Reborn in Another World without Cheat Abilities To Raise Levels, Just Keep Exploring Dungeons


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Suddenly, the protagonist finds himself reincarnated in a different world, a realm of swords and magic. He didn’t receive any cheat-like abilities or skills, but armed with the knowledge gained from countless gaming experiences, he embark on a journey to become stronger.

From dungeon conquests to school life and adventures, the tale of the protagonist growth begins now.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chi-to moraezu isekai tensei Reberu o Agetakya Danjon Shūkaisureba Ii
チート貰えず異世界転生 〜レベルを上げたきゃダンジョン周回すればいい〜
Related Series
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When an Adventurer Exits the Dungeon, They Become Just an Ordinary Person (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Japanese novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/26/24 Story Seedling v4c102
01/19/24 Story Seedling v4c101
01/05/24 Story Seedling v4c100
12/29/23 Story Seedling v4c99
12/22/23 Story Seedling v4c98
12/20/23 Story Seedling v3c96
12/14/23 Story Seedling v3c90
12/13/23 Story Seedling v3c89
12/03/23 Story Seedling v3c80
12/02/23 Story Seedling v3c79
12/01/23 Story Seedling v3c78
11/29/23 Story Seedling v3c77
11/28/23 Story Seedling v3c76
11/27/23 Story Seedling v3c75
11/26/23 Story Seedling v3c74
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6 Reviews sorted by

Ryoto.Ryuji.630 rated it
October 20, 2023
Status: c103
This novel is well written. The novel runs at a steady pace and doesn't have excessive plot armor like most amateur novels. The characters are well based and enjoyable.

The only issue is that the author tends to take long breaks between writing. For example, he stopped writing in October 2022 and started again in September 2023. He is now taking another break and it isn't known when he will resume.
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Lav rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: v4c99
It's Ok.

the Author seems to be taking the approach of narrating the "let's play" of a standard fantasy world. The thing is, the plot is like an amateur RPGmaker game, just grinding away and boom, mastery of X skill.

Also it is clearly MTL and sloppily edited, most of the chapters you can skim through and you'll get the gist, but some chapters are just too jumbled up, character names are swapped so that you can't really tell who is saying what or doing what, and there are repeating paragraphs too... more>> sometimes. <<less
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Cactiii rated it
March 9, 2024
Status: v3c77
The novels not bad, its perfectly fine for just a casual read. Theres (at least so far) nothing dramatic going on, its literally just the main character grinding in a dungeon for chapter after chapter which might bore some but if that doesn't bother you much then its great for just a casual read.

The story does have some flaws in particular that really annoy me

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So the author itself just makes things way too obviously fake for things like gacha. If they were really being serious I think they should of added the probability of each draw and then randomized it for each time he "cleared" the dungeon, because right now its just "I cleared it on my birthday and wow I got x" and a bunch of other quote on quote random probabilities that just feel really fake.


Then you have that the main character is a idiot. I'm guessing this is caused due to the author just not thinking about certain outcomes, but it really feels like at times he has absolutely no understanding on the dark side of humanity despite supposedly being an adult in our world.

So, he basically creates revolutionary level up tactics by finding out how to level up skills (Basically like a game) and different skill acquisition requirements where its said if they get out could start the commoners uprising or a war. Despite this he tells the knowledge to his entire family without holding pretty much anything back, including his 11 year old brother through a book. First, 11 year olds aren't the most trustworthy but second the book could also very easily be stolen with this very important information inside.

Now, I'm not really complaining about him telling his family. Personally I would say telling the maid and butler is beyond that, but whatever thats fine. The issue comes when he does things like admit that he is grinding the goblin boss solo, something that nobody has done at his age, or other things like this.

A perfect example of this is when he is selling the water orb. The merchant was his fathers old friend, but that does NOT make them trustworthy. When the merchant asked if he was okay with selling it he just casually admits to having another one, when the thing is worth 3 mil. (I believe it said it was equivalent to yen so that would be appx 30k, which then adds a plothole of these things not actually being that expensive, but I digress) and if these things are so valuable why are you admitting to someone that you have others for no reason.

There are just countless examples of this, where the main character acts in a way that has absolutely no regard for the fact that bad people might want to take advantage of him.

He is just s*upidly naive in a way I wouldn't expect for someone from our world. When the adventure guild master tells him about how nobles monopolize resources for "the people" he just accepts that without a second thought. He writes down that he is an appraiser when becoming an adventurer for no reason, when he could of easily just did swordsman and not given away that he is a rare class.

Another example is telling the king the clear conditions for the basic dungeon, something that was hidden, for literally no reason. While I haven't gotten that far if every person clearing gets the first time clear then countless artifacts can be obtained which can lead to war.

My overall point is that he just acts with absolutely no regard for how his actions can have consequences, and never once thinks its a good idea to possibly hide something like an artifact from his family. While you may trust them there is also no reason to explicitly share everything with them, and in doing so what if they say "the king collects all artifacts" are you then just going to give it up?


Secondly, he is also s*upid when it comes to thinking just slightly outside the box.

I'm not going to go into all of the examples but a basic one is in the special dungeon... He found out that if he steps in and then leaves it summons and desummons the boss, yet when he first challenges the third boss instead of going in -> appraisal -> instantly leave in order to process the information and come up with a strategy, he instead decides to charge right away despite supposedly learning his lesson.

Some other basic examples is use your spells for some f*cking utility... Utility is so f*cking useful, but instead he treats it as if [I cast water arrow for 5 damage] is the only option... Try using water wall to block your opponent, try using tsunami or flood or whatever its called to drown your opponent, there are so many f*cking possibilities that he just never even thinks of trying.

Another thing is his weird f*cking obsession with not apprising other people since its "an invasion of privacy" which is just f*cking dumb. While you can argue morals and all that sh*t of it, the simple fact is that when appraising someone (like his mom) he can find out information about possible skills like fire magic or staff arts, he could potentially learn titles, ect. so he should be f*cking appraising every single person he meets in order to try to learn as much as he can about different skills.


Honestly, more here than I expected... The story isn't that bad, but you do need to shut your brain off to read it... I personally have honestly enjoyed it, with the periodic frustration at the main character doing something I think is s*upid or the author having "random drops" that are perfect. Its not great, but its not bad so if your looking for something to read I would say give it a shot.

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floatereyes rated it
July 27, 2024
Status: v3c89
It was fun and I was enjoying it, until chapter 80 or so when the author spent 8 chapters making a summary list. But that was also okay. Some people just like that kind of stuff. Skip if you don't like.

What made me stop reading was chapter 89. The author doesn't seem to understand that the implication of that letter is not very good in terms of nobility.

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What kind of butler would report sensitive and private family matters of his masters to his previous employer? About a child without the consent of the parents to boot??? That's what spies do. He even used the appraisal skill he acquired with the help of the brothers to read their statuses. Sure, there was no malice intended but at least ask for permission and come clean. The heck. And the MC just brushed it off like nothing? And what's this about there being no hero but rely on Rion Spender (MC) ??? Like huh? There's a saint, but no hero? No hero title given to MC but he has to do the job of a hero? So casually given as an oracle, like that??? What????


I think the author got so lost in his summary listings of skills and items that he didn't think the details through of the story itself. <<less
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badunicorn rated it
April 11, 2024
Status: v3c36
So far, it has been rather boring. The "plot" doesn't have any tension or any real normal story progression points and the characters are all plain. This is just a narration of how the main character gets skills and levels them up (very painlessly) by using the info he gets from appraisal. The writing is okay, but there's just no real story here. By vol3 we should have a villain or... something right? But we don't. The story is very unremarkable and unoffensive. You should probably read something else unless... more>> you just absolutely need something to read right this second. <<less
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jacob_toasted rated it
March 4, 2024
Status: c37
Incredibly boring. If you’re looking for something that prioritizes game elements and puts story and characters on the back burner, this is it. 80% of the novel so far is read outs of stats and descriptions of the abilities. The other 20% is dialogue which is exclusively for exposition. There are no distinct characters or semblance of a story to this point.
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