Reborn as a Transcendent


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In the highly anticipated release of the first-ever VRMMO, Yeager found himself mysteriously traveled back in time. He is poised to rise to the summit and achieve the impossible. Armed with years of gaming experience and a wealth of strategic knowledge from the future, Yeager believes he can bring about the miracle of immortality. But just as the game begins, fate takes an unexpected twist as Yeager finds himself transformed into a young woman. In a tale that challenges identity and defies the limits of virtual reality, join Yeager on a mesmerizing journey of self-discovery as he navigate a world of mysteries, battles, and alliances, all while grappling with his newfound femininity.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Was Reincarnated Into A Super God
Wǒ Zhuǎnshēng Jiù Chāo Shén
Related Series
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I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Female Protagonists / gender-bender male to female...
  2. Female Protagonist novel i have read
  3. my fetish
  4. Isekai/Fantasy List #1
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New Lizzybeth rated it
June 9, 2024
Status: v3c551
Ok, I absolutely LOVE the concept of this story... The MC is so... unlikable... I understand the "Yuri" aspect of it due to being a guy originally (orientation does not switch that easily, SOMETIMES hormones does make a massive play into that but most of the time it shouldn't come that easily). plus all the random racism is getting under my skin. The overarching story is superb, pacing could be way better though... 500+ chapters and like what... at MOST a week as past? I understand her race makes her... more>> so unbelievably OP but she keeps undermining her efforts and how powerful she ACTUALLY IS. If it is actually that hard to level up, why are others still leveling up quite quickly despite such a little bit of time has past... Like, seriously though... S.K.Y. and the other guild heads thinking she is leveling up astronomically (which she is) but they are also leveling up quickly. Most players being around LV. 10 and below, with a few being above it. Towards the "ending" (that is currently translated)

More people are getting close to LV. 20, she has a huge city she can rebuild that she took to the real world, and now she has a minions she can control. She can use life energy to save people, change their makeup, their personality. She is on a level as a god/goddess now... yet, she is still down played. Plus IRL in the story, there is too much fighting with these transcendent characters. I understand that is point in having him be reborn as a transcendent, although the drama between the characters and grown I believe should be focused in (personal opinion)

Again I REALLY REALLY want to like this as it is similar to other OP MC stories. I want it to get to the point where the worlds merge, the MC has to finally come to terms with the changes, and the pacing taking a step up. In total the rating I give is around 3.0-4.0/5 Overarching story is good, I like Mylene and the other side characters, I like the MC in only some bits and pieces (especially how OP she is and kind to an extent, AND how sadistic she can be due to what she has been through in her previous life). There are so many good qualities to like about this. I just personally see that the flaws outweigh the positives for anyone wanting to see if they want to get into it. While, if people can look past the racism, one-dimensional characters, and the insufferable MC; I do think that there is something good to be had in reading this novel. I know we are only around a quarter of the way with this one. Gonna keep a good eye out on this one for updates and continue to read. A solid 3.0-4.0/5 for me! <<less
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SynicalReader rated it
June 9, 2020
Status: --
I hate the main character. Not only is this the Chinese version of gender bender yuri where the MC is a guy in a girls body and acts like a h**ny 12 year old who just discovered his pipi can grow bigger it is also another great example of a novel where the MC believes the he is the only important person in the world and that he is therefore completely justified in ripping off everybody else. I don't have a problem with an MC who wants to earn money... more>> but when such a person decides that just earning money is not enough and he has to rip off everyone and everything including their rights and happiness than I'm done. Even though this MC is written by someone from a communistic country the MC is even more capitalistic than Warren Buffet <<less
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HealthtPatchuri rated it
January 16, 2022
Status: c123
I initially liked the story cuz not many novels describe time leap, world collapse apocalypse, authoritic celebrities, game world construction, genderbender, and OP MC at the same time.

I remember myself really enjoying the story, wishing the translation went further on.

Well, that was, until I thought of coming back an year later.


"Heavens! Princess really does exist in real life!"
"There's actually someone so beautiful in real life!"
"She's like a fairy descended from heaven!"
"I respect the one who licks her first!"
"I thought that she was a character modified by the game company, but I never thought she was real... Mommy, I'm in love!"
"Get the hell out! You stinky men, don't even think about licking our Princess!"
"That's right!"


So I came back where I dropped off and, oh well, look what I found. OP MC doing OP things, the others praising her like as if they met a god.

Typical Chinese OP character BGM of Civilian A, B, C.

So I started to look at the story from a critical point of view and look what I found.


Korea naturally wanted to obtain her as well.

"Do you think that we have the right to take action? Or, I should say, can we even take action?" A middle-aged man of around 40ish years old gently shook his head.

"Junmin, America is like our daddy. We can't think about going against them! Not even a little!"

Although he was saying this, a vicious flash of light still appeared in the middle-aged man's eyes.


Putting aside the fact that I'm a Korean, characters till c126 are all on the black-white side of the MC. They are either greedy characters trying to get evil use of the MC, or characters that immediately fall in love with the MC.

At this point I couldn't take this novel seriously. 2 dimensional characters doesn't feel like human, and the MC is OPing everywhere she goes without much thought crossing her head.

I read this story about..... 1 year ago? I still like fantasy web novels, yet I developed a taste for more realistic and empathetic stories with bits of hardships to go through, like real life!

So of course I couldn't recommend readers to read a story of a tyrrant MC doing whatever she wants without a single straint of social regulation. Adding the fact that the author is a presumable racist.

Which is why I have to give a 2 star.

If what you want is a revenge story, or a smart OP MC, or a attractive and brilliant gender bendered MC-

-there are always better stories out there which is at least more beneficial than this one.

Chinese OP novels just doesn't fit my taste anymore.
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Zelgadis rated it
November 7, 2020
Status: c77
This sounds so much like everything Mad Snail writes that I have a hard time believing he didn't write it. I mean this in the absolute worst way possible.

The protagonist is self-insert garbage. Characters are about as shallow as the gene pool that spawned the author. I just can't even.

The only thing this novel had going for it is the premise but I can't call it remotely original at this point. I keep hoping someone would take this kind of premise seriously and not just spew out more of the... more>> same flaming sewage but it seems I expect too much. I think I'm done with this. Yeah, I'm done. <<less
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SilvaLau rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: c22
Spoiler-Free Summary (By Wild Lurker) : The MC in the story suddenly finds himself three years in the past after being killed, right before the release of a full immersion game. But he happens to know that the game is far more than a mere game and is a fully-fledged world in its own right, and that the system works by projecting souls, and that players will gradually begin to gain the abilities of their characters in the real world, and that the game world will eventually merge with the... more>> real one.

So he resolves to get in at the very start. And right at the start, he gets a female-only skill during character creation, and the system decides to 'fix' the problem be changing his soul.
He/She works to become the strongest in the game, while also working to get rare items or skills that will allow abilities to be brought back quicker to deal with pre-existing and new danger in the real world.

Be warned, however, the progress of this story is REAL slow. <<less
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zeshiru rated it
May 29, 2021
Status: c1500
I read through all the raws and there has been zero ounce of yuri well except a kiss or two, so you should'nt read this if you want yuri. The pacing is ridiculous i've read the raws and at chp 1500 Its only been 3 or so months. I'd recommend if you're bored and have a large amount of free time just to spite it.

And its very unrealistic, The irl villains just don't seem to ever give up like, YJ could steal they're main HQ of all its money and they would still fight YJ. They could be summoned to her Castle (She got it by completing a main character quest) and feel like she's an A rank Warrior when she is already at the very top. Even the best warrior don't even try checking her aura or whatever and just says she's very interesting in her fricking bathtub like 5 times. Never mind that but YJ is RIDICOULOUSLY OP Like she's LVL 40 or smthg. She completed 5 Main Character quest. Heck she even caused a Maze to open just for The America server and her server to wonder if YJ's server is lucky. They don't even question her dissapearence and how she breakthroughs a realm that people take 10 flippin years to go through.

And I question if this is even Yuri We only get 2 kisses and erot*c massages and its from an NPC !?

And the plot just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Like Shashara (The Beta Tester) has a special ability that makes a Whole assasin group go after YJ. And she has a group of clones from an S rank warrior thats an tsuntsun. And then ther's a enemy granddaughter that likes her too. HE litterally gets a bounty thrice !? Heck I'm writing this while remembering and I feel dizzy just reading this and This is from 400 Chps?!!

Its a 1 star for me but I cant seem to edit the star review
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GodlyGodMcGodGod rated it
August 29, 2022
Status: c304
Personally, I really like this novel, but there are a few minor complaints that must be addressed.

Firstly, the pacing is so ridiculously slow it makes DBZ look like they get through things in a timely manner. I'm talking, I'm 300 chapters in and barely a week has passed in the story. While every single day of the story was so jam-packed with non-stop stuff happening to the MC to the point that realistically there aren't enough hours in the day to get through all of it, the actual content of... more>> the story gets stretched out with long-winded explanations, unnecessary details, and pointless back-and-forth. Even if you kept in all the actual events in you could have comfortably trimmed down those 300 chapters to around 200-250 with more succinct writing.

The author clearly also has a very weird idea of what foreign cultures and international politics are like. For the most part it's not even fun stereotypes like "Americans are loud and like guns lol". It's mostly weird things like, "America wants to undermine eastern powers so they exclusively cast ugly asian women with exaggerated features in movies and told the American public that those were the most beautiful eastern women, so consequentially americans developed a skewed notion of asian beauty that finds modern generally accepted beauty standards to be ugly and thinks women that look like they came out of a racist WW2 propaganda cartoon are hot." As an american myself, what bothers me more than that is

when all the world's governments are desperately scrambling to figure out which player has a certain powerful item, american soldiers end up brazenly kidnapping and torturing a certain high-profile player from their ally country, Japan, but then when they determine that she doesn't have the item, they simply let her go free. Sloppy. Too sloppy, fictional America. I'm not saying the American government aren't the type of scumbags to kidnap, torture, and interrogate a civilian from an allied country on the mere suspicion that she might have something that will benefit the country as a whole even if it's clear that she hasn't done anything wrong even if she did have the thing. They totally would pull some scumbaggy move like that, but they'd be a hell of a lot more discreet about it and would do their best to cover their tracks. Especially if it wasn't on any hard evidence but on mere suspicions. In the end, it looks like that incompetence will be biting them in the ass as that player has gone into hiding and has now gotten super strong in the game and is currently wreaking havoc on every american player she comes across.


Finally, while I enjoy the MC's usual aggressive, shameless personality, when it comes to his/her transformation into a girl, (s) he gets really whiny and annoying. Like, I get why unwillingly switching sexes would be distressing and embarrassing, but as the series progresses the MC begins to get used to her situation to the point that she keeps having girlish thoughts or unconsciously accepting that she's female now, but then whenever she catches herself with those thoughts she always immediately backpedals and denies them, forcefully claiming that she's a man. I guess that since only a week has passed it's reasonable that that wouldn't be enough time to come to terms with her s*x change, but it being a full 300 chapters makes it feel like much more time has passed than actually has. <<less
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mio rated it
May 30, 2022
Status: c192

Look out. You get lulled into a good story, only for more and more racism against all that is not chinese to appear.

The start was good though, so I'm regretfull of ever even having started the story. Nothing worse than a good story with a lot of potential being ruined by an apparently brainwashed authore espousing the greatness of his country and the horribleness of everyone else.
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dethdank rated it
March 28, 2022
Status: c137
So I've been enjoying this novel for a bit, but I'm deciding to put this down.

The reason being is that chinese people dont have super powers and that there is no such thing as internal energies. After all that's what makes the game giving powers so appealing, so just having random chinese people (gang members especially) coming out with martial arts powers like its crouching tiger hidden dragon is just lame.

Like they could have done something with other people getting lucky with the game but because of shoddy writing we're... more>> left with an OP MC with no real threats and the forced narrative of chinese martial arts being "special" <<less
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 30, 2021
Status: c239
Like other reviews have been saying, this novel definitely has pacing issues (slooooooow) and the MC is op and is constantly being gifted more cheats for no reason. BUT the biggest problem with the entire novel IS THE AUTHOR. They'll randomly jump into long s*upid rants that take up entire chapters about basically anything and everything.

THERE WAS AN ENITRE CHAPTER SPENT WHINING ABOUT VEGETARIANISM, multiple very racist rants against pretty much every racial group mentioned so far, and one against "political correctness"

The author's s*upidity either filters through the characters, who'll break with whatever small amount of personality they have and become a mouthpiece, or just rant as the narrator. People have called this a fanfic power fantasy which is true but its also the author's racist, s*upid blog.

It's a shame because I think the concept is decently interesting in blending some genres and having what seems like an actually original story (from what I know that is). But its hampered by the bad character writing and plot pacing, and ruined by the s*upid author's very vocal very bad rants
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WIzGiz rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: c1012
This novel overall is pretty good.

There aren't many things I can really complain about because I prefer not to keep my expectations too high, but this was a surprisingly good read.

The biggest and only I problem have with this novel is that its too slow.

In my opinion, the plot doesn't really move much in the first couple hundred chapters.

... more>>

Compared to the later chapters, the first two to three hundred chapters can almost be described as a glorified training arc. Although the author did a much better job at writing it than others I've seen.


The story really starts to get going, however, around chapter 500, and a lot of twists plus some major plot developments happen from chapter 800 onward.


Also, I finally have the answer to the question that me and many others have been asking. Does the MC become a full time girl or not?! Well, Yes & No. Its hard to explain it without spoiling a very big and important part of the story, so I won't explain how this happened. But essentially Yeager (or Ye Ji/Ye Feng depending on where you are reading) managed to split into 2 parts. The boy version and the girl version of himself. Similar to the process of how Vera (a character introduced in the later chapters) cloned herself 18 times, but a much more complex version of it. The story still focuses on the female version more though.


Even though I prefer to read the translations because English is my native language, I couldn't wait and decided to read the raws with my amateur understanding of Chinese. I have already bought up to chapter 1130 on the original publisher's website I'm excited waiting for new content to be released.



EDIT: Extremely important edit. Forget everything I just said. I just read a little bit further and the Goddess of Luck messed with the MC again and gave the male body the same item that turned the MC into a girl the first time. It was only two chapters after he got the male body back too. I believe the this is the end for the male body. R.I.P. Yeager Screentime.

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Exiel rated it
August 15, 2020
Status: c500
I entered into this novel as it's concept seemed very similar to "when I woke up I was a bishoujo" atleast in terms of reality slowly colliding with the game. And while they are similar they quickly diverge from each other.

The main thing that I like about is the main character's greed and desire to get ahead, which personally I view as a admirable trait when accomplished through decent ways.

... more>>

Currently my main qualm with the MC is the fact that he/she isn't able to bring themselves to tell their sister, whom he obviously cares about very much, about how he's slowly transforming into his female character, the issue is that at this moment the sister believes them to be two separate people.


It'll be a while fore I read this again past chapter 500 as the MTL quality essentially dissapears at chapter 500. <<less
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kawaii12345 rated it
May 25, 2020
Status: c673
TLDR It's a pretty good take on life in a videogame that had me willing to read 600+ MTL chapters

Translation: 5/5 re library 3/5 MTL

Readability : 5/5

Plot: 4/5

Characters: 5/5

World Building : 4/5

The novel has some real problems. Many of the real world plot motivators are nucking futs. Much of the mc's run ins with organized crime are on this level. There's also that martial arts feel of antagonists popping up just to bother the MC. If those aren't dezl breakers for you this should be a real good read.
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DreadLord rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: --
I just like the fact that the MC accepted the Gender Change due to the benefits it came with. Personally, I think the benefits are worth it and that it could've been worse if the MC didn't get the Gender Change.
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Anzu Yukikami
Anzu Yukikami rated it
May 1, 2021
Status: c1175
Story is going to slow, it takes more than 800 chapter for her to cure ashura girl. The time line is you can say really f*cked up. In thousand chapter I read this I always confused because of time different between game and reality because MC can stay inside the game for 1 month straight and only come out when there's a need to creating havoc in reality.

But I still enjoy read this novel because this kind of novel is feel fresh. Not like other novel that follow a certain... more>> path like MC get a class called Ashura or get Special item that need to find many part of it to make it completely one. Lucky wheel system in this novel is also the one that make this novel interesting. Because I like to bet on Lady Fortuna my self. <<less
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Cactiii rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: c113
Just overall I don't think this novel has much going for it. The author isn't very good at writing, every single plot point feels forced... Went to a store, happens to run into lover from last life, nothing happens -> Gets in game, somehow gets 1/10000 feather of calamity, -999 luck and summons loli -> loli lets him give up his lifespan in exchange for another roll -> despite having -999 luck he somehow gets the item he wants which then gives him 666 luck in exchange for him becoming... more>> female -> gets bloodline he wants and its justified because "he has 666 luck" despite the fact that apparently negative luck doesn't add a determent to his chances? Overall its just bluntly poor writing skills, the author is forcefully creating "random chance" which just makes the story unenjoyable, especially when the author could just change a few small details to make it not feel so forced (i.e. at -999 luck he asks the loli (who created the feather of calamity) to reverse the luck, so the loli makes him female in exchange since she is chaos. When rolling for bloodlines its a roll for just bloodlines and they are all op meaning its not "random chance" that he gets the op one. Its just poor quality writing where everything feels forced, which just destroys emersion.

Now, if it was only the above then while I wouldn't like the story I would still give it 3+ stars since while there are issues its not that bad... What really makes this story sh*t is an issue most chinese novels where its just cultural differences on how to treat people. Its hard to explain, especially since I'm trying to avoid using certain terms, but just overall there are a lot of subtle things you can notice in the writing about the authors viewpoints on certain topics like women rights. If the story is good content thats enjoyable to read I can ignore it but with this forced plot movement and just the vibe the author gives out this story just isn't good. The only reason why I'm giving it 2 stars is because the translation quality is good. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 31, 2020
Status: --
Hmmmm you can say it's same storyline as Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God, but with its twists.

●The gender bender of the MC.

●In Sword God game helps to develop martial arts with nutrients and developing mental techniques whereas in this your soul is in the game so you are getting powers.

● Sword God and this novel are same in aspect that VR affects reality too much but it starts a little after the launch so both MC' have a headstart and previous knowledge of different high level players and ways... more>> to get those items, skills, powers which those got.

But I dont like that concept in a overall. I myself am a gamer. So having a walkthrough or guide is fine in some ways but you want all the powers which should have been others is like in the game it's just you who gets good stuff. I know its will merge with reality but what about others. If they dont get that opportunity then they die. <<less
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Quhon rated it
April 11, 2020
Status: c17
Just have a look, it's a novel with Game Elements and Yuri. The MC is a big cheat, but nice and still has a feet in reality, that all the cheats don't seem sientific.
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March 8, 2022
Status: c1700
If you don't like GB novels, this is not for you.

If you can't ignore some of the author's knowledge on international politics and ethnic biases, this is not for you. I mostly ignore these though.

If you like timid MCs, this is not for you.

... more>> If you can't handle slow paced story and short chapters, this is not for you.

I like this story for one reason only! The MC makes some very reasonable decisions (most of the time). She is selfish but still takes into account her friends and all. I like most of the decision she makes. She doesn't force herself to make decisions like any JP protag would and that is seriously refreshing. She doesn't go around killing people recklessly as well (at least for now).

The world building is so so.

Anyways, hoping that the translation speed picks up.


Still don't know much about the game world and how it connects to the real world.



I have read later chapters and the way the MC takes revenge sometimes goes too far. So, be warned.
Also, she doesn't shy away from taking revenge from female characters as well. Although, she might not kill them but it definitely is more than enough for what they have done.

The Author is very good at create tense situations during an arc. No matter how strong the MC is, even if you know that the MC might not die, it still manages to keep you on your toes.


Although, I still like the series. There are two more cons of this novel:

there are little to no decent enough male characters. True. There are none.

The other is, the novel really has weird pacing. Although, the author is able to build good arcs with climaxes, the pacing is very inconsistent.


I am still liking the overall story and the smaller arcs.

But, I have gotta tell you, there are just too many characters aka girls. Too many. I am not sure if I will be able to remember their names in the future. Though, the author has done good work in handling these characters but I feel there are just too many. <<less
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yusha rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: c185
I don't know why I continue to read this gender-bender thing.

I usually just ignore them

At the start, I just want to read it because it said that the game character is female. So I just read it like a normal gaming novel with the MC use a female character.

... more>> But then the world setting explained, you can bring power to reality. He eventually becomes a she.

I feel like 'maybe he will find a way to cancel the change' so I continue to read this.

So I think I will stop reading this.

It was an entertaining couple of hours reading. <<less
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August 17, 2021
Status: c168
This was amazing I can’t wait for new Chapters. I’ve never subscribed to Patreon before but I’m pretty sure I’m do that when I get paid it’s that good definitely read it.
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