Number 30


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The moment she opened her eyes, she was in a secret room.

“Do you remember anything?”
“…No. I don’t remember anything. What about you?”
“I don’t remember anything at all.”

A faint 30 on the wall. Tinnitus rang in her ears.

“Were you the first to wake up?”
“That seems to be the case. Unless someone is pretending to be asleep.”

The man next to her looked away from the people and replied quietly. Then, he was about to say something, but closed his mouth and stared. The clicking sound of the lighter suddenly ceased.

“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”

When she asked quizzically, the man finally spoke after a long while.

“It feels like we know each other.”

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No. 30
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A60 rated it
December 30, 2023
Status: c4
The story is good and I curious what will happen next and how they behave/react, the character also is good written. I can see and relate what will human do in cornered survival situation. Some will betray others or some will act of selfishness, some is anxious and panic, enemy can be ally, and some will protect the other.

I can't wait the next chapter, but sadly there only 4 in the website I read, if any of you know where I can read the next chapter or the similar story,... more>> please let me know😭🥺🙏 <<less
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