Real Man


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The salaryman who had a dream of becoming a CEO has finally succeeded.


There was no one. No one was around to celebrate his success. Then on his first day of work, news of the death of a former colleague that he had laid off came. Additionally, his family left him, who was only concerned about the company.

The life he thought was right crumbled right in front of him. Where the heck did it all go wrong? Then, another opportunity came for Han Yoo-hyun, who had plunged down into despair.

This time, for sure. He was going to live properly. He was going to change it all with his whole being. The new life that Han Yoo-hyun was creating.

That valued life that will outshine any other is unfolding now!

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Man Among Men
Manly Man
Real Man
The Man
Related Series
The Youngest Son of Sunyang (1)
A Wall Street Genius’s Final Investment Playbook (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. (ALL) Musician, actor, business, lawyer, writer,.....
  2. They don't want to be villains anymore
  3. Strictly: No Romance!
  4. Good books I wanna read (part 1)
  5. Good Business Novels in Modern Era

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/07/25 Fenrir Realm c675
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c670
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c669
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c668
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c667
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c666
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c665
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c664
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c663
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c662
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c661
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c660
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c659
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c658
02/03/25 Fenrir Realm c657
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3 Reviews sorted by

Eskinos rated it
February 18, 2024
Status: c9
I know this is really early and my comment may very well be premature, however I need to get this out of myself.

I think the novel is good - well written and interesting. There is one thing that irks me though. Although not explicit, I feel (and it really is just a feeling) that it glorifies poverty. There is nothing wrong about being satisfied with what one has and I agree with the negative portrayal of the only-career-focused mindset. There is also absolutely nothing wrong with preferring the simple life,... more>> but the author kind of skips over the many hardships such life has, which, as mentioned above, irks me. <<less
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Paradoxum rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: c115
It's really good.

It's a cozy novel, for those who like stories about people doing the right things, owning regrets by learning to value relationships and even some plotting (company/work related)

I find it weird this doesn't have more reviews. I was thirsty for a novel like this since long ago and I feel in the ocean right now, fr.

At first I thought it was yaoi because of how cute the MC looks in the cover (maybe that's a bias to explore who knows) but no, female companion, no harem. Which... more>> is even better.

Chapters are long, it took me about 12 hours to read till 115. And I can't wait to continue.

Now, I do want to mention some bad points:

  • Traduction sometimes is wanky, specially with pronouns. But it's not a big deal if you follow the plot
I can't think of anything more so... Bye! Read it. <<less
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rotating_fan rated it
September 5, 2024
Status: c500
This is one of the only novels I actually follow. It's really relaxing and fun to read. The setting is in a fictional version of Samsung (lol clearly written by someone who knows the smartphone industry pretty well) and there's pretty realistic corporate maneuvering and petty little battles. The MC has already mastered all this and is an excellent politician, he's just focused on using his power for good now.

I like it because the MC's main realization after dying is that he didn't value his relationships enough - and then... more>> the rest of the novel is about strengthening those relationships. Sure, there's some stuff about making good investments and all, but overall there's a core cast of characters that get more fleshed out over time and it's mostly just about spending time with them and learning how to enjoy life. You can really see the character development of the MC throughout the chapters as a result of having these friendships as well haha. <<less
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