Since My Time is Limited, I’m Entering A Contract Marriage


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“Please be my husband for just a year!”

I only had one year left to live, and the way I choose to escape from my vicious family was marriage.

“You have a secret lover, right? I’m going to die anyway, so I’ll just be your air-like wife who fill that empty position.”

To escape my house I had the good idea to propose to Kaiyen, the Grand Duke of the North and a war hero known for being cruel, but….

“Mana Overload is not an incurable disease. It can’t be.”

The duke was so kind to me that my heart started to melt.

Duke, I thought you had a lover…?

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시한부니까 계약 결혼 합니다
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Kakipii13 rated it
April 26, 2024
Status: c21
In a lot of ways, this story is just okay. The writing quality is mediocre, the story isn't anything new, and the plot is predictable. But I'm enjoying it. It's good standard rofan stuff. You like seeing an MC who was beaten down taking her destiny into her own hands and getting an ML to help her get a better life? You like a little bit of tragedy and hurt but also healing and the promise of a happy ending to heal your heart? That's it, that's here, can't go... more>> wrong.

Despite being average it also has a few characterization details that are different from the average rofan story. For instance: the MC has conflict with her father, stepmother, and stepsister, that makes up her backstory. Father favors new mom/new sibling, MC is oppressed by everyone. Standard setting. But man-oh-man is the stepsister... different. She's got a weird obsession with the MC, and she's shown to be socially savvy and not completely s*upid but delusional and extremely self-centered. She's like textbook mental illness. Her mindless selfishness is distinct from the mindless selfishness seen from other antagonists in rofan. This kind of differing characterization makes an otherwise average novel interesting to read.

You want to try something new? Might as well try this one. <<less
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AkaneApples rated it
March 18, 2024
Status: c30
It's a good story where everything works out well for the poor ab*sed cinnamon roll MC, but I can't help feeling like the characterization of many characters is still immature.

For example, her step sister being crazy obsessed with keeping her like a doll just kinda comes out of nowhere. Why is she both the queen of the social circles with endless charisma but also a crazed yandere for her little sister? Why didn't she react more to MC's diagnosis of terminal illness if she cares so much about keeping her... more>> by her side? You could explain her twisted & controlling psychology in a way that's more believable, like maybe she's secretly insecure & keeping her pure sister under her grip is a way to relieve her but also disgusts her bc she's projecting.

The MC also doesn't act like someone who has gone through the trauma she supposedly has - her father almost killed her & she still waited for 7 years + 1 terminal diagnosis to leave - that kind of fear would be so difficult to live with or even talk about. It's unrealistic that she could talk about her ab*se so openly in front of an entire party after the father brushed it off. It's common for victims of such gaslighting to fear not being believed, especially because she has no proof, not even the physical scars. I think this story would be way more believable if someone else had suddenly transmigrated into her body rather than going through the ab*se themselves, so they aren't traumatized but still know the family's crimes & want desperately to leave.

It's not a bad story but can probably be written better if the author understands more human psychology. A believable & almost relatable motive for crazed actions & emotions - that's what makes your characters really come to life. <<less
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