Radiant Soul Spinner


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Ashley, a young Holy Knight given the quest of recovering lost Sacred Relics, came upon the Princess of Nocturnals Shion, who was trapped in the Eternal Night, and the ancient forgotten Earth Spider King, Izuma, in the ruined kingdom of Ignersh.
This chance meeting would reignite the engine of history and forever change everything.
Their great foe, the Overlord, awaits the heroes who writhe in a great conspiracy. Their only means to resist tyranny is the pure manifestation of their willpower, the [Spindle].
And what will be the outcome of the love that is deeply intertwined within this tale?

When the Holy Sword [Rose Absolute] illuminates the path to the Radiant Soul Spinner, ‘That Which Spins the Soul’── What will come of this mystery?

This is a tale of fantasy, while at the same time, is a sacrament of the [Soul].

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One entry per line
Brilliant Soul Spinner
Sanzen no Souru Supina
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Date Group Release
03/21/23 Yado Inn c3
11/14/17 Yado Inn c2
07/22/17 Yado Inn c1
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