Owari no Seraph – Kyuuketsuki Mikaela no Monogatari


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Mikaela Hyakuya hears a rumor about a noble vampire who will take a human’s blood and give them food or other items in exchange. And so, he meets Ferid Bathory.

In the meantime, Crowley Eusford recalls his human life when he participated in the Crusades of the 13th century and later began teaching swordsmanship. A blood-sucking serial mu*derer preys on the prostit**es of his town, and he and encounters an eccentric wealthy noble named Ferid Bathory while working on the case.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Seraph of the End - The Story of Vampire Michaela
終わりのセラフ 吸血鬼ミカエラの物語
Related Series
Owari no Seraph – Ichinose Guren, 16-sai no Catastrophe (Shared Universe)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Shounen
  2. nostalgia <3
  3. Random List #3
  4. Favourites JP
  5. Must read

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