Reasons for Contract Marriage


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Her fiancé who went to war is dead.

And her fiancé’s best friend, the new heir to the dukedom, has a proposition for her.

“You need a safe place, and I need an heir to carry on the family name. So how about we do this?”

Refusing the offer was impossible from the start.

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계약 결혼의 이유
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shinnace rated it
March 22, 2024
Status: --
This story is one of a kind, I know I sounded a little exaggerated, but that is how I felt while reading this novel. Well, it's too early to give a review and appreciate a novel like this, but somehow, this novel is not the classic " regression or transmigration" novel, not the classic " villainess and revenge" trope. This is kinda refreshing from the repetitive cycle. The pacing is norm, it's not too slow that readers may got bored while reading, nor fast that it became incomprehensible. The characters,... more>> well, it's still on the early chaps but ML fell in love with FL first. FL has a fiance which is her childhood friend, but he will die. This is a good to read novel, especially, I kinda get it as to why ML offered a contract marriage to FL. It's not the typical contractual marriage, where ML was forced to marry FL out of pity or because ML could gain future information from the FL. ML simply fell in love on the woman who was the fiancee of his best friend. Even if he told her that the reason of his marriage to her is to simply produce an heir, but the truth is he fell hardly with her. I kinda felt sorry for Florian, I want to know why he's going to die. He is not a bad fiance, he and FL get along so well. There are no bad characters as of now, so I will wait for the next chapters to be released. <<less
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