what it's like to be neglected, forgotten, pushed aside by a cruel protagonist, he does everything he can to make a happy outcome for everyone, even if it means experiencing pain himself. The longer it goes on, the more you realize that this protagonist is not only clever, but actually cares for the impact he has on the world around him, and bases his actions off of his belief in the "right" outcome, even if it mean dying thousands of times. He makes himself remember his pain, and will always go the long way around things.

This LN is a really satisfying series to read, and I will recommend it to anyone who's gotten tired of the "OP Protagonist" trope, that's been so common. Once you get into it, it starts to feel too short just because of how good it is, not because it drags. Best character development I've seen by far in any novel. Combat is short, but powerful and descriptive, and nothing drags too long. If you're expecting badass, Ranbo style protaag, this isn't it. Because this guy is badass in every other way.

I'm going to leave the section for anyone who wants to know what's bad about it:


I have 2 gripes about this novel. One is the Raviel arc. It started really well, to be honest, and had a good setup. But like other reviews, I agree, alot of it was left to an "OOC" experience, leaving much of the Romance to be desired. It's also sappy. I hate that. I understand why the author put it, though.
It's clear that the author is terrible at writing Romances, as seen by this arc, and in order to compensate for this, he stuffs all the romance into 1 small section, so that he doesn't have to consider any of it later. And I think he's right in doing this.
Too often, OP protag novels tend to be oversimplify the romance. This novel is guilty of that, but what it does is it makes the Romance negligible to the overall storyline. The protagonist now has a wife, so what? It means no harems, no silly shenanigans, and the author can focus on what's important, Kim Gongja's character development.

To put it short, the Raviel arc sucks, but was necessary.

The other gripe I have is the goddamn name. I hate this s*upid novel name so much. To the point where I refuse to say it. I'm sure more people would read it if it had a better novel name, because, honestly, this is real good. Like, what kind of name is SSS-Class su*cide Hunter?! It even sounds clumsy.

0/5 on the name, 5/5 for the whole novel.

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chorey rated it
March 31, 2021
Status: c109
as of c109:

what the hell this is a great one.

I think it's beautifully written. My brain automatically rejects romance for some reason but this is still great. I like it. It's an immersive reading experience. I didn't have much expectation for this when I started, but hell this is amazing so far.
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Deep rated it
December 5, 2020
Status: c84
Don't think this as one of those Korean op dungeon hunter novels.

It begins as one but continues (for now) as different genre in the middle.

It's as if you are having an all in one novel which begins to transform in the suitable genre within each arc.

... more>> Translation is great as they have managed to convey almost perfectly the authors magnificent wordplay.

Don't go on hate it after just seeing first 30 chapters, thinking it as power fantasy and wish fulfilment story.

Sidenote: bad naming choice for the novel, makes it automatically look like a power fantasy generic tr*sh. Maybe that's why the saying goes "Don't judge a book by it's cover". <<less
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evvoiathssofias rated it
July 27, 2020
Status: c36
MC kinda s*upid, like, okay, fine ur 'almost' killed by the number 1 ranker twice and both times they hate a person who's actually a witch, but since u dont like this number 1 guy, u side with the witch? Enemy of your enemy isnt ur friend my dude. He even hears about how the witch tried to have number 1 guy poisoned the first time, but he just hates him indiscriminately.
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ellype rated it
July 22, 2020
Status: Completed
* Re Reviewed Feb 10th, 2020 *

In long words short, I this is one of my favorite novels I've ever read. Better than 90% of the stuff you can find on this website.

I'll try and avoid spoiling anything, but one of the things that really stood out to me was how there is how there is no epilogue. That's because the story is paced and structured in such an amazing way that there is no need for one. From what I've heard from talking about others about the series, the... more>> point that really feels like the "end" differs depending on the person. For me, it was chapter 363, and I admit that I did cry a bit after reading it. However, that may have been out of the hysteria of staying up until 3am reading hundreds of chapters worth of unedited mtl.

Still, so many series have fantastic runs before failing to stick the landing. Seeing the way su*cide Hunter wrapped up was just MWAH chef kiss. I know how hard it is to properly wrap a series in a satisfying manner, especially with something as long as su*cide Hunter. But holy heck the climax -> falling action -> conclusion transition is just so delectable.

To be honest, it's a lot less world focused than it is character driven, contrary to what I initially predicted. The whole story is focused on Gong-ja and the way he changes and matures while climbing the tower. Pretty common in kr seinen novels, but I'm not complaining.

And can I just say that

the Black Dragon being a platonic female friend is such a breath of fresh f*cking air. F*ck, I've read too many stories where every person with two x chromosomes immediately drops their panties just because a guy they've known for 2 seconds treats them a bit better than everyone else.


To be fair, my opinion is heavily swayed by the unbridled amount of affection I hold for Gong-ja, but I'll just mark that up as another plus for the novel.

The only complaint I can think of off the top of my head is that I wish more characters and concepts had the time to be fleshed out more. I felt that some of the later floors definitely could've been swapped out, combined into one big floor, or just skipped over entirely in favor of something else.

That's all I've got for now. I'll come back and add more if I think of something else.

My Initial Review (at ch39, 5 stars)

TL;DR: I think it's really good, please give it a try.

It's rare that I stumble across a high-quality novel completely out of nowhere. No recommendation, no in-depth description, just a random selection from the home page. But I'm not exaggerating when I say this is some of the best stuff you'll come across on this website, and I'm already in love despite how early on this is. The characters, the world, the future, I want to see more.

As I've already mentioned, it's still fairly early in the story, but what we have is already a treat.

Going in on the first chapter, you're dropped into the world with absolutely no context. It's made clear right away that the world in the novel is unlike our own (as expected since there's legit monsters, kek). Society within the tower has yet to be truly explored, and the author isn't in a hurry to lay everything out for the reader. Even our protagonist seems alien, but it's already apparent that there is something there. But as this is a story that contains a heavy regression element, we'll be sure to see all sorts of colorful things.

kk, that's all I've got for now. I'll come back and edit this if I have more to say.

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Doutei-Sama rated it
April 5, 2019
Status: v1c5
It has only been five chapter in and I am absolutely hooked. The MC is either insane to be able to do what he did or he turn insane after doing for so long. Here is for hoping this novel only get better later on.
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Adi8m2003 rated it
April 16, 2024
Status: c400
The story is good, fun colorful. There may be some plotholes but there is no need to ponder on them that much. It has correct ethical and moral messages and standing represented in an easy to accept form throughout the story by the main character. The story is a breath of fresh air. I won't give any spoilers because I can't. The story is too dense to be understood through spoilers. Below you can see the thoughts that flew through my head when I finished the book. I just finished... more>> and wrote the review so it is fresh. Forgive me if you have a different opinion.
PS. Its a bit boring at the start I suggest reading the manhwa and then reading the novel from the arc where the manhwa is still ongoing on.

This story isn't about having an OP MC Crash through the tower. Every level Gong-ja spends time understanding the context of the world, it's people, struggles and tries his best to find a way to make it a conclusion that everyone feels happy about. He isn't looking for a right conclusion, or fast conclusion. He is looking for a conclusion with which his friends and the characters in the stage feel happy. For the above he suffers a lot but all of that tragedy only makes the ending even sweeter, it adds to the character, throughout the story the main character also keeps changing though in a more subtle way.

Honestly this is the best book I've read in quiet some time. Honestly this isn't a simple book, although it has only 400 chapters, the density of content is higher than many books or web-novels with 1000 - 4000 chapters. The thing which I like in it that it isn't repetitive, each level from 1-10, 10-20, 20-30...90-100, has a theme which is completely different and unique. One of the other thing is that this book doesn't focus on killing everything all the way from 0-100. It focuses more on responsibility, morals, attitude towards life, etc. spending more time developing characters than actually killing them. Each character has a very unique way of life, how they feel towards the world and how Gong-ja (MC) changes them, why it changes them. Every change is subtle, done is a unique way in accordance to the character making it beautiful.

... <<less
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Poireau rated it
March 24, 2024
Status: c41
The author doesn't know what to make out of his MC in the first 40 chapters. At first, MC seems to be leveling to learn skills to becomes stronger, meaning normal growth in strength. But suddently, MC uses his regression skill to become a white knight intending a perfect run so nobody will die, NPC included. And this without the emotionnal growth you expect to see happening between the MC and the other characters he wants to save.

It feels a bit like a betrayal, this is not a novel about... more>> a MC learning how to become stronger, no, it's a novel centered on the fake complexity of the emotionnal state of the MC and the author trying to justify his choices by making a mess out of the plot. Somehow the secondary characters seem to have to rely on the MC to clear levels, when originaly the Flamme Emperor seems to have clear up to the 40ish floor easily while keeping most to the secondary characters alive, and he was supposed to be evil. It does not make sense. <<less
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Fullname rated it
December 21, 2023
Status: Completed
When I saw the title, I skipped it first with the thought: 'not one of those that add SSS and sui*cide in the title to attract readers but have no substance...'

... That was until I was bored one day and decided to give it a chance!

I regret not reading it earlier. It is in the top 5 shounen Korean novel I have read so far.

The characters have depth. The actions and emotions of the MC are explained well enough to understand him but not overly to get fed up and... more>> skim through it.

The story introduce a novel idea about the tower where people are the ones who decides to enter or not but could not leave afterward if they enter it. But this is not the main point of the story

MC enters the tower and it takes him a long time to awaken (10+ years). When he does, he gets the ability to copy a skill of the one that kills him... the problem is that his ability does not revive him.


But what if his mu*derer had a skill to revive 24h before his death? And what if he was previously a fan of his mu*derer but saw his true evil face just before dying? His former hero could have saved so many people with this skill but chose not to

MC decides to return to the past and change the course of history to save as many people as possible and clear the tower perfectly with the copied skill. The way to return to the past was simple, kill himself 4000 times to the time before his mu*derer awakened


In his journey afterward, he clear the tower floors, unify people, get friends, fall in love and fulfill wishes

update after finishing the story: the feeling after reading until the end was how the story show us that the ending is not as important as the road itself. If I could, I would give it more than 5 stars <<less
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garnetious rated it
September 25, 2023
Status: c263
literally one of the best novels I've read ever. A lot of ppl are complaining abt the romance but for me it changed my life (in a good way) it was really sudden, however the actual content of it makes up for it.

if you enjoyed orv I would highly recommend this, mainly because it also deals with a variety of topics like orv in a really well done way. You will cry over someone eating dirt. Please read this webnovel. I promise it's worth it.

some other reasons to read this... more>> (spoiler tagging bc they only show up much later in the novel) (everything is taken out of context but don't read if you hate spoilers) :


- an actual male / female friendship which is only a friendship

- the god of the world is a poly lesbian

- as stated before you will cry over someone eating literal dirt

- the MC marrying into the FLs family, thus having him call her (at least in this translation) his husband

- in one arc snails ens*ave goblins humans mermaids vampires elves and ogres


anyways please read this it is so worth it <<less
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Kuzero rated it
September 17, 2023
Status: --
Tbh I don't really know what to think about this.

I don't think it's bad... Well, the beginning is rough but it does have good points. I read around 60 chapters and I just... stopped. No specific reason. I just felt bored overall from the novel and couldn't be bothered to read anymore, telling myself each day "I'll just read it another day". But one week later, I kinda had to just accept - yeah, I'm dropping it lol.

Characters are fairly interesting but fairly flat too.

Story is yet another "Let's climb... more>> the tower" (to keep it simple and fairly spoiler-free). I dunno why Korean are so obsessed by this stereotype but I can't say I ever liked it. Maybe I would have liked it more if I read it 5 years ago when I wasn't so fed up with this specific subgenre.

Cheats are too cheaty. Even the "penalty" is like an extra reward...

But overall dunno. Nothing grabs me. It's not bad, but not entertaining either. Thus, 3/5. <<less
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Cabaras rated it
August 19, 2023
Status: c260
Honestly I haven't thought about how abrupt or unrealistic the romance is before reading the reviews. Even though I can't take seriously 'love at first sight' and the romance in most stories I've read feels shallow and unreal to me. It's probably because how magically and mesmerizingly the author conveyed Gong-ja's and ... more>>


emotions, that I just believed in them wholeheartedly.

On another note, this novel feels nothing like the other tower/game/reincarnation/fantasy/action novels, even though the title might lead you to believe so. Because it's main focus isn't the MC getting stronger and beating stronger and stronger opponents. I'd feel weird calling it an action novel, even though the action is great. That's why saying 'he's too OP because he's just immortal and can redo everything whenever he wants' as a criticism makes no sense, because the whole story is built around that.

I'm also glad the amazing writing got the amazing translation it deserved. Thank you Woopread. <<less
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God slayer
God slayer rated it
November 14, 2022
Status: --
Kudos to the author for writing how a perfectly delusional (1), self-absorbed (2), jealous (3) and most of all.... psychopathic (4) protagonist is supposed to be. Many, just too many kr/Cn/jp novels author fail to make their protagonist truly psychopathic even when they intend to.... but here is an exceptional piece of work where the author has turned his protagonist into a completely psychopath while not even intending to.

... more>>

The novels starts with our protagonist getting an SSS ranked.... or was it just s ranked? S ranked it is...... So at the beginning of the novel our protagonist gets a S ranked ability due to his jealousy of another S ranked hunter (3). He was so exeptionally jealous that even the tower acknowledged it and gave him a S ranked ability....

Now, many people, just too many people are jealous of popular personalities. But our protagonist is the only one who got an ability for it and even that ability is S ranked. Now either he must've been exeptionally jealous for the tower to acknowledge his jealousy and give him an s ranked ability... or maybe he was the only person who was ever jealous of that S ranked or maybe the judgement of tower is bs... Regardless of what it was, it no doubt proves that our protagonist is a jealous person.

(ʘᴗʘ✿) Yay! What a great start it was! So great!!!

Onto the next one...

Our protagonist came across the S ranked hunter and saw that the S ranked hunter was killing a person who is supposedly planning to assassinate him (S ranked guy)... and then s ranked dude noticed our protagonist and killed him...... and the novel ended there..... Or so it was supposed to if our protagonist by twist of fate didn't get his S ranked skill just before meeting this guy. Our protagonist got an ability that needed him to die and when he dies he gets to pick a ability from the person who killed him. And our protagonist was lucky enough to get another S ranked ability (that's two s ranked ability in a day... they seem to fall from the sky for our protagonist... anyway that's not important) this s ranked ability of him let's him go back 12 hour or was it 24 hour? Maybe 3-4 days.... anyway it let's him go back in time, a greatly explained ability I must say...ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ And somehow the s ranked hunter was unlucky and didn't go back in time.... damn this tower is f-king biased I say.. Of course it was not a fault on the author's part and I'm sure the author has explained why it happened in maybe 399 chapter

Anyway that's not important.... Our protagonist revives! Then he righteously decides that the S ranked hunter is too dangerous to be left alone. He is evil and he must die. So our protagonist starts to kill himself in order to go back to the time when the s ranked hunter has just entered tower. He kills himself many times (1000 times?) and then reaches the time when the s ranked dude has just entered Tower. And then he finds him and kills him. ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ And of course that is in no way psychopathic. He was doing it because the s ranked hunter was a menace to humanity (1) (4) btw would he be able to go back to the time when tower wasn't even there if he kept using the ability?.... Not important let's move on.... Let's skip to murim world arc. Our protagonist embarks on a journey to understand people's pain through his skill (first one). After all he must be equipped with enough pain to use talk no jutsu (jk). So here we see protagonist going through various form of pain due to hunger. (I) Hunger that makes you want to eat mud (Ii) hunger that wants to make you eat roots (III) hunger that makes you feel like eating bugs (iv) hunger that makes you feel like eating shi----- yeah the last one was probably not there. Anyway our protagonist experience all this pain to know suffering of others (ʘᴗʘ✿) after all the whole world moved around him (not a joke) so of course he must know what type is experience everyone in it goes through (2)...

A person possessing all those said quality of above must be a kindred soul. Soul that oozes s*x appea----- I meant holiness. As we can see he is indeed righteous as author very often tries to tell us that through various means and even directly sometimes. ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ I feel sad at how hard the author works to teach us dumb peasants the greatness of our Noble protagonist.


A great novel. Exeptional one among kr/Cn/jp nowadays it's almost on par with best novel ever written such as Martial god Asura and Against the god ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ.

It deserves a 5* for the author's effort only...

Whaaa--? I pressed on the 1* by mistake? <<less
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Antagonist rated it
September 10, 2022
Status: c224
This is one of the best I've read. Although first few chapters are not that entertaining it gets way better.

After seeing the title anyone would feel like this is the same generic thing. But actually this gets very deep later on. The way that author showed emotions of the characters is... great, very great. I don't know how to describe it but this is actually a very emotional novel.

There seems to be some people who hated the romance arc, well I can't imagine why. For me that's the best romance... more>> I saw in an action manhwa. There are actually scenes that made me laugh out loud and scenes that made me embarrassed.

So finally I have to say this is one of the best I've read and I can safely recommend it to anyone. <<less
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