Robin’s Prison


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I, Robin, have a precious little brother. But one day, that very little brother of mine was kidnapped and so, in order to get help in finding my little brother, I went to ask Elliot for help. Elliot was a childhood friend of mine but I didn’t have a good relationship with him. Despite that, Elliot asked me to submit my body to him….

An erot*c fantasy story revolving around two people in unrequited love. It’s a story with a lot of erot*c parts. I hope you will enjoy this story and please treat me well.

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  1. Novel Interessanti da tradurre - Giapponesi
  2. Luuki's TL
  3. Waiting till it completes so that I can binge read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/05/23 Foxaholic 18 c43
11/25/23 Foxaholic 18 c42
11/17/23 Foxaholic 18 c41
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09/22/23 Foxaholic 18 c33
09/15/23 Foxaholic 18 c32
09/08/23 Foxaholic 18 c31
09/01/23 Foxaholic 18 c30
08/25/23 Foxaholic 18 c29
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