Riding and Slashing: The Dragon and the Lord


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【Mount & Blade System Story】Reincarnated as Count Draxel, he is falsely accused of patricide right at the start. In the face of imminent danger, he awakens a game-breaking system! When public opinion and duel bets overwhelmingly favor his elder brother, he unexpectedly trounces and slaughters the opposition. Turning the tables feels good, and it’s always satisfying when the tides change in one’s favor! This is a Mount & Blade system narrative, freshly introducing aerial combat, where lords battle for supremacy on dragon back.

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gary0044187 rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: c35
This is probably one of the worst and most nonsensical stories I have ever read. Premise was intriguing but the execution was awful.

MC seems to lose everything he has every few chapters and all characters but the female lead and MC seem to be written into the story just to die every few chapters. MC is supposed to be a veteran warband player but based on how he is always broke and always losing all of his guys

I can only assume he's one of those guys who can do a thing long enough to be called a veteran and still never get good at it. Whatever, no use getting mad at it. Read at your own risk.
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