One Day I Found the Emperor Niece


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She entered a novel where a princess with superpowers becomes a villain and the world is destroyed. But she found out about this the moment the villain called her ‘Mom.’

The emperor even asked her to become the girl’s tutor, acting as her mother. In the end, for the sake of the princess and her future, the emperor and I became a window display couple… The emperor seems to be getting more and more strange.

“Hey, what will the baby be like?”

“…Your Majesty, please help me.”

Hearing her earnest call, Carlix tilted his upper body and gazed at her seriously.

“Listen carefully, Rubelin. The baby will not be born until you leave this room.”

Your Majesty! Why are you doing this to me?!

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One day I picked up the emperor's nephew
어느 날 황제의 조카를 주웠다
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