Rebirth of the Tyrant’s Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce


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The servant looked at the grieving princess. “Your Highness, the Regent Prince sent your scholar fiancé to the Western Butcher’s daughter!” 

The princess gritted her teeth, speaking to her servant that it matters not as she has other suitors in line. Many days later, much to her dismay, the servant ran in a hurry. “Your Highness, the Regent Prince expressed his intention of becoming your suitor! All other men in line were sold to Gou Lan Red District!”

The princess was distressed. She said to her servant it matters not. She’ll soon be married to Prince Fuma. Then the uneventful came. The servant once more ran to her, almost tripping in the process. “Your Highness, Prince Fuma was imprisoned at home! Meanwhile, there’s a red sedan chair waiting at your residence for your marriage! It was led by the Regent Prince!

The princess was stunned. For a day such as this to come, it seemed impossible. This nothing but a sad story of a female boss crossing back in time to hold the thick thighs of the big boss. But while raising him, she was eaten in the process.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chóng Shēng Bà Chǒng: Shèzhèng Wáng Yé Tài Xiōng Měng
Don't mess with my sister (manhua)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. CN w/ Excellent Plot (BxG)
  2. Master-disciple, shixiong-shijie, tutor-ward relat...
  3. want read
  4. Love at the time of dinasties
  5. CN Romance + BG QT

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73 Reviews sorted by

paputsza rated it
May 1, 2018
Status: --
It's like the MC reincarnated the first time and tried to live out a Japanese reincarnation story, but died because she was actually in a Chinese reincarnation story where things aren't so lighthearted. I like the ML a lot. He's a child, so the MC can't bear to see him in pain. She ends up raising him, instead of having him being starved, whipped, and poisoned with drugs that give him brain damage his while life, which improves his personality. He's still viscious, but not a sociopath.
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SublimiSomnium rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c11
Honestly, it is too early to leave a comprehensive review of this story. However, I wanted to offset the horrendous reviews to let this story and the translators' hard work have a chance to shine.

I've read a lot of transmigration, reincarnation, and shoujo tales. I can generally see things coming a mile away, so what keeps me engaged in these stories are the characters. The little details that flesh them out as actual personalities rather than stereotypes, basic logic that allows them to interact like normal people rather than OP'd... more>> plot-armored caricatures, and some humor that demonstrates the author's wit are must-haves.

This story has all these elements and more.

Intriguingly, the MC has not only transmigrated from modern times, she has also reincarnated. However, what really hooks me is her cleverness and realistic emotions. Yes, she saves the ML who tortured and killed her. However, she isn't a saint; when she helps him get rid of the poison by making him vomit she feels gratified to see him miserably throwing up. She's not helping him because she's forgiven him, she is logical enough to realize that at that point he is an innocent child. I also appreciate that she is grateful for her third chance at life and doesn't want to waste it with bloodthirsty revenge. <<less
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WeirdPersonOnTheInternet rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c590
I have read the raws but not have finished it.

It's very exciting and cute. FL is very determined to make a better world and her journeys are interesting. Many lovable love interests. The thing I love most about this novel is fl's status. Her rise to a powerful princess is so exciting! This novel was able to manipulate my feelings. I went from happy to sad then happy. It's just such a fun journey!
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HJRDIS rated it
April 20, 2021
Status: c239
It's an alright read for those who don't want to take it seriously.

This is kind of novel is one I usually dead read since Chinese novels have long since disappointed me immensely in the past (especially if it involves martial arts and romance).

But for those who plan on actually wanting a good review without crude words and biases here's mine (with spoilers but it'll be censored out unless you don't want it, the reason why I stopped at 239 Ch is at the last paragraph) :

This is her third life... more>> (it's revealed early on so don't worry). One was her Modern Day life (I assume) and the other was the World Previous to the Current Timeline. Let's talk about that first.

  • It's kind of ridiculous how she got "so smart" from just dying with "books" in her "space". Her friend was asking her to move books she bought for her new place but MC got into an accident and died with those in her magic space. I understand if she had gotten smart in only one area (that's what happened to Darwin after being stranded in ship with books and specimens) but she just somehow magically is able to make

    explosions (really big ones mind you)

    from books? As well as somehow magically being able to get modern day sort-of blueprints? I was disappointed that her Modern Day life was not expanded by the Author by the time 200+ chapters came up. Or maybe even just a name instead of "helping her friend move her books and then -splat". Despite it being a "normal, boring" life, it still is a life. Her personality is shaped here, it would have been nice to know who or what influenced her.
Her World Previous killer is the ML.

  • I don't really mind. I've gotten a resistance to it but yeah. I suppose I understand if only because I'm an empathetic person and you that side of the MC more often as you read but really, it's just an excuse to make a reverse harem, it always is. And I get frustrated everytime time I think more deeply into it because it was a world where she was allowed to be ignorant and then given a second chance. For a woman who is raised in the Modern World, the MC has quite the low EQ and self respect (not that I'm undermining anyone who does, but this is a common cliche in novels; "I will allow you to use me and notice everytime you throw a disdainful look at me" but then in the second life she's all "I'll be dense as poop despite knowing how to flirt and adorably save all your butts and become obsessed with me".)

  • Not a bad person, I actually quite like his character apart from how stereotypical the Harem hierarchy was. Emperor are somehow always blind with a concubine's ambitions and yet has all seeing eyes on the Empress'. He's a ruler because he's good at picking people to delegate tasks for like seriously? I'm looking at all you Authors who turn them into blind dogs in front of an "innocent, beautiful, jade-like" female. Anyway, their relationship is pretty good if I may say so myself. Kind of endearing if you ignore the whole bipolar aspect of it.
Su Miaolan

  • Typical annoying, self-righteous, "innocent", coy, lady. And don't we all just hate those kind of antagonists? MC has a compassionate heart (but will kill assassins real quick) and hasn't done that much "face slapping" to her. Su Miaolan is the one everyone fell for in World Previous and schemed to kill MC. It's the kind of antagonist that will probably appear like a roach and stay until ML gets tired and just offs her head. Probably. I hope so, at least.
Romance (I assume the ML is Gong Jue)

  • Let's forget about the fact that at this point they still don't know she was just a

    bastard child and not actually the Emperor's

    . And hey, I mean I can't judge you I read through all that. I guess things like blood don't matter when it comes to love (I mean, look at Romeo and Juliet - just kidding. It's a totally different matter and comparing this to one of the most renowned novels by one of the best Authors is just... heretic.)
  • The romance killed it for me. Probably not gonna come back for like a month. I had no problem about the ML's attitude, he's a wannabe "yandere", and despite the fact that he does want her all to himself, ML does care for her freedom as long as he's there as well. Hm. It's the "I'll make you see that I'm a man" trope. Also the "I'll prove myself worthy of you" trope. Also the "Controlling until the MC starts crying" trope. Which is -UGH! The wasted potential.
  • I came here thinking that MC was a strong, independent woman who don't need no man to dictate her actions. I was wrong. She was good at martial arts, she was a smart little lady, but really. By the 200+ chapters her strength is nothing compared to Gong Jue who restrained her at some point before panicking cuz she cried (Misogyny exists because men were physically stronger than women) and let go. Simp, but also disappointing. Incredibly disappointing.
  • She becomes this girl who can get punched around by the ML. But he doesn't. But he can. And I think the fact that he killed her last time was enough warning to start training. Twilight flashbacks anyone? In the end, it's her crying that gets her out of trouble, that gets her a good impression, it's her face and previous affection that really mattered in the end. She was the "executioner" wasn't she? I don't see any of that in the Current Timeline.
  • MC can't walk the talk. In one chapter you see her flirting with nine year old Gong Jue (ML) and then in later chapters back out when he starts the flirting. And dense. It's a "Bakarina" thing and to be honest, it's getting a little old.
All in all, the romance of the novel just proved character evolution can also be done backwards. <<less
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Yuri1993 rated it
November 20, 2020
Status: c1
The FL is s*upid. I can tolerate what she did for Gong Jue, helping and forgiving him. But, paving the way again for the Gong Che to have a stable position as the crown prince, after she was abandoned in the past? She already helped him a lot by saving the prince and his family. Lol. She's just repeating the same thing as she did in the past. That's just simply s*upidity at its fullest.

Also this aunt FL is clearly a maniac and pe*ophile. She has a body of a... more>> child but the don't forget about her mental age. She loves touching the body of young boys 10yrs old at that.

I love stories with Stockhelm syndrome. The story is good to past your time but the FL here is a creepy aunt in a body of young girl who likes touching the body of young boys, teaching them sexually (giving p*rn magazine) and flirting with them. <<less
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InfiniteCloud rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: Completed
Finished by MTL, and wow...

Definitely a really great story, full of action and great feels.

It's got a pretty great plot to.

... more>> I don't agree with a lot of the negative reviews.

Some of the other reviews are saying it's too yandere, but in the end all of the guys do respect the wishes of the MC, including the ML. She's a pretty hard person to force. And the reason why the ML got her was in part because of his respectfulness and forbearance towards her, so... I would recommend whoever thought that to read more carefully.

Also, some of the reviews don't like it because they thought Gong Yimo (MC) was too nice/forgiving towards the person who killed her in her last life. But I thought that it was well explained, plus, as the MC herself thought, the child ML is not the same ML that killed her. Afterall, he is still a child, and people are a consequence of their backgrounds/experiences, so they are technically not the same person. Plus, the author does a great gradual acceptance. It's not really automatic or anything, as there is an actual, well thought out process where the MC gradually starts to accept the ML.

I really don't understand why it has such a low rating, I mean, seriously???

I'm only giving this a 4 because I feel like there were a couple of plot points that weren't finished, such as the children of the other guys marrying the children of the MC's. Like, why give us little snippets of the other guys' children if you aren't going to do anything with them? I also feel like the MC and the ML were sort of neglectful towards their children, though it's not as bad as in a lot of other Chinese novels (it's a pretty common trope, one which I really don't like). <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
June 20, 2019
Status: c171
DAMN THIS IS SO GOOD! I'm at the best part so far right now, so I apologize if my review is biased due to emotion haha.

First of all, I read some spoilers in the comments and I really don't suggest others doing the same. It seems that at some point this novel becomes terrible, dragging on and whatnot, so I decided I would read the beginning and then stop when that occurs. Therefore, since so far it has been excellent, I can only enthusiastically praise this novel.

I really love all... more>> the characters, which is extremely rare for me. The character development is genuinely fantastic, and many different sides of them are portrayed. In regards to people claiming the MC was "g*ooming" the ML, the claims this is unethical is entirely unfounded. She obviously treated him with the affection and care of a mother, hoping to prevent the catastrophes of his previous self. For people who were disgusted with the "s*xual feelings" of the young characters, it's nowhere as crazy as the comments seem to imply. Yes it's strange, but not only was it suitable for the era they were living in, the emphasis also was always about and love and NOT the lust. Also, don't forget that she's not actually blood related siblings with anyone.

The MC is awesome!! She's definitely a strong female character, yet without the arrogance and unnecessarily aggressive attitude I find many other Chinese novels portray strong females with. From one perspective people might say she's too soft-hearted since she treats the people that ruined her in her past life so kindly, but it's because in this "new" life she recognizes that they're just children and shouldn't be treated wrongfully for things they won't necessarily do. I LOVE that even with all her strength and her past experiences, even though she knows better than anyone the scheming nature of humanity, she's still at heart kind, genuine, and forgiving. And the people that she forgives don't betray her trust a second time.

The plot is also so interesting!! I have a deep appreciation for novels that don't drive its story through misunderstandings and solves them cleanly, and even with all the scheming in the palace this is one of them. It carries itself through the brilliance of the MC's adventures.

A few warnings. The initial premise is quite uncomfortable since this is her THIRD reincarnation. On top of that, she has some "lotus" storage space that I guess she was born with, which makes her seem way too OP. Due to these things, the first few chapters, in particular, have some strange inconsistencies. Honestly, just ignore it, and you'll be glad you did. The focus also isn't on martial arts or cultivation, so don't worry about that (unless you're looking for it, in which case go elsewhere). The only thing I'm disappointed about is how cruel and cold at heart the ML still is to everyone else; give me back my cute lil pup!!! I really wanted to keep rooting for him, but with all the other characters and his cruelty, it's making it too difficult!!!!!!

All in all, it's a great novel so far, and I expect it to be great for quite a few more chapters at least. Give it a read!! The translation is mostly pretty good, except they use a lot of exclamation marks which honestly is a little irritating. However, I just got used to it. <<less
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sithkazar rated it
June 11, 2019
Status: c167
Some of the other reviews are over really overreacting to the MC and ML as children thing. Saying that she raised him to be her lover is really stretching. As readers we know that they end up together in the end, so maybe that is coloring some people's view of their interactions as children?

The MC does not think of him that way at any point when they are children! When it starts off he is the person that tortured and killed her in the previous life. After being reborn, she... more>> almost kills him, but decides that people are not born evil and it is how they are raised. SHE THINKS OF HIM LIKE A CHILD! Though she is only a year older, because of her rebirth and knowledge, she raises him like she is his mother. I do agree that the ML starts having a crush and perverse thoughts about her at too young of an age though.


Chapter 24 is probably the worse case of this. He is nine years old and she is ten (though mentally older). She makes a comment about how good his muscles look and teases him that women might start approaching him. He already has a crush on her and has perverse thoughts while she applies medicine to his chest. He says that he only wants her (his sister) to touch him. She laughs it off and tells him not to say such things and that he will have a wife one day.


But the main point I want to make is that the MC has in no way has been "raising" him for that purpose. In fact she even emphasized the point that they are brother and sister! So, though the author's choice to make the ML fall in love at such a young age is extreme, there is no intentional g*ooming! <<less
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Nonameschemer rated it
November 3, 2021
Status: --
Lord is there a lot going on in here yet nothing is being done well. First we have “not related by blood “ in*est here. I’m sorry but if you were raised as siblings. Your. Still. F*cking. Siblings. Gross as hell. She’s at least mentally 60+ years old living not one but 2 lives yet she’s still acting like a blushing virg*n over everything? Clear pe*o vibes with the fact a 9! Year old is having s*xual feelings ? We don’t need to know how beautiful she is my god.... more>> So amazing and talented. But why would anyone and I mean anyone just happen to know the perfect ratio for gun powder and how to make several other modern goods ? She isn’t described as a engineer yet is able to instruct how to build such complicated things so clearly. The ultimate pe*o Mary-sue who has every and any male fall in love with her. I’m surprised her “father “ isn’t also sexually attracted to her considering the fact she’s seduced nearly all of her other brothers by accident. Just a mess. What was the point of “raising a golden thigh” when she actually never cling to that thigh? I don’t really know how this c*ckroach died in the first place if she was so intelligent and wonderful, but in this life her adopted brother isn’t really able to do anything to surpass her at all. Like she keeps risking her life needlessly but also wants to be portrayed as someone who isn’t just a busy body who can’t keep still by saving the world. She’s so contradicting, it’s like the author listed any and every personality traits and themes and jammed them into one story. Everything is so terribly repetitive and useless. With half an arc of this story there’s enough materials to make several smaller but well thought out stories. It also shocks me how she keeps being surprised that everyone is in love with her, when she clearly made herself a god to ancient people. It’s like someone came to this era, cured aids, cancer, ended world hunger and than got shocked that people wanted to dedicate there lives to them. <<less
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Safirah rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c414
The story starts good, it hooked me a lot because I'm into yandere type ML. But as the story goes on, the logic starts to decrease. Why would the MC has a rebirth if she doesn't want a revenge? To have a second chance and to change her siblings perspective of her making a harem because she's a fckin Mary Sue Character? Also, I found her s*upid in some chapters that I want to drop this novel multiple times! Nevertheless, I'm still holdin' on but Idk for how long.
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Shirley12 rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c367
I enjoy this novel because it is different from other reincarnated novels, manhwa or manhua I read in the past. The characters are lovable and also this is my first time encountering a very strong, kind and beaitiful female lead. Most of the female lead about reincarnation is about revenge unlike this one, the FL help other characters in time of need even sacrificing herself. I also love the ML because he was never swayed by other ladies and only love the FL. Never once he forget and abandoned the... more>> FL. There is no abuse happened here she really respected the FL and controlled his desire to possess. Though some people disliked the love displayed by the ML I think that is only natural if you really felt strong love towards another person. I am waiting for this to be completed in wordexcerpt. I saw other website translated this completely I think there are 900+ chapters, it's just that I cannot understand the translation from that website. Thank you for the group who translated this beautiful novel. Waiting for more chapters 😊😊😊 <<less
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blackastaX rated it
December 23, 2019
Status: --
I somehow like the MC of this novel. She's strong and independent (well this has to do with her having reincarnated for the 2nd time how lucky). However, I don't like the ML at all. Sure, he is quite adorable when he was a kid but then when he grew up he happens to be that kind of guy I don't like as a ML (Possessive as freak thinking that he own her). Sorry but this really creeps me out that some people find it cute and romantic to have... more>> a possessive guy that treats you like an object. But yeah read this at your own risks, this is just my opinion afterall. <<less
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Ayane rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: c104
The beginning was a compelling read for me, and it tanks from there. The male leads lack any personality other than their infatuation with the main character. Every scene that focuses on them is painfully dull. You'd think the author's hand would cramp typing out "he felt a feeling he didn't understand" fifty times.

The main character is an insufferable dullard when she isn't busy being a lovable badass (the reason it's 2 stars, not 1).

There are some nice moments, but for the most part it's insipid narration and horribly dull.... more>> In the beginning the story has a clear direction, and every chapter advanced the plot. But after that it's 80% fluff. For example, there's a short buildup where we hear that the main character is about to meet the most beautiful woman in the world, but the twist is that this woman is a man. The way the author handled it was to repeat ad nausea description of how beautiful this man was, the alluring gestures he'd make, etc. And then, the main character reveals his gender. The reveal has no relevance to the plot whatsoever; at the moment they're talking about building canals. So what if he's a man? Why would anyone care? It just feels like the author plastered on a random fact. None of this makes a compelling read.

Here is the passage that was the last straw, and made me drop the series:


Gong Yi Mo was currently wearing an emerald green dress, making her appear as refreshing and natural as a budding new sprout. She sat in the courtyard and laughed exuberantly as she enjoyed some shaved ice for a snack. She couldn’t help but chat endlessly with enthusiasm!

“Oh my God! This is really delicious. Don’t you want to try it dear brother?”

Gong Yi Mo was quite happy. In the middle of this hot summer, simply having a bowl of shaved ice daily was her greatest pleasure.

Gong Che also discovered that she was someone very easy to satisfy. Sometimes he would come back with delicate crafts and treasures to give her.

“I won’t be eating.”

Gong Che wasn’t fond of sweets, and Gong Yi Mo was aware of this from her past life experiences of being husband and wife with him. She once had the habit of compelling her husband to eat what he didn’t like!

And this world was no exception. Brother! It’s my turn to bully you!

She dug a spoonful of the shaved ice that contained the most amount of sweet honey and said with a teasing grin, “I don’t care! It’s much more fun to share the dessert rather eating it alone. You eat it! Just take one bite, just one!

She held the silver spoon with one hand while the other hand held up a finger, indicating that he really will just have one bite.

Gong Che felt that if he turned down her pleadings, they would end up in disharmony, and this spoon was just used by Gong Yi Mo personally.

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Liesje Bols
Liesje Bols rated it
August 18, 2019
Status: c131
Love the MC but hate the ML it was good in the beginning but I like the supporting Male leads way more.... ML is heartless and doesn’t fit well with the MC in my opinion. She can be ruthless and I like that but she wouldn’t harm people needlessly.... But I liked the story (wish I could erase the ML).


spoiler! ML wants to poison kind villagers to stage an epidemic and gain power from being their saviour..... ch 131 instant drop

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in_awe rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: c116
She's my type of a strong female lead. She's not all OP nor is she able to escape out of everything however she kills when she needs to, help when she is needed, and very intelligent. Everything is nicely paced and it's love interests fall in love for reasonable reasons, not like the I see you I likey types. One of my growing favs. Give it a try!~
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honeysenpai rated it
October 30, 2018
Status: c73
Despite rating this 3 stars, I really like this novel, if it will continue the way I hope, I might change it to 4-5stars.

From the low stars reviews it seems people think the MC has Stockholm syndrome, which is 100% NOT the case. The ML killed the MC in her past life and in her new life she's treating him well because he's not the same person!! He's just a very pitiful child now, who desperately needs love.

As for my 3stars rating it's because I hope the MC will be... more>> a bit more ruthless and thag not forgetful, but let's see, for now I really enjoy this and you should read it too! <<less
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flerey17 rated it
October 7, 2018
Status: c63
I love this novel! I couldn't put this down until finishing the latest chapter (Chapter 63). I couldn't help admire the MC esp. Her interactions with the ML and their relationship development.

All I can say is that this novel is promising. This is novel is one of the rare gems here indeed and I can't wait for the next chapters
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Fulminata rated it
August 17, 2018
Status: 213
Edited review.

I've found that this novel is really delightful in its first 100. The opening is intriguing, and i've thought that it will develop into something interesting.

It suffers from pacing issues and fell short to the traps of other ancient reincarnation settings. What a pity.

I don't think that I'll continue this. Dropped.
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January 17, 2022
Status: --
Is there a way to send comments to the author directly? After reading the whole novels and extra, I have a secret wish. I really really reallly want to see what kind of expression the male lead (Gong Jue) would make if he saw the other alternate version of himself get together with the female lead. Plus, I want to know if his jaw would just drop to the ground if he saw his other self share a passionate fiery kiss with the female that he’d personally killed... more>> in the first life. Heehee! <<less
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LittleGoddess rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: c398
I just find this novel really good.

First of all, you gotta remember this is ancient China, during this time, children mature and grow up from a young age.

... more>>

Second of all, though ML killed MC, you gotta remember they had no warm interactions or even interacted in MC's 2nd life. And the FL was ML's 'saviour' in that life. So looking at POV from all directions, I can forgive ML. That's why I especially love how MC takes in account to everything and doesn't go on a journey of revenge. Because evil doesn't root from nothing.


I like the MC's character, logical, empathetic or sympathetic while also being cold and fierce if needed. But she can make mistakes and I can live with that, humans are not perfect. But it kinda infuriates me when she doesn't reveal her true identity to her master..? Anyway I'm only up to chap 398. I can also see MC's hesitation to be with ML and I kinda like how she is handling this love he has for her. It may seem she is running away. But it is kinda annoying.

I love the ML, especially his character development. He doesn't start off being really powerful and whatnot like most MLs. Though he has the innate talent, he isn't recognised and he slowly builds his reputation in the story. I love his love for MC and I love how he has so much self control for his emotions to let MC be free and be herself. His self control love for her is the biggest thing, meaning, he is willing to do anything for her happiness, and that makes me happy knowing he is the ML. If he turned put to be SML, I will be crying and saying he deserves better.

But there's a downside, it just seems that MC has no female friends, she's surrounded by guys, and it's not surprising considering in almost every novel, the MC has no female friends.

This novel is really logical that I skeemed through some chapters, 😅. But that's only a few chapters in when they talk about the canal.

Anyway, I like it so far. I like the MC's character and ML's character. The other characters are also good. <<less
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