[Sad News] Unpopular Dungeon Streamer Accidentally Saves a Super Popular, Beautiful Influencer From Monsters, And Goes Viral


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“I wonder if I’m not cut out for this…” Unpopular dungeon streamer, Takuya Kamiki, was in doubt. For two years, he had been streaming his adventures in dungeons, battling monsters and broadcasting it online, but his average viewership was zero. Despite having the skills of an adventurer, he couldn’t seem to achieve any results. He began to question whether he was cut out to be a streamer.

“Is it time to move on?” As a dungeon streamer, he relied on his streams for a living. Should he give up on that dream and live a more conventional life? Just as he was contemplating this, Takuya found himself in an unexpected situation.

“S-Someone, help!”


By chance, he stumbled upon the super popular, beautiful dungeon streamer, Kanade Kiryu, being attacked by monsters.

“Are you okay?”

“T-Thank you for saving me…”

Takuya rescued Kiryu, who had over two million subscribers, from the monsters and safely escorted her back to the surface.

“Well, I guess things like this can happen.” Takuya muttered casually, unaware of what had just transpired. However, behind the scenes, Takuya’s account was buzzing as the hero who had saved the life of the idol of the streaming world, Kiryu.

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Unpopular Dungeon Streamer: I Went Viral After Saving A Super Popular And Beautiful Influencer
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3 Reviews

Dec 28, 2023
Status: v1c37 part2
In my honest opinion, this novel is relaxing and VERY casual in its own way. It's a good novel to waste time.

I repeat, to WASTE time.

So if you're looking for character build up and intricate plotlines as well as detailed background then go away.

This is just a light hearted novel of our naive (his common sense is non existent) and air-headed (he has no self awareness) little MC and his sadistic (it's like reading a bunch of trollers waiting to create memes of every moment) viewers that continuously toy with... more>> him. (Honestly, my favorite is their interactions.)

Overall, it's a nice little read on the side. So if you're interested, ignore the negative comments. It's just each their own opinion, this would have been better if it was a manga or created into an anime, honestly.

I would also like to correct a previous comment (seeing as they don't understand the essence of Japanese plot lines and why these "s*upid" novels manage to gain their own anime.)

Let's start with: "So after he saves that girl as mentioned and goes viral, you really start to see how much of an idiot the MC is and how the authors writing just makes zero sense."

  • First of all, I think this part was actually essential to boost the MC's popularity as lazy as it was built up to be. It was mentioned by the MC before (as badly translated as it was but still much appreciated I will insert spoiler tags here so read at your own expense)

    MC had ZERO talent in streaming for "unknown" reasons but was later found out to be because he was mistaken for some click baiter who is lying about being a talented high schooler for dungeon exploration.

    Then was even threatened to show his ID to "prove" he wasn't lying. Of course, the MC didn't BECAUSE he was trying to protect his privacy and indirectly affecting his family. This was a point the author might have wanted to emphasize regarding what type of personality the MC has. He was portraying a considerate and kind MC. Which I don't know why that commenter didn't input this which can be seen they probably skipped or skimmed through the novel.

    But later on because of that accusation, MC went into low self esteem mode and even thought about quitting as a streamer. So he casually decided to watch other dungeon streamers which happened to be his classmate, the candidate heroine as I nicknamed her to be.

    My second point, after learning his classmate was in danger he made a rash decision to save a life. Yes ladies and gentlemen reading this comment, to save a life

    .. Why is that? Oh, I don't know. Isn't it obvious because author is trying to blatantly express what personality our MC has. Yes, good job A+ for guessing. To emphasize it more, our MC didn't even go love struck on the girl but genuinely acted as a normal raised gentleman escorting the girl out the dungeon for safety. This was disregarding his intentions to keep private but he also didn't do it intentionally since narrator notated that the camera dropped by candidate heroine's assistant was left running and stayed on. I directly exposing the MC, starting his path to fame. This created the "diamond in a rough" phrase which the viewers in the story late find out as it goes by.

Now the next question, students who are still reading this. "They live in this world of dungeons but the MC has no idea how strong he is. HOW?! He got into streaming because he liked other dungeon streamers! So how can he not know that it's not normal for him to solo an ogre one handed?!"

  • Spoiler

    I mentioned this in the beginning but MC has no common sense at all. This led to his ignorance. He did SOLO streaming for 2 years straight (mentioned in one of the chapters that he started streaming for two years since he's a 2nd year, I'm assuming he started in 1st year of high school.) during that two years he wasn't in a group and even when he found his classmate in trouble IN THE SAME DUNGEON MC indirectly gave out info that it's not often you run into other explorers since it's a huge a*s dungeon I'm guessing. Anyways, he basically didn't hang out with others or go into a group leading to no strength or knowledge comparison. MC was just s*upidly talented in fighting as an explorer, what you call natural born genius. Even if he watched other explorers, bro has major self esteem issues due to his poor viewership so he tends to overestimate the strength of the ones he watch who HAVE MORE viewers than his pitiful self. That's already a clear explanation as to why bro is so damn clueless.

Then this final opinion: "It makes no sense and nothing is explained."

  • You're just not reading it correctly.
Also your "You find out almost immediately that the MC is crazy strong. Way stronger than normal people. In this world they have technology that can stream fromthese dungeons. What the dungeons are, I have no idea. But signals reach out. Yet this MC streams while holding his phone in one hand and a sword in the other. No such thing as a harness to carry his phone? He could use tape for **** sake. It's idiotic."

  • If this person claiming to understand Japanese novels have read further, he would know our bro is broke and

    this is just one of the author's build up emphasizing the MC's broke ass. He later gets gifted with a budget friendly equipment from a viewer regarding this.

"Youths aren't allowed to make profits from dungeons so he has to throw away rare drops. Why?"

  • Again, if you have PROPERLY READ the novel. They stated that the law was implemented to avoid careless young dungeon explorers to dive deeper into the dungeon for mentioned loots and throwing their lives away. Even if MC is strong, he's still a minor. Of course the law applies to him, hell I'm actually waiting when the law would make an exception for him due to his insane strength.
"How did he afford a sword? Are super swords just handed out to children?"

  • It was never stated to be some incredible super sword though ? There's also a thing in Japan called pocket money. Also as you've said, it's a dungeon world so the basic thing a young kid can get is a basic weapon provided from the government to start with? Hello..? Do you not know what beginner's equipment is? If not, you must not be a gamer.
"They don't want kids swarming dungeons to get rich and die trying, so they don't allow teens and kids to sell dungeon loot. But they're allowed to go in them and fight and stream still! Cus that makes perfect sense right?"

  • It actually does, streaming is free just like irl as long you're at a reasonable age. Since MC is above 13, he's legal enough to stream . Again, there was no mentioned of kids younger than high school age so I don't know where that impression came from. Also, they can fight as long they know their limits which is why the side characters around MC's age stay on the easy dungeon level.
"The super dense MC schtick with zero explanation of the world, or anything at all really, is just too much. This is just a peak example of horrible writing. I kept reading because I hoped everything would be explained in some way or another, but it's just nonsense."

  • You're just whining at this point. You who have not understand how Japanese plot-line works. Also, don't blame an author for the translated work, especially a machine translated (MTL) work. It may have been better if you understood Japanese and read directly from the JP novel itself, he'll just appreciate that you're reading this for free.
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 27, 2023
Status: c26
This is ridiculously bad. It seems good at first, but there's literally no explanation as to the setting of the story. It's modern world japan, there's dungeons, he's streaming from them. You now know as much of this stories world as I do. It makes zero sense and doesn't attempt to explain itself at all. I can't shut my brain off enough to enjoy this.

You find out almost immediately that the MC is crazy strong. Way stronger than normal people. In this world they have technology that can stream from... more>> these dungeons. What the dungeons are, I have no idea. But signals reach out. Yet this MC streams while holding his phone in one hand and a sword in the other. No such thing as a harness to carry his phone? He could use tape for **** sake. It's idiotic.

So after he saves that girl as mentioned and goes viral, you really start to see how much of an idiot the MC is and how the authors writing just makes zero sense. They live in this world of dungeons but the MC has no idea how strong he is. HOW?! He got into streaming because he liked other dungeon streamers! So how can he not know that it's not normal for him to solo an ogre one handed?! It makes no sense and nothing is explained.

Youths aren't allowed to make profits from dungeons so he has to throw away rare drops. Why? How did he afford a sword? Are super swords just handed out to children? They don't want kids swarming dungeons to get rich and die trying, so they don't allow teens and kids to sell dungeon loot. But they're allowed to go in them and fight and stream still! Cus that makes perfect sense right?

The super dense MC schtick with zero explanation of the world, or anything at all really, is just too much. This is just a peak example of horrible writing. I kept reading because I hoped everything would be explained in some way or another, but it's just nonsense. <<less
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Who loves reading Light Novels
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Nov 15, 2023
Status: v1c1
Pretty good Web novel, for anyone who want a normal casual dungeon hunting type with strong MC and somewhat dense personality.
Got me laughing me through the chapters.
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