Savior’s First Lady


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To escape from her failing marriage, she tried to change her life. But there’s a little problem.

“Bryn, I want you. You’re my savior.”

In her dreams, her husband, who used to dote on her, is now too abstinent in this life. Every night, to the point of breathlessness.

The world’s most perfect man, Eden Sheridan.

His only flaw is his wife, Bryn Sheridan, the Empire’s number one disliked person for years.

One day, she saw her own future, which was scheduled to end in ruin. And surprisingly, nothing in her life changed. Knowing the future doesn’t change everything overnight.

Thus the world gave her a second gift.

“I, in fact, was an amazing person. I had this secret.”

The determination that she can do it.

Finally, she decides.

Family affairs, business, and perhaps even divorce.

She won’t miss a single thing, and in this life, she’ll try to become first-class.

A life trampled by someone, and a shattered Bryn.

This is the story of how she becomes the Empire’s top lady, the First-Class Lady.

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11/04/23 Foxaholic 18 c2
11/04/23 Foxaholic 18 c1
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