Release that Witch


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Chen Yan travels between worlds, ending up becoming an honorable prince in a medieval fantasy world. Yet this world was not quite as simple as he thought. Witches with magical powers abound, and fearsome wars between churches and kingdoms rage throughout the land.

Roland, a prince regarded as hopeless by his own father and assigned to the worst fief, spends his time developing a poor and backward town into a strong and modern city, while fighting against his siblings for the throne and absolute control over the kingdom. Join Roland as he befriends and allies with witches and, through fighting and even farming, pushes back invaders coming from the realm of evil.

Associated Names
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Fang Kai Nage Nuwu
Fangkai Nage Nuwu
Fàng kāi nàgè nǚwū
마녀 사용설명서
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nightmarch rated it
February 3, 2020
Status: c1000
I'd say giving this 3 out of 5 stars really isn't an accurate assessment of this novel. I'd say double up my rating, make it a 6-6.5 out of 10 and it's appropriate.

The premise started out really interesting and it had a lot of potential. Sadly that potential felt wasted midway through. Overworked mechanical engineer dies, and get his body transported into a "loser" prince who is "exiled" to a Border town during a battle royale against his siblings for the throne. The condition being in 5 years, whoever develops... more>> their land the most is crowned king/queen. Since the prince is regarded as a loser, he poses no threat to the others, and no one gives a f*ck about him and he saves a witch named Anna and hopes to become King, change the perception that witches are evil, and develop his country. I was hoping to see their journey together and how they evolve and how he would ascend to the throne and how he could incorporate modern knowledge with magic. Sadly, that's not what I got. Too much telling, not much showing, that at times it just feels like a long exposition. It could've been so much more if executed properly but some rumors that their were extenuating circumstances. Overall though, it wasn't great, it wasn't bad, just long, becomes a slog midway through but it's still one of the better kingdom building ones.


Story goes, A long time ago witches and normal people live together in harmony until demons attacked. Some witches were arrogant, some common people were cowards, their was a rift between the two. Humans lost the battle and were driven far away to an isolate part of the land, in there two factions emerged. One witch faction created the church using the guise that witches are evil devil minions, to force the common people to hand witches over to them to serve as a sacrificial offering and transforming them into a battle mage, while the other faction was searching to end this infinite battle between the too. Which it turns out, was being manipulated by a higher being.

Roland barely faces any danger, besides maybe almost dying once, and he getting "assassinated" was planned by him. First Prince Gerald died before any interactions. Third Princess Garcia died in a battle before any interaction, the Fifth Princess Tilly went into hiding for a long time, and he only has a short conflict with the 2nd prince Timothy.

A lot of the witch's powers weren't used in full force, or they were only used for many mundane things. It was an imbalance so it makes things a bit boring. Beautiful girls with super powers. Think of what you can do with that both on and off the field. Scouting, interrogation, infiltration, make weapons, cure diseases, form strategies, create impossible weapons. But nope, just so much technical stuff and they're offscreen to much. Barely any character development. It just pops up randomly and feels disjointed. We don't see Anna's flaws until later on, doesn't realize Nightingale can be insightful, Wendy a good leader, and all the such but since they disappear on a rotating basis, is just very surface level.

Military strategy is okay. But it's not like the other side is dumb, but feels like it. Also, you got an army, air force, artillery battalion, but no navy?

Politics were a bit complicated. I like the fact that there was no black and white. But the nationalism and propaganda somewhere in the middle was a bit off-putting. He did want to make his country an American dream, and wanted a democratic government, since witches can't give birth, and he doesn't have a legitimate heir but the website he put his work on got shut down by the govt or something so he probably got spooked and just made a hard turn to a lot of nobles are evil, nationalize everything, obedient army, propaganda, propaganda, outstanding individuals are bad, people are jut resource, nothing more, war, war, war, war songs and the like. One of the nobles he trust the most is Edith, the b*tchiest, arrogant, annoying character there ever was and the eptiome of what his doctrine dislikes, but he keeps her as staff.

Romance, there is very little of it. I think he was going for the harem with Anna being the main and Nightingale being by his side but his wife said no harem. I wonder if he based one of his witches on her and the other was his first love or something? That's why his wife said no? At least he got the balls and noticed their feelings and act on his feelings too. He chose Anna but Nightingale is by his side for bodyguard reasons so one protects him mentally, the other physically, how do the two work it out? What did they promise each other? Did the two ever come into conflict together? How did they ensure such a calm relationship?

Also, no explanation on why only females can have magic power. So, only witches but no wizards. What's the reason? And why are they weak to a certain stone? How does that work?

I just stopped caring once Roland almost dies, he and Anna f*ck after that, they marry, he becomes King, she the Queen. I just went through the motions to get there.

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January 15, 2020
Status: c900
A novel with great premise that went very south (at least for me). Early on, it is a great city building. Later on, it is more about war against other city or demons. A lot of side villain characters were killed too early, a decision which I think the author regretted. There are potential with a lot of characters, but their death were quite anti-climatic.

For romance, it is pretty bad. Basically the main OTP FMC is the most boring character in the novel. She is like a robot that doesn't... more>> talk much and has little opinion of her own. She just follow after MC and does what he wants her to do. Much worse, the MC put all his romance life on her, so if she said no then no. Therefore, MC will reject everybody else.

In other word, since the main FMC is literally just a robot, all the romance there is in this novel is interaction between MC and playful secondary girl. Sadly she stands no chance against the OTP plot armor, so MC will reject all her action, and her relation with MC will end up in a mere ambiguity. <<less
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xXSB101Xx rated it
December 5, 2019
Status: c1498
In the sea of tr*sh CN novels with paper thin disguises of tr*shy self insert MCs who objectively lean on the side of evil, this is a light in the darkness. An actual bearable MC who bears what anyone can see as actual standards and morals, coupled along with a mostly fleshed out story, interesting characters, and few of the generic garbo Chinese cliches.

I highly recommend this novel, however I should warn that there is a rise in the enemy so to speak, ending in potential world destruction. You can... more>> understand more by seeing other reviews, but the stakes keep on rising until the end.
I should also make a point to mention that if you are one of the type of person to get annoying about the fact that the ending doesn't end in a mega harem ending or multiple wives ending, then this also might not be your cup of tea. The ending itself does end off better than most novels (at least it has a ending that got translated unlike most translated stuff these days), but I've seen others complain about the fact that "insert name here" didn't get specifically railed in the end of the story. I should also mention that the romance while decent isn't something spectacularly mind blowing, the author doesn't try to make that a major focus on the story.

Few final things I'll also make a point of, there is some instances of excessive memory retention in the beginning parts, which does get patched so to speak later on, and not a lot of tragedy which will likely be a turnoff for some people who like to see drama. Besides that, there's nothing I can think of that's important for you to know. If you're still interested after all of this, then I highly recommend reading now. <<less
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November 18, 2019
Status: c1321
An awesome book with a lot of things different from any Novels I have read.... There was nothing repeated as u see in usual books... Not overpowered but just a little lucky I suppose.. Roland has a great adventure in a world so different from ours and it's breathtakingly beautiful to read through each page... I strongly recommended to anyone who wish to have a touch of modern warfare in the magic world of witches ???
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minitiative rated it
September 2, 2019
Status: c1498
After a couple of weeks of steady reading, I came to the end of this enjoyable read. If I could rate it at a 3.75 I would, but I'll round it to a 4. Observations:

  • An overall light, feel-good story about a modern man bringing modern tech and sensibilities to a medieval world. He makes the immediate connection to the persecution of witches to witch hunts of his Earth life as well as the appreciation of freedom of one to pursue happiness/love/etc. Leads him to become a figure of emancipation for the witches.
  • The witches themselves make for a large, varied and colorful cast. As more and more witches trickle in it expands greatly and more importantly, their abilities are unique and part of their appeal is how the MC and the reader connect their ability with how they circumvent or augment science and physics to greatly accelerate the development of civilization. Part of the MC's appeal to them which remains consistent through the entire story as a messianic figure is that he a) isn't trying to shackle/persecute/kill them, b) provides them with the opportunity to live relatively normal lives as well-paid and highly valued workers and cornerstones of a growing city, c) gives their lives value by going to lengths to convince them that their seemingly "useless" powers can be used to incredible effect.
  • For all of the story the antagonists can only hopelessly struggle against sheer the technological might and advantages the MC's growing city and power base (the witches) have. Do not expect this to be a story where the good guys struggle. Go in treating it like a game of Civilization where the MC discovers he can cheat the system using both knowledge and witches.
  • The story's final arcs take a bit of a weird, sci-fi-ish turn. The conclusion also feels a bit rushed, almost as if the author just wanted to end it already. I could've easily seen the final arc becoming far, far longer and more expansive (hundreds of chapters worth). This is my main point of detraction.
  • No harem antics and almost zero fanservice, despite having such a large cast of females. I don't consider this a negative or positive, just stating it. The MC squarely remains a one-woman man till the end with heavy romantic tension with a second one, and the second one is excused by it being extremely realistic and developed romantic tension. I personally wish there were more chapters solely from the witches POVs and I also wish they got to develop friendships and romances of their own outside of witches and the MC, but that would make a long read even longer.
Overall fun read, not perfect but few things are.
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BM rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: Completed
(I'm not good with English)

As my first review. To me this novel is good so try read it to see if you like it. For the end of the plot author is a bit rush... (wish it more longer then this !)

  • As for compare with other novel ? there no need. Why ? my opinion is worst nothing to your opinion. If you like the story you read it. if not you drop it. That it.
  • To me this is my very first novel that author keep spending his time on detail about other characters development/POV and not just forget he/she like other novel that I read.
  • In other POV you can feel how other characters doing, thinking, view of what changing around them and so on and it fun to read for me.
  • Struggle ? (MC spending his time both in real world and dream world to deal with problems. And he try to understand the world he is in. So I call it struggle/ hard working?).
In short it a good novel. So please give it a try. Thanks
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gian260 rated it
May 22, 2019
Status: c1300
Ok, I really liked this story after reading so mich xianxia I started to have a thirst for something logical. Since I am reading chinese chinese novels I choose this one. Its still ongoing so who knows how it will end.

The story is good, yeah it is not perfect. Maybe it is a 4 star novel. I am biased because I read too much heavenly unlogical cliches before giving this ine a try.

I read till 1300 like in 2 or 3 weeks. If a novel is good I take my... more>> time to search for history and things I don't understand. Like some inventions names and the like. Really interesting cause the story describes tiny bits. Although sometimes it tries to explain. But the explanation of some things aren't good enough for me so I went to search understood and returned to the novel.

It has many cliches combined into one novel. Which at the end gave a very interesting result. In my opinion this novel is a must read. The novel is good enough for 4 stars. Although there are some western novels with better plots. This one has a chinese plus western feeling making it mixed and a little different from those.


The dream plot is actually interesting and it even includes a supposed god. Demons, witches its actually an knteresting vision of the whole. The main plot aplears to be kingdom building with witches. The biggest problem is that the kingdom is getting too big, and every witch is an extra cheat... Maybe those witches will end as harem so.... This is a big problem. for the author. Some novels ended really bad because you get more than 5 10 15 people in a harem... There should be a limit to that. Since no one will develop everyone of those characters.



Pros: it is a must read. No comments because of spoilers. Its better to filter the cons and chose if you will or not read it.

I don't recomend this novel to:

-people that don't like the author to explain plots or inventions.

-medieval lovers.


-Weak but mostly safe main character

-people that have already read a lot of KB novels with an earth knowledgeable character. Like for you guys this one might be too repetitive. <<less
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Danthefanokaku rated it
May 8, 2019
Status: Completed
Okay, this novel is great. There's just one itsy bitsy problem with it: you can read it on a website unless you buy it. Now normally, I'd have to problem paying for a book. But the way it's set up rubs me the wrong way. So just go grab it as an EPub and you can get up to chapter 1303 (at the time of writing this) and a PDF up to chapter 1350.

It's worth all the hassle, I can promise you that.

Edit after Completion:

So the ending wasn't the greatest.... more>> I won't spoil it here, but it wasn't the greatest mainly because it ended and left me with a "Aww that's it?" feeling. Other than that, it was an excellent novel and I enjoyed every second of reading it! <<less
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fuwa.fuwa rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: c1037
At first, indeed it is very interesting to follow. But after ch 1037. I find it becomes little bit boring to follow. I just want the nuclear is done asap and see how the 'demon clan' reacts (Roland is working on it, isn't he? I hope I'm not misunderstanding his plan) and their interaction and tactic against each other among four clan (if the underground clan is still intact). Beside, no witches is in death bed or rest in peace after meeting so many danger
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Venkat anudeep
Venkat anudeep rated it
March 7, 2019
Status: c976
Compared to other novels it's quite realistic. Novel focuses on different characters rather than MC but character becomes omipotent (mind set of an old man where he has seen every thing in life and experienced everything) he has infinite intelligence like biology, chemistry, eengineerings, civil and construction, art, music, milatary wepons and war tatics which look quite disgusting but overall the story is good and world building is good

He doesn't have an ambition and he doesn't want his subordinates to have one he gives his knowledge to other neibouring countries... more>> as well there are so many girls around him and all he do is act like old man who had no interest in women he blidly believe witches.

But story is not like other Chinese level up humans and I personally like the story thumbsup for all characters. <<less
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wapulos rated it
February 22, 2019
Status: c90
I can’t help but to review even though I haven’t reached chapter 100 yet.

Although this is harem (one of the genre I certainly don’t appreciate), the author didn’t dwell much on it. I like the fact that there are men around the MC who are helping him out. The witches are of course ladies, however, the story is not that focused on romance.

also, the MC has no powers. He is as ordinary as a normal person. He didn’t even have any ideas about how to defend himself! The weakness the... more>> author gave to the MC helped me ignore the harem tag. Because of the Mc’s weakness, the witches were also needed in a sense to protect him. But not only that, the men around him were also needed.

I am thankful that the author is not as biased on the harem and romance tag for his story as compared to other authors.

I actually look forward to the politics, the inventions, the nation building, and the influence that our MC will bring upon the world he was transmigrated to.

As of the moment, I couldn’t find anything to say negative about the novel. <<less
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Noitrus rated it
February 19, 2019
Status: c1333
To be honest, up till this very day since chapter 1 this is one of my favorite novels of all time. It is also one of those extreme rarities, when despite being written by chinese have nothing to do with Xanxia, Wuxia or Cultivation in general.

If you're looking for a sophisticated story, how a modern man is able to overturn entire medieval world and change destiny of whole humanity of that world in great detail, because of his open-minded thinking and assistance of magic, this story is definitely for you.

At... more>> least for me, it is absolute blast to read, and I already re-read 4 times. <<less
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shinanigans rated it
February 15, 2019
Status: --
I read this on 2017 and it was an enjoyable novel good characters motivations until I was introduced to the sister and well I felt puzzled by some writing decions about her personality or if someone can clarify me about her I will appreciate it I was in the chapter when she kisses her attendant (female in this old mediaeval ways were homosexuality, female empowerment and others is not well received and society is very judgmental) and I keep reading maybe not far enough but it felt like it went... more>> nowhere and I was like o maybe this will be a dress or is a scheme but the more I read it wasn't mentioned so I felt that this was fanservice and it made me not want to keep reading if the writer is going to keep doing that for the sake of being just service if somebody can tell me the chapter that was in to reevaluate and give me your opinion on it I will appreciate it. <<less
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berdanka rated it
February 11, 2019
Status: Completed
I have the love and hate relationship with this novel. The first half is so good that you forget you're reading a web novel. The second half, on the other hand, is like watching a plane crash in slow motion.

When you begin reading, you are greeted with a westernized medieval-esque setting. The author deftly juggles topics such as industrialization, politics, war, exploration, discrimination, governing, and so on. Characters are also fantastic; they are flashed out and memorable. They drive the story, and you become invested and begin to empathize with... more>> them. The issues starts after the moment when the author's wife advised him to cut the harem.
The way the romance was dropped and ignored since then and until the very end is abrupt and jarring. Then, just past the halfway point, the story's pace begins to accelerate unnaturally. It's as if the author was told, "You have a year, wrap it up." Multiple plot threads are dropped from then on, narration becomes convoluted, and the story is rushed. All of this adds up to a sudden and unsatisfying conclusion. It's almost as if the author had to choose between leaving the novel unfinished and giving it a half-assed ending that ruins the original plan.

So, while I enjoyed this novel, I'm not sure I can recommend it. It starts out 5/5, but suddenly, without any warning, drops to 2/5 at best. Beware, the disappointment will be enormous. <<less
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etherealbao rated it
October 27, 2018
Status: c112
One of the classics, I think it is one of my best favorite of all time :))

Here's the list of what I like and don't like

+MC is clever, but not too op. He is human after all and sometimes forget trivial things like blueprint for the weapons makes it more realistic. He is also physically weak, that needed assistance from the witches in that aspect.

... more>> +The battle for the throne is also interesting and realistic without killing off too many important characters out of nowhere.

+Translation is superb and the writing itself is nice. Maybe I am kinda bias, but third person perspective and detailed writing is always my preference, so those japanese light novels sometimes get on my nerves.

- the church arc is something that I can't read for too long. I don't care enough about them although I know it's important.

- MC has bland personality. He is too nice and too serious. While it's good that he has the quality to rule a kingdom, he is not ambitious except for more knowledge for the world.

-The female lead is also quite bland. She is like.... trusting the MC too much, not questioning anything and does nothing but studying... I don't have any problem with their characters but something is wrong when I don't even looking forward for their romance -"-

oh... and


even though some people starting to feel the novel getting too strayed after Roland got into the dream world, I do think it's true but it's one important point to keep building the kingdom. And he is kinda op in that aspect (the soul thing) so I got past that already

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akacs rated it
September 29, 2018
Status: c299
While I think this one is the most detailed novel i've read so far (beginner), the progression is like one big scripted lines like there is a complete lack of challenge. I still like it though, the story is fun.

An average mechanical engr MC becomes the lord of poverty town uses his knowledge with the help of witches to overcome certain difficulties... while wearing big thick armor plot and uses passive skills like luck.

Think of this like Shokugeki no soma - Prince of border town edition. no matter what... more>> you do, MC gets the last laugh.

- Best review 2099 <<less
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August 22, 2018
Status: c850
Personally it's my best novel, even though it's not finished yet (at the time of writing this), we can definitely expect a very good ending from this novel.
Let me tell the best points about this novel which are making it very much different from other novels.

  • Weak MC & his TRUE strength -->But only in terms of fighting &, that also because he is always guarded by his witches and his troops, hardly there's is a scene where he has to fight himself. Now don't get upset, because he doesn't fight that doesn't mean he is not COOL, he way too much cool. Because his true power are his witches. You will always get the feeling while reading this novel that every witches power are equal to Mc's strength.
  • Witches as supporting chars--> It's truly one of the novel where you get to read and feel the huge impact of supporting chars where they are equally as important as our MC.
  • Multiple POV-->The slight difference between this novel with other multiple pov novel is that every incident related to our MC, most of the time is written in the pov of both sides and this char's pov is not just one time pov, as our MC grows up in the novel, every once in a while (or after some time gap) their experience is also explained (related with our mc/plot) from their POV. So it's a fascinating feeling reading their POV (especially from our heroines =>witches).
  • Plot story -->Unique, I won't say but good enough to make you keep reading, your curiosity to know the story ahead will never go down. Till now how much I have read, the plot is still sensible, there's not much unreasonable explanation.
  • Romance & Harem -->First of all it's not harem in true sense but then again it's harem, you cannot deny that, But there's something for both harem lovers and harem haters, so you both must at least give it a try. As you read you will really love the development between our MC and his heroines, you will also cry and cheer for them, that's for sure. Apart from that

    even though all the witches are not his harem members (some are like his sisters, friends (doudt on this)

    I especially like their conversations between MC and witches, that's the best part for me in the novel.
  • Unique part -->In most of the novel, in this type of genre, we lose the curiosity or side chars lose their curiosity towards MC but don't worry even at current chaps you'll find surprising and overwhelming expression of side chars (including witches & even from the chars which are with him all the time) towards our MC and that's what truly make it different from others.
    Thanks for reading this review, I hope you will give it a try, at least once.
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August 15, 2018
Status: c1120
I don’t normally write reviews and this being my first but I decided to since some people complain about the MC having too much knowledge of things unrelated to machines such as chemicals and electricity. As someone who was originally majoring in mechanical engineering and switched majors that amount of knowledge is fairly reasonable as in many engineering programs you need to take many unrelated courses in the name of “broadening your knowledge” as for the novel itself it has become my favorite CN I have read due to how... more>> it blends science and magic. Normally I would see magic being a replacement for technologies or for overbuilt tech ising magic with few in depth explanation in this case it uses magic as a means to spark an industrial revolution and develope the required machines to fuel it so that the basics can be produced without magic something I found rather refreshing and I also appreciated having a MC with a wealth of knowledge and a reasonable explanation for habing said knowledge. <<less
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Hydrophius rated it
July 24, 2018
Status: c120
Quite a interesting novel, I feel that the novel is done extremely well on the building and the plot of the story. I would Ignore the summary because the summary drove me away from this novel but in the end I gave it a try.

As the 4 stars I feel that the novel progresses a bit too quickly as a example the MC introduces the gun extremely early, when this is a novel with the title "Release that Witch" and the fact that witched are being seen as evil creatures... more>> and the fact that the MC wants to create a safe place for him, the witches more used as handy tools to create guns or transport. I found it a bit disappointing as I wanted a a bit more action from the witches themselves as they fight armies (But they might later on, but 120 chapters tho and no super crazy fights from them). And secondly, the MC knows a bit TOO much, our MC in the previous world was a mechanical blueprinter (engineer?) and that explains how he knows these but at times he knows how to completely design a steam engine from scratch and build a boat out of concrete (Or something along the lines of that)

Other Slight Issue in this novel that didn't affect the rating

Translation: The translation is definitely good, but then there are confusions that happens where he writes the MC as a time- traveler when he's clearly not, mixes up qiang which means guns or spear and switches the words around a bit. The enemies he fights sometimes will say things they shouldn't know like 'gunfire'. It's pretty noticeable and annoying and I hope I don't see this ahead/ <<less
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Skim rated it
July 4, 2018
Status: c416
I love this series, in half and I must say that in truth that unique in style, very original in some aspects and the prota is well echo. Se focuses more on the study and logical thinking, than the same wanting to be a super MC as we all know, I recommend it for those two passionate readers who enjoy everything a little. I give a good vote and that I am eccentric hahah
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