Please Take Care of Your Friends


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I was reincarnated as the younger sister of the male protagonist of a BL novel!

A sunfish sister whose life is in jeopardy even if she only catches a cold.

So I took advantage of my childhood friend’s ability to heal. The problem is, his ability only works through physical contact. This naïve, innocent little guy is going to fall in love with the male protagonist anyway, so there’s no need to worry for now. So I held his hand and stole his first kiss…

But then…

The simple guy with eyes like a deer, who knew nothing about the world went away to war…and returned as a man thickly exuding decadent beauty?

“Lavi. You’re lovely.”


“I caught sight of you looking out the window. I couldn’t stand it when you stopped looking at me.”


“If you keep getting so nervous, I’ll just want to do more.”

Why is the guy who should be flirting with the male lead all of a sudden doing this to me?!

The plan to marry a priest with a lot of holy power…. it seems this guy is probably the reason I can’t.

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Please cherish your friends
Please Treat Your Friends Preciously
Treat your friends well
Treat your friends with respect
친구는 소중히 대해 주세요
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1 Review sorted by

TiredButStillAwake rated it
January 25, 2024
Status: c3
FL: She is reincarnated into the body of the ML's childhood. And her body is very very fragile, she can get burn marks if she stay in the bath for too long. She is very protective of the ML as he is a cutie but also is taking advantage of him to heal her body. But she does care for him.

ML: He is a cute crybaby that so shy when holding hands or any sort of physical contract with FL. He tends to cry when the FL tries to get... more>> him to kiss her or hold hands. The reason is cause he can heal and give energy to FL's very fragile body. FL is her first love. <<less
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