Please Be A Traitor


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I am Inaila, the only daughter of the Duke. I was living peacefully.

One day, I suddenly remembered my previous life. I was living inside a novel!

My fiancé, Karpel, will become a traitor in the future and will die in the Deng River while the piece of land that I’m living on is set to be destroyed by a tribal invasion!

I cannot lose the engagement which was hardly set, and I can’t let go of my lavish life.

The engagement was forcefully set up even though Karpel said he hated me, but he’s only just 16 now, If I plan this well, won’t he grow up to be nice?

“….I didn’t say that I dislike you.”

“You look pretty today.”

Boy, I thought you hated me?

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Recommendation Lists
  1. My Novel Haven (7)
  2. Liked it 3
  3. A Suivre
  4. Female Protagonist

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/27/23 Readhive v16c75.2
05/24/23 Readhive v15c74.2
05/23/23 Readhive v15c74.1
05/20/23 Readhive v15c73.2
05/19/23 Readhive v15c73.1
05/03/23 Readhive v15c71.2
05/02/23 Readhive v15c71.1
04/02/23 Readhive v15c70.2
04/02/23 Readhive v14c70.1
03/09/23 Readhive v14c69.2
03/07/23 Readhive v14c69.1
03/05/23 Readhive v14c68.2
03/05/23 Readhive v14c68.1
02/09/23 Readhive v14c67.3
02/06/23 Readhive v14c67.2
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3 Reviews sorted by

September 18, 2021
Status: c15
Very slow pace, I don't feel the rush to want to read the next chapter and although it's giving details and insight how she's adapting after remembering her past life it's still.. Too slow and the repetition of not so important info on how she learns new languages or tries to read books that will help her solve the issues.. Ugh
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mwinter.12 rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: c34
This novel is good. And what's up with shabelle? I'm sensing a white lotus in her, and I also felt like she also time travel? Like she's from another world or something? Somethings really off ant her. And. The translator dropped the series?!?!?!?
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October 23, 2022
Status: c61
This is a foodie book. The re-incarnator was a chef. I mean, there's a whole lot more going on, political intrigue and the like, but I love that she's trying to find solutions without relying on modern knowledge. Aside from the food, everything is within the novel's original paramaters. It's awesome!
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