Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?


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A 45-year-old salary man dies in a train accident and is reincarnated as a newly born baby in a different world. For some reason, he has special skills: “Gift of Natural Talent” and “Identify.” In order to make the best of this advantage, the protagonist resolves himself for his second life.

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One entry per line
If You’re a Man Then There’s No Other Choice Than Aiming for King, Right?
The Man Who Would Be King
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  2. Male Protagonist
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  5. isekai

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88 Reviews sorted by

September 20, 2017
Status: --
honestly this novel is just basically a info dump novel, I can only take it up to chapter 88. Too much damm useless info like a indecisive MC. Every few chapters progress the story then a ton of info dump again. We dont need to know every god thing the MC is thinking, the only need we need to know is a short summary of what MC is thinking, what he does, what happens after. Not god damm indecisive thinking about pro and con and then causes and effect, being... more>> low profile or high profile for every damm event. <<less
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Bakaleaf rated it
September 7, 2017
Status: v1c40
I don't know how others enjoy this stuff but for me

ENOUGH is ENOUGH well this is a good novel when u can't sleep at night

The MC are like explaining thing and adding this and that to almost everything that a single chapter can only have 1 topic much worse than a dictionary

The story should be good and I can say its OK but again the annoying never ending explaining this and that finally got into me. It like a repetitive message that being mentioned over and over and over again... more>> that you can't help but think TO HELL WITH IT!

The step by step growth of my is good how he build his strength and stuff but then again the never ending explanation strikes again Imagine a single chapter with I Don't Know like 4000 words just to explain heal skill?I won't be complaining if its just about explain the skill but some annoying things are added like examples out of nowhere topic out of nowhere in short the author is inserting unnecessary words just to make a chapter LONG!

I love reading long chapters but reading the same words over and over again just make me sleepy, I'm not dropping this novel it's not everyday I can find a book that can make me sleep. Save me from wasting some sleeping pills lol <<less
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Aurega rated it
May 29, 2017
Status: v1c64
Would have been quite a good novel if not for the repitition and extreme wall of info dumps. Normally, I love stories that go in depth in detail, but this novel simply gives you a little too much, in a dry fashion. The aurhor simply doesnt realize that we need to know every thought the MC has. It would make sense if the author was paid by wordcount though, but makes the story dry and painful to read at times. At some points it felt like the author is describing... more>> every action he is doing when playing an MMO while at the same time describing his thought process behind his every action.

Side stories all repeat the same incident in the beginning which is annoying, but gives us a nice view of the other characters and view of the world, but wish they would be more fleshed out when we meet them in the main story.

Now the story is decent, but it advances a little too slowly. In addition, you dont get the "becoming king" feel at all. In fact,

the first "modern" thing the MC introduces is rubber, which he promptly uses to create cond*ms, like wtf?


60+ long chapters in, nothing has really happened so im lowering my score from 3 to 2.' <<less
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DriedSnug rated it
August 3, 2016
Status: v1c13
At first I was exited to read this after I read to ch 13 I felt not only skipping as I read, it has way to much info dumping this may get a little leeway from me in this part because there at like 15ch, but the way a 1 year old act compare to our MC is way to different some time I feel like I am having a headache, just by trying to read this.

So lest put it this way no plot, no goal, no character development, slow... more>> passing + unnecessary info dumping as it is it dosent give you a reason to continue especially if ti has a slow update of translation.

So maybe in the future this may get better, only time can only tell, in the end to me this is a 3 out of 5. <<less
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Alteration rated it
January 2, 2022
Status: v1c36
I've tried getting into the novel but I just can't. There is just massive dumps of text going on and on about the rubber production, improvements to it, how great it is... If I cared about rubber i'd research it or find a tour through a factory, I don't give two shits about rubber in a fantasy novel where MAGIC exists.

MC again - IN A WORLD WITH MAGIC - immediately wants to make guns.

There are asinine comparisons for example, this gem:

If you just think about it a bit you'll understand but I used 1200 MP to make a wall of ice 50m around and 5m high. It's the equivalent of using level 6 magic 200 times. Even if you were to just think about the amount of elements created it's level 6 water magic 100 times. With level 6 water and earth magic you can create about 5 cubic meters. However, if this was earth magic, I can use up to level 7. At level 7 you can create an amount of about 10 cubic meters. By simple calculation this allows you to output elements of 8 times the volume while only consuming 1 more MP. If you were to think about using MP efficiently then just like this time you can understand the difference between making the same amount of water with level 6 and 7 water magic. This time I made 50m x 50m x 5m = 12500m^3 of water and then used fire magic across the same area to turn it to ice. Well let's ignore fire magic. In order to make this same volume of water with level 7 water magic you would need to use level 7 water magic 12.5 times. Well, 13 times. The amount of MP it consumes at level 6 is 600 but at level 7 it's 91. Since earth magic is the same, if I were to assume that I'm going to create the same amount of earth with earth magic, since it doesn't require fire magic then you can figure that it would use 1/13 the amount of MP to create the same amount of earth.

I don't care how efficient the magic is, as long as it's interesting, and at that point the MC clearly has no imagination, in that spoiler example it was a magic at range the target was frozen some distance from the MC, yet a few chapters later all of a sudden the idea of creating an ice lance away from the MC is apparently impossible.

I just can't find the "fun" in reading this novel.
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BxG rated it
July 4, 2021
Status: c55
Umm, this review I'm not sure how many people would read, but I personally think this novel is pretty good, even though it has a lot of description about item building and many more stuffs. The novel is a good slice of life, slow yet interesting and fun to read, probably he isn't the OP type of MC but if I had to say he resembles "Masumi Makato" from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu, a mana/magic power type character. His type of weapon is also weird (at least for me... more>> I would say it is totally weird, probably would have agreed if he even used spear but can't understand what it really is tbh). Well I'm not sure how many people have read Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu but probably you can understand it like someone who has a lot of mana/magic capacity (at least that person has about 10~100 times more than the world's highest standard) plus he has a cheat like appraisal and natural talent (natural talent in terms of leveling up it contributes, as it is a system type novel). Probably gonna say this tho, he is quite knowledgeable and his past in the first chapter was well described. <<less
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July 15, 2019
Status: v1c17
Starts off in the generic-got-accidentally-killed-by-god-so-i-got-reincarnated-for-some-reason way, somewhat longwinded and chapters feel like the author just wants to up the word count, yes story building is a thing and believe me I get it, I read Mahouka Koukou a lot and I love it but here its just a f*cking bore, when you read a chapter its like the next paragraph is just a copy paste of the earlier one with just a few changes to the words and instead of enjoying the reading all I feel is when the f*ck... more>> does it get interesting, I really did try to plow through this but I just can't.

And don't get me started on the story as of chapter 17

he's a f*cking middle aged man he should know that one year olds can't form complete sentences and yet when he asks things about stuff he should have no way of making sense of to his parents in complete sentences at a mere one year old they're like ok our child is a prodigy! F*ck no you have two older children bit*h you know for a fact that this is not how this works! Your one year old child is having an intelligible conversation with you! He's the f*cking spawn of satan and creepy as f*ck! And when it time skipped to when he was 5 years old he suddenly came up to his dad to propose a completely new way of processing wheat! Holy sh*t has the author never interacted with babies!?


This is rant, I might *JUST* continue reading for the f*ck of it because I'm bored. <<less
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samzee rated it
March 22, 2019
Status: c307
Slow and very... slow.

A lot of details that aren't necessary. Just skim them if you want.

Good read otherwise.
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AlRedEye rated it
November 12, 2018
Status: c39
The stars are wrong. 2/5.

This is why Wikipedia shouldn't write stories. I can't believe no one told the author his story was too self indulgent with the exposition. It's unreadable unless you like skimming an entire chapter for a couple paragraphs of plot progression. If the world was something groundbreaking and original, it'd be alright, but it's just over explaining the usual tropes.
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Cesar111 rated it
September 19, 2018
Status: c91
its impresive that you can skyp like, 4 chapters, and you dont loose the timing of the story (i mean, is THAT slow). The general history is good, but the length of the chapters and the incessant descriptions of every thing make this a very bad novel (in my opinion, if the things I described before is to your liking, then be my guest, probabli you will enjoy it)
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FiltyIncognito rated it
August 2, 2018
Status: c149
Conclusion first:

This story is both great and clumsy. The work on this novel is kind of in a weird spot. Sometimes it's sophisticated, sometimes it's extraordinarily clumsy. Typoes and other mistakes abound. It's not unreadable, it's just annoying. The author is a decent writer, but the translators are not. Nevertheless, the story is good and it's an interesting read. Much much much less shitty and overused tropes compared to most works from Japan that are found on here, too, and the author doesn't descend into the naive and polarized hyper-gore/horror... more>> that most Japanese authors do when they try to set the tone to be more realistic or gritty. Rated 3.5 stars (misclicked), relative to the quality of work found on novelupdates. Com.


1-The translations show both good and horrible levels of skill. Sometimes the language use is sophisticated, sometimes it has tons of really simple errors, sometimes it has the proper spelling for a word which has a similar sound to the word which is supposed to be there instead, which is very confusing because a word which has no place in the sentence will often randomly pop up and make no sense. It seems as if the translators had good marks in english class and/or have a good translation programs but have very little experience with and exposure to native english speaking.

2-The author does a pretty great job at describing, explaining and detailing unlike many amateur writers who very much lack clear descriptions of what's going on, the surrounding environments, and the development of characters, but the author doesn't seem to be very adept at selecting when or how much. The detailing of unnecessary things can often go way overboard, or sometimes it's the opposite and parts where you'd like or expect the story to go into something are just abruptly cut off.

3-It's either the author or the translators (maybe even both) but there seems to be very little skill in the way information is presented. It's very clumsy and chaotic, and makes it many times more difficult to get through walls of text of details, descriptions and explanations.

4-Going back to the translators, the lingual culture of the translation isn't very good. Native english speakers would not talk or write the way this story does. Many things in this story will be very confusing to readers who aren't very discerning and don't know Japanese culture. To be clear: the author, of course being Japanese, will write based on Japanese culture and that's fine, but proper translation translates not just the words but the style and culture to be understood and better received by the native speakers of the target translation.

5-The running can't-get-laid gag is badly done and overused and I started to hate seeing it rear it's ugly head again. The plot armor for the gag was pointlessly strong. It strongly detracted from the story, for me.

6-The side stories aren't well blended into the main story. The addition of the side stories could be done so much better. There's so much unnecessary rereading of the same thing over and over again. I usually skim over the paragraphs until something new pops up, which makes me a whole lot less invested in the characters being introduced. Especially when that person has a personality I dislike. Doing a big, detailed chapter for each character is completely unnecessary. <<less
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sgrey rated it
July 17, 2018
Status: c338
This novel should be named "Memoirs of the reincarnated cond*m merchant". I really liked how this novel started. We got a nice backstory for the MC and I was happy that we finally have the protagonist who is actually old, served in the army, got married, and worked for many years. An experienced and mature person, who legitimately can have skills and knowledge, and not some high schooler shut-in otaku who spends his time reading about ancient manufacturing methods of everything. The chapters were detailed and long, we got nice... more>> overview of what MC saw and his thoughts. However, It quickly turned into a huge disappointment. The MC turned out to be an immature ret*rd who is maybe slightly better than the average teen MC we often see. After the first 10+ chapters, the long chapters get really old. The reason the chapters are long is because they are plagued with absurdly long explanations, reasonings, and other trivial stuff. The dialog becomes terrible because you often have 6 or more paragraphs of explanations between 2 lines of dialog. The novel turned out to be extremely boring and tedious to read. You always want to skip boring stuff and read something more interesting, but because of the structure of the novel, it is hard to do so.

The writing of this novel is not that good. I don't know if it was the translation or the original, but as the novel goes on, it makes less and less sense. The sentences become less coherent and the logic more flowed. The explanations start to repeat and cover the actual content. Some chapters can be skipped entirely without any problems. It is an extremely tedious slice of life novel. Every chapter you get details on how much they walked, what they ate, what was the seating arrangement, meaningless small talk, etc. This stuff gets so annoying as you keep reading. And volume 3 starts with some nonsense that is impossible to make sense of.

Romance in the novel does not exist. There is literally nothing. He and she meet, they say: oh, I like you, let's get married! - Sure, lets. Done! The whole romance. For more than 100 chapters MC does even think about romance, and then he meets his old female acquaintance and the whole romance is: from now on you are my woman! And they started the relationship. No one goes on dates, no gifts, no hugs, no anything that can be considered romantic. He even got her separate room and they only meet occasionally when either of them gets h**ny. They don't even talk that much to each other unless it's business related. And then they got married without any ceremony or announcements in secret. The same is true pretty much about everyone else. All you know is that everyone has a partner and that is the extent of the romance.

Adventure is also not there. After he leaves home, he just sits in one town and farms the dungeon. That would be alright if there was something happening, but for the majority of the novel, there is nothing going on. All you read about is day-to-day stuff. Something like: "Today I went to the capital city and came to the office. I said hello to this person and this person and that child is cute as always. I ate a stake at this restaurant afterward and sold some cond*ms to the brothel. Then I came back to the dungeon." This is the kind of stuff the whole novel consists of.

Now about cond*ms. When you talk about this novel, you can't not talk about cond*ms. For the first time, MC starts a business that's not food (also he does start selling food later on), or metals, but rubber. Of course, he makes shoes and other stuff, but his main product is pretty much cond*ms. The novel is filled with gags about cond*ms, how great cond*ms are and how everyone buys cond*ms and there literally as much stuff about cond*ms as about adventure and everything else. Not sure why the author is obsessed with cond*ms so much, but what is sad is that cond*ms are probably what is the most interesting about this novel so far.

In regards to character development, there is none. I can't say that I know any character in the novel, including MC. He is very awkward and immature. During five years that he "adventured" and 14 years prior at his home, there was no character growth or change. Overall there is no emotions in this novel at all. There is just statement of facts. It is really difficult to get attached to any character. Secondary characters often have more personality than the main. This is also true for his family. Supposedly they all have a great relationship and love each other, but it's not really shown, especially with the siblings. When they meat each other they either talk business or fight. Other than few occasions you might actually think they hate each other. The story is actually interesting, but the writing is poor and because there is an overabundance of explanations, it is pretty boring to read. Honestly, For over 300 chapters there is so little that happens, you can probably count the number of interesting events on one hand. <<less
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kaito29 rated it
June 21, 2018
Status: c129
I think this is a pretty good novel. Now I read it up to chapter 129. For review:


- too many explanations that are not related to the story at the time. Examples of explanations about the use of MP, efficiency of MP etc. If you read it you will understand on some chapter the comparison between explanation of the MC and the subject of the story around 50:50 or more than 50% (do not compare with re: monsters that use the first person's point of view without conversation, this novel... more>> has conversation but sometimes very little when compared with the explanation of the MC)

- I think the MC can not trust anyone and even his own acquaintances before reincarnation either about his goals or his abilities, whereas his friends explain their abilities and trust MC. If they say smart, sometimes MC looks very s*upid. Some examples (maybe spoilers) when developing rubber MC are eager to make tires for caravans. Why he did not develop anything else and instead move on the development of the tires that are explained quite a lot on the chapter and I do not think tires are needed (this is a tire, unlike rubber for wheels in Magi Craft Meister). Another example, when one of the female characters is drugged and taken to in the middle of a forest by a male figure, the MC can not take the conclusions about what the man will do. I think it's so s*upid.

- there is a tag about the game element, but the skill in this novel looks very bearable. There are only unique skills and special skills, and special skills only range between magic and skill for a particular race. No normal skills and it feels a bit annoying when viewing the status of others and only see some skills that continue to be displayed

- I think MC not too OP is not too bad, but MC can not use its ability to the maximum that makes it look bad. In the initial chapter, MC's magic is pretty high and can beat 2 hor *** be **, but then he can not beat that monster who has the same level with MC until the 3rd try with high MC magic level.


+ the whole story (without a long explanation) is pretty good, the stable story development is not too slow in my opinion. A coherent storyline with no skipping or interruption in storyline or chapter (when compared to Living with Cut and paste chapter 160-200 in raw)

+ no death of a loved one, fraud, betrayal in novel (my favorite genre)

conclusion: if you skip the MC's explanation in some parts, this is a novel worth reading. <<less
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honglath rated it
March 31, 2018
Status: c253
An almost constant info dump, with slow slice of life chapter packs, this novel will make you want to skip paragraphs just to find the next 'good' part.

It's slow when compared to other, more fast-paced novels and yet reasonably fast when compared to snail-crawl novels.

And its under this slow, constant text dump that you'll find the subtle points that draw you in.

The side stories are depressing, the main character is weird, the side characters are templates with a quirk that differentiates them from one another and the extras are buried... more>> in the background as they should.

The author struggles to make a story where all the characters are their own, yet we see only the parts that the MC sees. These walls of text serve as a way of trying to make the world feel alive, to feel that it exists beyond the MC, beyond the plot, beyond his interactions with it. And it's hard to keep up with as you feel you want to skip through it all, looking just for the juicy parts.

When I started reading this novel, I was expecting something very different than what it is. I have no idea if I like it based on what i've read so far and I don't really know if I should recommend it in a good way... But it is something to be started, even if not finished. <<less
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OrokaneBaka rated it
March 15, 2018
Status: v1c12
I wish there was more dialogue. T-T most of it is just the guy thinking to himself. Even when there is possiblity for dialogue they will just gloss over like "And then he went there and talked to him and they came to an agreement and they passed on, but he told him to do this. And so the day came to an end." etc. Etc.

Seriously, please add more dialogue.
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CLE9595 rated it
December 4, 2017
Status: c120
Well here's the pros and cons

Pros : It is really well writed, there is no usless Harem nor ecchi, the MC is smart and not doing s*upid things, you really can see how would a REAL (even if this is not possible) transportation in magical & sword place would be. The characters are well develloped etc...

Cons: Only one, But... this is what I hate the most in story

-Toomuch sidestory in the story (Doesn't go forward), There is a lot of things that the autor writing are usless to the story... more>> or worldbuilding, you could resume the 300 chapter in 100 easyli without loosing any information <<less
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Zerak rated it
December 1, 2017
Status: v1c37
If you are into kingdom/base creation then this might suite you. It's interesting I just didn't find what I was looking for at the time in the novel.

to me it lacked that extra spark that made me think about the novel before I sleep wondering what will happen.
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A good reincarnation story where the MC is not a know-it-all that suddenly knows everything from his world. Most of these knowledge is related to his job and not like those Chinese MCs that reincarnating to another made them a freaking Einstein.


A slow and detailed story about how the MC adapt to the new world. With the help of the almighty plot armor, a blessing from god, he pave his to achieve his ambition. The bad thing about the story there's no impetus why the MC wants to become king.... more>> It is like that he suddenly wanted to be a king.

The side characters is a bit bland like it is generic. An example is the parents is just like a generic parents without any personalities. If you compare to Mushoku's, in that story you can understand the character and emotion of the parent. An example is where Rudy's dad started as being egotistic, s*xual harassing yet loving father and how he changed because of the tragedy. Here in Otoko, the parents are just being a caring parent. No indication on how they act with other characters other than the MC and his siblings.

The side stories are good and reminds me of the terminal stories in Fallout 4. Tragic and yet very in depth explanation how the others is taking in the reincarnation.


oniichanyamete TL group translated it well, making it easy to read for the readers but; after they drop the series, reading became a chore. Commas and grammar are the main suspects and IMO the translator should at least ask someone to proofread. There are sentences that you need to double read to understand what is the true meaning, which destroys the momentum of reading, Honestly, Kudos to the translator in translating fast releases but at the expense of low quality I guess it is better to wait it out for PRing.

Overall it is like Mushoku in how he accepts and adapts his life in another world but doesn't have emotional and character attachment that you could feel in Mushoku. Think of it is like a Mushoku Lite. <<less
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novelideot rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: side story 31 part2
The story is good, and it's engaging and very enjoyable overall (although the current dungeon arc seems to be taking up a huge part of the story).

For people who like smart, hard-working OPs, this one is definitely one of the better ones. The MC is not so completely OP that he doesn't have to worry about things, and there are some problems that he can't deal with just brute force.

A steady amount of drama, some stark realism ... more>>

(of the 39 people who got reincarnated, quite a few died horribly, even unfairly; but don't let that deter you, the work isn't dark nor tragic)

and even a surprising amount of character work for a WN.

Also, just a shout-out to DarkSilencer who's like a Translating God! He puts out great quality and is like a machine with the amount he puts out! Thanks, DS! <<less
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scribbledoutname rated it
April 26, 2017
Status: c6
It's not that bad but not that good either. There's not much to hook you into reading on. I love RPG mechanics but the MC here discovers everything so slowly that it's tedious, and it's not even like the bland mechanics introduced are anything to write home about.

It's also jarring that his siblings are OK with a one year old shouting something like, "Use the sickle on its neck!" It'd be more believable if something like that happened when he hit 2 years so the term "genius" and not "calculating... more>> demonspawn" would apply. I've seen a few JP & CN stories like this now and I'm starting to wonder if any of these authors have even met a real baby or toddler.

Anyway, as I said, the story isn't bad but there's not enough to keep me reading (unless I run out of other stories). Six very slow chapters (minus one brief incident) is the limit of my patience. Owing to the way it's been handled so far, I don't get the impression that this is the sort of author that'll introduce a groundbreaking plot further down the line... but who knows, I could be wrong.

3 stars for now, at least. <<less
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