Older Brother Will Do His Best for His Villainous Sister! Huh?!


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Akira Mashiro died in a car accident just a month after entering university.

He was reincarnated in an Otome game ” Twilight Saint and Seven Lovers ” ( TasoKoi) , which his older sister had forced him to play.

He was reincarnead as Alex , the older brother of the villainess named Melinda

There’s no way I’m going to let my cute little sister meet a bad end!

The older brother will do his best for his villainous sister! Huh?

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bigstew rated it
November 24, 2023
Status: c62
well, for otome villianess wn's, its not bad, glad the groups mtl's this stuff, I mostly enjoyed it but let me list the typical reasons this wn is suffering (cause is jp author) not basic story wise, several years of writing by author and just these short chpts quanity wise even for a hobby is just 50/50, as usual typical amateur jp author theres a checklist that takes priority for a higher chance to get a paychec (blame jp publishers and kakuyo) which is include and emphasize sm related trends... more>> (unwanted and makes story worse but sells? Or gets higher bot ratings) which in most cases is force gender questions or bl implied elements etc which if thats the main goal fine but its ur typical insertions setup and story wise is now main focus at least until author does other wise, while time skip is always needed somewhat glossing over so much with ss setups as explainations when they could have spent more time with short chpts to fill in the gap with more details is a good reason why its not that popular. While villianess/villian otome wn's are few, this is worth intial read then wait and see since these short chpts rarely come out so its worth checking yearly or more likely dropping once u start to read <<less
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