Qing Kuang


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Huo Ran, infamous for his quick temper throughout the school, his skills at basketball got him appointed captain of the school team in his first year.

Kou Chen, the transfer student that liked to boast. There were all sorts of rumours about him: that he had a good family background. That the reason he’d transferred from far away was because he’d hit a teacher. That he was exceptionally good at fighting.

These two, who had clashed during a basketball match in the previous semester and were left with unfavorable impressions of each other, have now been allocated into the same class.

Would sparks fly?

…Probably, but perhaps not in the way you’d expect.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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  2. my youth is yours
  3. a bunch of gays lmao
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21 Reviews sorted by

hngyxn rated it
January 7, 2021
Status: c36
Hi! I'm the new translator :)

Please, please, please read this novel. It's lighthearted, fluffy and absolutely hilarious. I love the characters, and Wu Zhe ALWAYS DELIVERS.

While there is a copious amount of swearing, that's what makes it so fun to translate it's very realistic coming from the fact that they're teenage boys, well, teenagers in general.

... more>> I don't have too much to say as I read while I translate, but so far I'm loving it!

There are fluffy moments, sad moments, and mostly, funny moments. A good read to pass the time, and a good read to waste your time as well, LOL <<less
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zqlskos rated it
January 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Hey, I'm the latest translator, I've debated picking this novel up for a while since the other translations were dropped, and I decided to do it because I really do want more people to read one of my favorites. And I very much plan to see it through to the end :)

I'm always in the mood for some fluffy romance, and Qing Kuang is really just that. There's pretty much zero angst (a bit of family drama), and just focuses on how the relationship between the MC and ML... more>> develops from friendship into romance. There's lot's of humor, as well as really heartwarming scenes especially after they get together. It also features a few cameos of characters from other Wu Zhe books that takes place in the same universe.

I really recommend this if you're looking for something lighthearted. <<less
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solivagantsoul rated it
September 16, 2020
Status: Completed
an enjoyable read indeed! Watching the journey of the two's interaction up to the point the get together was a pleasure. Although I do admit that they got together a bit not quickly but suddenly. Like one second they are just friends, another they realize their feeling and boom! They're together in the next moment. I can understand the MC because he had a period where he was unsure and contemplating but for ML it was like an aah! Moment.

things I liked about the novel

  • the relationship between the two is equal and fair.
  • drama was just right, not too much and not too little either.
  • in this novel the MC and ML are more relatable and more like high school kids rather than acting OP. The ML is very ordinary grades wise even a poor student unlike other novels where ML is portrayed as a learning God and an all-rounder but he does have great strength and fighting skills while the MC is also just an average student only that he is the captain of the basketball team.
  • the friendship among the guys is so lovely in that in other similar novels you'd see that all the protags friend's have immense worship for them and tend to put themselves in a lower position, whereas here all are just ordinary equal friends who are there for each other when needed. No one is above the other.
things I disliked

  • some plot holes like what actually happened to MC in childhood to lose a brother
  • the novel does have extreme fluff moments where you'd cry 'awwwwwww' as well as intense hard throb moments. The romance IMO was pretty plain and straightforward. While kisses were shown an snu snu moment was just concluded in a paragraph or two with boring wordings, even that only appeared in 2 chapters probably.
  • this is probably the major point being that we are not shown the chapter where they come out to their families and have a confrontation. Even didnt happen with the ML's sisters bf where he had suspected but then felt he was wrong.
  • ML's life is pretty blank for the most part esp his old school life and personal hobbies etc. Comes off as 2D character only. I dont even know what his dad actually even does.
  • another thing is that since both protags are exceptional in sports and average/very poor in their studies, why should they not apply to be sports students?especially ML considering how mad he is academically but can clearly ace sports wise.
  • throughout we are not even told what direction the kids want to take for further studies. Like what do they plan on becoming? They never discussed this nor do we have any chapter showing us what jobs they chose and their success in it or maybe campus life kinda thing. For me I though that ML will end up in either a military school or police academy with how good he was at fighting and observing people. Not to mention the multiple dealings with the police in the novel.
  • some characters were brought up yet quickl forgotten with no explanation at all. They just vanished! Annoying.
it was actually a fun read and I loved their relationship. While not the most satisfied with the ending it was a great book overall.
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glitteryjoon rated it
June 5, 2023
Status: c1
After finishing this novel, I’ve come to realize that it follows the same path that a lot of other slice of life novels have: it gets boring once they’re together.

This novel had a lot of potential and I feel like it was actually pretty fun read for the most part. However, I feel like it falls short. The ending in particular feels like the author sort of ran out of steam and interest and just decided to put a pin in it and call it finished.

But there are so many... more>> ways this novel could have gone. And I honestly had some expectations that it didn’t meet. I think that as a novel that tries to end it in a “and they all lived happily ever after” it does a poor job developing the characters into people that would be deemed mature, which in turn, makes it difficult to picture this relationship going anywhere after highschool.

It could be my own personal ideals and understanding of the characters, but honestly, I genuinely liked how immature the boys were and how they actually seemed like teenagers especially when compared to other school life novels I have read. I just would have loved to see more character development for them so that I could picture them together in the long run.

On that note, I was honestly a little disappointed that there was no time skip. I feel like if they really sent KC overseas and had him finish school there and skipped a couple years before they met or spoke again, it would have really been a chance to mature them and grow them up with good reason.

Still, with all the concerns I may have about this and wishes for it to have been a bit more interesting and developed, I still enjoyed reading it to pass the time

4.5/5 <<less
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September 11, 2022
Status: --
Idk if it's the writing style or the tl (skeptical given the tl group) but I can't seem to wrap my head around the chapters I've read so far. The names aren't similar but I keep getting confused who I'm reading about. The writing is also kind of blotchy?. Maybe it's cause each scene ends quickly and doesn't exactly transition into the next smoothly so everything seems discombobulated. Maybe I'll try reading this again next time.
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ghoststories rated it
December 27, 2022
Status: Completed
Enjoyable, but more frivolous in nature than the other books in the same series. The growth arc of the characters wasn’t as meaningful or dramatic, but I guess it’s somewhat compensated by the fact that the side characters (MC’s friends) also each have their own growth arcs, whereas for example in Unbridled, there aren’t really deep characters other than MC and ML. The style/theme of the novel is much more slice of life than Saye and Unbridled, so I think I generally like novels with more of an overall buildup... more>> in the plot.

Overall I felt like the characters in Qing Kuang were less likable than in Saye and Unbridled, at least for me personally. My favorite character was Xu Zhifan (one of MC’s friends). I didn’t really get attached to MC or ML.

That said, Wu Zhe’s writing is always great, so I would still recommend this book to anyone who’s a fan of the author’s other novels, especially if lighthearted slice of life and high school shenanigans are your thing. <<less
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Soulfill rated it
September 21, 2020
Status: Completed
I love this novel! This is very much a light-hearted novel. The ML is very funny, he honestly boasts a lot which is often with a comedic undertone. He isn't really obnoxious but it is understandable why the MC is occasionally annoyed by him. The MC is the type of person who is softer towards his friends than strangers. This story while in MC's POV has a few scenes in the ML's POV. This is ultimately the MC's experiences going through a new school year.

The ML is also the touchy-feely... more>> type towards the MC only, which the ML points out during the confession scene. I'd call this a high school story with a lowkey romance. The ML at the beginning already calls the MC ''little cutie" and "Ran Ran" so one might be more unsure over when the ML started liking the MC. You're mostly de-sensitised to what gestures are coded romantic since the ML is pretty physically affectionate towards the MC.

Definitely a late romance. Minimalistic family drama was appreciated. I wouldn't exactly call the ML 2d, he does have his quirks. He has conflicts but he is a normal high school boy. His boasting personality trait eclipses a great deal. The latter part of the story has the ML's family conflicts, which isn't a lot. But this novel does cover a whole year of high school in MC's POV. So it isn't unexpected not for other characters to appear more. This isn't like the author's other works. It all isn't meant to be too deep.

This is a fun light-hearted comedic high school story. <<less
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Magz84 rated it
June 22, 2023
Status: Completed
Started off great. But took ages to develop. They were both very dumb about their feelings. Although their interactions were cute. The story was funny cute and enjoyable most times. I kinda was unsatisfied once they got together. The build up was huge and nothing big really happened to balance out the (less than) 2nd half of the story. Still it was an OK read. But I wouldn't consider it as something to reread
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pHantomRJ rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: c1
After reading the 1st chapter I fell in love again with Wu Zhe writing style...

What to say? You want good dialogues between the characters you will get it. Do you want enmity between characters Sweetly, you will get it. You want the young vibrancy of school life, you will get it. Sports? You will get it.

For me, I can get the things I expect I can get it here but the translation is in Hiatus.

It hurts badly, please pick it up quickly someone with a kind heart.
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Iamher rated it
June 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Stumbled my way here after reading SAYE because I liked the author's writing style!

Qing Kuang is written very realistically. The plot flowed smoothly and the interaction between the characters were natural and didn't feel forced. (Specially the falling in love part)

Which is something the author was able to portray in all their novels.

... more>> And I loved how the novel showed me that, misunderstandings can be resolved as long you try to interact and communicate well.

This novel really showed how characters can actually come to life even though they're merely fictional, as long as they're written well. And for me, that's what a novel should be.

I'm hoping for more extras from the author! Lots of love (◍•ᴗ•◍) ❤



(*^3^) /~♡

muahhh <<less
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Misa07 rated it
February 2, 2024
Status: Completed
The portrayal of friendship, teenage, the impending doom of adulthood, and most importantly college entrance exams is fantastic. The friendships feel like friendships, with how they become friends so seamlessly even when they were about to throw hands just weeks prior. All in all a good story, but I have a few things I don't really vibe with which I'll list now.

Pros first:

  • Friendship, as I mentioned, is probably the best part of this. The friends are there for each other no matter what, be it beating the finals, or fighting off thugs. They never disappoint. I love how almost all the friends also had their own arc, with their own fleshed out characters. I can remember most of them by vibes, and that is always a good thing.
  • Portrayal of school life and reaching adulthood. The fear of not being good enough, the "I am still a child, how am I supposed to function in an adult environment" which I still feel even though I'm 21, the stress of college exams, the teachers, the peers, the bullying. It's very realistic (to an extent, I mean).
  • The entrance exams is certainly my favourite part of the novel, probably because I gave mine just 3-4 years ago, and I will have to give them in 1 year again for my masters. But for Asian kids like us, and especially Chinese kids (to which even my Indian schooling system bragging is inferior) have it exponentially worse, the stress and chaos and powerlessness is described amazingly.
Now, the cons:

  • When will high school danmeis write women without being misogynistic? The MC is especially misogynistic in every circumstance. "Oh the girls can't run", "Oh the girls won't be able to do this" and "oh the girls will get scared by this, but us boys would not" gets pretty annoying unless it's a character's general characterization and not every single mentioned woman in this novel. And the usual girls being used as a side extra to only gush over men is getting old seriously quickly. It just shows how misogynistic the author and probably the surrounding social circle of the author is. (Still not good portrayal but for a decent portrayal of girls in a HS danmei is moumou, at least one of the girls there has lines more than just "oh the MC/ML is so handsome")
  • High school kids won't fight off their school nurse's obsessive ex, stop human trafficking, and expose a pyramid scheme now come on. The literal amount of adventures these kids went through, and the amount of danger these kids were exposed to, is just not real.
  • ML's dad being abusive is brushed off really quickly. I don't care if he's just "worried about his son", physically hurting your child till they bruise and having no consequence of it after that? Jail. I would have been fine if he had repented and their relationship had bettered, but nah, nothing.
TL;DR: It's a good novel but remember to... more>> shut your brain off while reading some of the parts. <<less
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MadCatz rated it
November 27, 2023
Status: --
A lot of reviews criticized this novel so I wasn't expecting much.. But I really liked it! It's lighter than Saye, but the characters are adorable, I like the ML so much ^^ it's fun, sweet, sometimes deep, a slow romance. The side characters are nice too (sometimes hard to remember who is who with their names ^^) An enjoyable novel
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Delhaia rated it
June 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I read it awhile ago so I don't remember a lot.

It's pretty good, tho I wished we had more fluff towards the end. There's more chemistry between the MC and ML before they get together.
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shuulys rated it
June 13, 2023
Status: Completed
Good read. The flow is quite consistent and smooth. The novel is mainly about teenagers in school that are learning more about relationships and life itself? To be honest at the start I was quite close to dropping it because the main characters were a little too childish for my liking hahahhaa. But its how they are supposed to be like as teenagers so it wasnt that bad. Im just too used to reading adult protaganists :")

Kou Chen and Huo Ran are really cute together. The way they care... more>> for each other and the occasional bickerings :") (The rs is a very slow burn so if you dont like to wait then read something else I guess - but there are cute and sweet moments even before they got together) Seeing them finish their examinations at the end made me feel like my own children finally grew up and matured. So proud :> <<less
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forget_me_not rated it
March 6, 2024
Status: Completed
the novel was very cute and I enjoyed their banter. If you’re craving slice of life, coming of age, friendship, humor, and cuteness this is a good pick. Other than that, though, it doesn’t provide much.

it doesn’t delve into the characters thoroughly and becomes a little moot after they get together.

there’s no dog blood or angst, the whole thing is relatively happy and cute.
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Bbsnugs rated it
June 8, 2023
Status: Completed
this is a nice slice of life novel that is very believable. I really like the friendship of the 7 going through so many things together. The ML cracks me up, his cool exterior but a big husky on the inside. The MC and ML are very sweet together. Nice light story.
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fameyreads rated it
June 6, 2023
Status: Completed
Wow, I never thought I’d finish this one. It was really really slow burn my impatient bu*t almost couldn’t stand it. Like really, it took about 70% of the novel to get to the starting point of the MC realizing his feelings. That’s just an estimate though haha.

But overlooking that part, it was a really cute read. There are some parts that just doesn’t make sense to me anymore but I just chalk it up to them being high school kids so they do strange stuff and all that haha.

Will... more>> add some more notes later, I need to go out so I’m cutting this short for now. <<less
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IrrelevantFluff rated it
June 4, 2023
Status: Completed
This is just one of the cutest coming of age, slice-of-life, modern, high school bls, with a very realistic and well-written storyline.

There isn't much drama and barely any angst - what is there is quite realistic. The plot revolves around high school life and regular teenage problems; being a bad student, first loves, learning how to be an adult, figuring out who you are and who you want to be, and that your parents are also just people...

I also absolutely loved how all the relationship dynamics were written,... more>> and it has probably the most relatable, hilarious and believable dialogue - in particular, the core friend group conversations are some of the best I've ever read. The relationship between the MC and ML grew in a very smooth, natural way, and I found their very realistic awkwardness in various situations extremely charming.

A couple of things to know before you pick this up - unlike some other high school bls, this story focuses on a very specific time in any teenage life and doesn't delve heavily into the past or future; every plot point will not be wrapped up in a nice bow. Plus (this was a positive to me, but might not be for everyone), the main characters are just normal teenagers, no OP, super genius, school grass, gaming god, hidden young masters here. It is also pretty clear that the protagonists are a verse couple, and at every stage in the story their relationship is equal and balanced (putting this here for anyone who prefers the more stereotypical gong - shou dynamic, just so you know what you're getting into).

But, if you're looking for a read that's filled with the vibrant nostalgia of teenage life and takes a realistic glimpse into growing up, while definitely making you laugh and leaving you with a smile, I highly recommend this. <<less
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ishanir rated it
June 2, 2023
Status: c1
It was a very light hearted novel and really enjoyed reading it !

The relationship between the two male lead is so sweet and HILARIOUS. The romance comes pretty late but there's a natural progression. The author really wrote them well and shaped their characters, I was really impressed by that. They felt very authentic and human.

The friendship with other characters was super cute too !

... more>> I really loved their teacher Old Yuan and his outake on education. Made me pretty emotional.

Only thing is that I wished we had some chapters about them when they are adults. But overall, a very light hearted and sweet book !

PS- I've put 5 stars to bring the ratings a bit up <<less
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CaisAngelsPearl rated it
February 5, 2023
Status: Completed
MTL'd it from chap 73, very slow burn, very un-Wu Zhe like, but still a cute story!

Didn't bother with the extras, weren't too interesting but yeah nice story, not gripping like say Sa Ye but still cute little story! The dad's turnaround in attitude was one of the best things!
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